Day109: 每天5个GRE词汇

发布于 2021-05-09 09:09 ,所属分类:GRE英语考试学习资料

clan英 /klæn/ 美 /klæn/n. 宗族;部落;集团
考点1:n.(有共同爱好的)团体,帮派: a group united by a common interest or common characteristics
e.g.That clan of football fans has parties every weekend on which the New England Patriots play. 只要是新英格兰爱国者队有比赛的周末,那帮球迷就会举行聚会。
:body, bunch, circle, clique, community, coterie, coven, crowd, fold, network, pack, ring, set
:clannish adj.派系的;团结的

convention英 /kənˈvenʃn/ 美 /kənˈvenʃn/n. 大会;[法] 惯例;[计] 约定;[法] 协定;习俗
考点1:n.常规,习俗: general agreement on or acceptance of certain practices or attitudes
e.g.By convention, north is at the top of most maps 按照常规,北方在大多数地图上指向上
:custom, ritual, manner
考点2:n.公约,协议: a general agreement about basic principles or procedures
e.g.Under this circumstance Geneva convention does not comply此情形下《日内瓦公约》无效
:treaty, agreement, compact, contract
考点3:n.大会,集会: a coming together of a number of persons for a specified purpose
e.g.attended a convention of mathematicians in California 参加了加州数学家的一次集会
:assembly, congress, council, gathering
:conventional adj传统习俗上的

fallible英 /ˈfæləbl/ 美 /ˈfæləbl/adj. 易犯错误的;不可靠的
考点1:adj.可能出错的: tending or likely to be erroneous or capable of making an error
e.g.They are only human and all too fallible.他们都是人类,因此难免犯错。lla hasty, fallible generalization有可能出错的匆促总结
:fail-safe, foolproof, infallible, unfailing万无一失的,不可能出错的
:fallibility n.易错

prevalent英 /ˈprevələnt/ 美 /ˈprevələnt/adj. 流行的;普遍的,广传的
考点1:adj.流行的,普遍的: widely or commonly occurring, existing, accepted, or practiced
e.g.The kinds of accidents are frequently seen in places where snowmobiles are prevalent.这种类型的事故在摩托雪橇盛行的地区是很常见的。
:conventional, dominant, common, popular, predominant, preponderant, prevailing, rife
:absent, rare 缺少的,稀少的;unusual与众不同的
:prevalence n.流行,遍及

scrupulous英 /ˈskruːpjələs/ 美 /ˈskruːpjələs/adj. 细心的;小心谨慎的;一丝不苟的
考点1:adj.正直的: guided by or in accordance with one's sense of right and wrong; principled
e.g.Less scrupulous companies find ways to evade the law. 道德程度略低的公司钻法律的空子。
:conscionable, ethical, honest, honorable, moral, principled
:cutthroat, dishonest, dishonorable, immoral, unconscionable, unethical, unjust, unprincipled不道德的
考点2:adj. 一丝不苟的: taking, showing, or involving great care and effort
e.g.The task requires scrupulous attention to detail. 这项任务需要对细节一丝不苟。
:careful, conscientious, fussy, meticulous

