GRE or not?2022申请季美研申请指南(下)
发布于 2021-09-01 15:46 ,所属分类:GRE英语考试学习资料
接上周文章,本文继续为大家盘点美国Top 30大学研究生申请中的Gre政策。
列举前需要简单说明Gre optional和Gre not required的 区别,和美本申请的Test Optional相似,Gre optional允许学生提交Gre成绩,但不作强制要求,而Gre not required则不需要学生提交Gre成绩,也不会考虑Gre成绩作为录取的条件。部分学校的Gre optional/not required政策只针对2022学年申请季,有的将计划延续上述政策,未来想要申请美硕的同学需注意学校的具体官方要求。

School of Art & Science: 除了Economics,Mathematics and Statistics和一小部分Education的专业需要提交GRE, 其他艺术与科学学院的项目都不强制要求提交。
a)Not required:Anthropology、Classics、MA in Theater and Performance Studies、MFA in Dance、Geology, Geobiology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Planetary Science、English、Film and Media Studies、History in 2021-2022 cycle、Music、Psychological & Brain Sciences in 2021 cycle、Sociology、大部分Education项目。
b)Optional:Chemistry、East Asian Languages and Cultures
c)Required:Economics、Mathematics and Statistics
Brown School: not required

McKelvey School of Engineering:许多项目已决定将 2022 年春季申请者GRE设为可选项目。虽然是可选的,但学校仍然鼓励学生提交GRE

Olin Business School:商学院大部分研究生项目都需要提供GRE,例如Accounting,Business Analytics, 而MBA项目则不需要提交GRE,可根据个人需求提交成绩用来美化申请。
a)Master of Business Administration(MBA)

b)Master of Accounting, MS in Business Analytics, Master of Science in Finance, MS in Supply Chain Management: 需要提供GRE or GMAT
Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts: GRE not required

School of Law:需要提供GRE或者law school admission test(LAST)二选一

School of Medicine:下面是医学院各部门对GRE的要求,医学院大部分专业都不需要提交GRE,相反申请者需要相关专业的技能考试成绩,例如听力学博士以及聋人教育理学硕士必须满足并履行所有资格要求和基本职能。
a)Medical Education:没提及是否需要GRE,个别专业需要提交MCAT
b)Audiology & Communication Sciences:唯一需要提供GRE成绩的是AuD(Doctor of Audiology)和PhD(Doctor of Philosophy)的申请者, 但因为疫情,GRE提交为optional
c)Biology & Biomedical Sciences(PhD):都不强制要求提交GRE,个别专业可选择性的提交。
1.Not required:Biomedical Informatics and Data Science,Cancer Biology,Developmental, Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology,Immunology,Molecular Cell Biology,Molecular Genetics and Genomics
2.Optional:Biochemistry, Biophysics & Structural Biology,Computational and Systems Biology,Evolution, Ecology and Population Biology,Human and Statistical Genetics,Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis,Neurosciences,Plant and Microbial Biosciences
d)Occupational Therapy:2021-2022届申请生不需要提供GRE

e)Physical Therapy:not required
f)Biomedical Informatics, Clinical Investigation, Population Health Sciences & More:not required
Graduate School Professional Degrees:大部分项目仍不需要提供GRE,小部分项目例如Applied Economics and Management,Applied Statistics,Real Estate需要提交GRE。
a.Optional:Health Administration、Industrial and Labor Relations(2021 cycle only)、Public Health、
b.Not required:Landscape Architecture、Public Administration、Professional Studies(大部分)、Regional Planning
c.Required:Applied Economics and Management,Applied Statistics,Real Estate
Professional Degrees Administered Outside the Graduate School:not required

College of Veterinary Medicine
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine:not required
Cornell Law School
J.D.program:LSAT, GRE or GMAT三选一提交
Master of Laws (LL.M.) program:not required
Cornell Tech
所有Master of Engineering programs:因疫情原因无法提交则不需要Gre成绩
所有Dual Master Degrees programs:因疫情原因无法提交则不需要Gre成绩
所有MBA program:optional

SC Johnson College of Business
MPS in Management:2022届optional

Executive MBA:not required

Weill Cornell Medicine
Ph.D.Degrees:提供了七个博士生专业,其中六个not required GRE,只有Pharmacology是GRE optional
Master’s Degrees:大部分专业是GRE optional,例如Health Policy and Economics,Health Informatics,Computational Biology,而唯一提及需要提交GRE的专业是Health Sciences for the Physicians Assistants。
EMBA/Master’s Degrees:not required
The Graduate School: 不同专业需求不同,部分专业需要GRE,拥有PhD, JD, MD or other doctoral degree的申请者不需要提供GRE。
College of Arts and Letters
Master degree
1.Optional:大部分education,fine art专业以及小部分MA专业,例如Alliance for Catholic Education,Creative Writing,French,Design,Theology,Italian Studies。
2.Not required:Studio Art,Sacred Music,English
3.Required:Classics,Early Christian Studies,Echo Theology
2.Not accepted:Spanish,Sacred Music,Psychology,English, History and Philosophy of Science
3.Required:History,Economics,Medieval Studies,Peace Studies,Political Science,Sociology,Theology
College of Engineering
Master degree:除了Civil and Environmental, Engineering and Earth Sciences两个项目是不接受GRE成绩,其他专业都PhD:GRE optional
College of Science
Master degree:除了Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics项目需要提供GRE,其他专业都不强制要求提交GRE。
PhD:GRE optional
Keough School of Global Affairs
Master degree:optional or not accepted
PhD:大部分专业需要提供GRE,例如Peace Studies and Theology,Peace Studies and Sociology,但也有少部分专业例如Peace Studies and Anthropology则是可以选择性提交GRE。
School of Architecture:required,only optional for fall 2021 applicants

Mendoza College of Business MBA program: offer a 2021-2022 GRE waiver

c.Business Analytics:required


g.Non-Profit Administration:not required
The Law School: LSAT and/or GRE
Goizueta Business School:
a.MBA/Master of Analytics Finance:required,但因为疫情原因无法考试的学生可以提交豁免申请。
b.Part-time MBA/Executive MBA:optional
c.MS in Business Analytics:required
d.PhD:require GMAT
School of Law: 基本所有法学专业都需要提交LSAT or MCAT而不是GRE,Juris master可以提交GRE来代替LSAT OR MCAT。
School of Medicine
a.个别专业需要提交MCAT成绩而非GRE(例如doctor of medicine)
b.个别专业可提交MCAT或者GRE(例如MMSc in Anesthesiology)
c.个别专业需要提交GRE(例如Doctor of Physical Therapy, MMSc in Human Genetics and Genetic Counseling, MMSc in Physician Assistant,)
School of Nursing:并没有提及关于gre的任何信息
Rollins school of Public Health
a.Biostatistics & Bioinformatics(BIOS)

b.Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health (EH)

c.Gangarosa Department of Environmental Health (EH)

d.Hubert Department of Global Health (GH)

e.Candler school of Theology:not required

f.Laney Graduate School各个专业的要求如下

Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
a.MS in Foreign Service:optional
b.MA in Security Studies:如果本科是在英语为教学语言的教学机构获得的,学生有两个选择,一是提交GRE,二是补充一个分析文章“讨论美国或国际体系面临的安全挑战,并确定可能的解决方案“。

c.Master of Global Human Development:not required
d.MA in Arab Studies:not required
e.M.A.Asian Studies:not required but strongly recommended
f.MA in Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies:not required but strongly recommended
g.MA in German and European Studies:not required
h.MA in Latin American Studies:not required
i.MA in International Business and Policy:optional
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
a.not mentioned or not required:Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner/Aging & Health/Arab Studies/Art and Museum Studies/Asian Studies/Biomedical Science Policy and Advocacy/Biology/Biotechnology/Catholic Clinical Ethics/Chemistry/Clinical Nurse Leader/Communication, Culture & Technology/Computer Science/Conflict Resolution/Data Science and Analytics
b.required:Arabic and Islamic Studies/PhD in Economics/
c.optional:Biohazardous Threat Agents & Emerging Infectious Diseases and Certificate/Bioinformatics/Biostatistics/Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/
Georgetown University Law Center:LSAT, GRE, or GMAT Score
McCourt School of Public Policy:required,但MPP, MIDP和MS-DSPP的申请者可以提交GRE豁免申请。学校强烈推荐提交GRE成绩,否则对于背景不好的学生会有负面影响。

McDonough School of Business
a.M.S. in Business Analytics/M.S. in Environment and Sustainability Management/M.A. in International Business and Policy:optional,but recommended
b.M.S. in Finance/MBA:required
c.Master’s in Management:为本科GPA高于或等于3.2的申请生提供GRE豁免申请,反之则需要提供GRE。
School of Nursing and Health Studies:not required
Taubman College:not required

School of art & design:not required

School of Business:
a.MBA 2021-2022 cycle的申请者可以提交GRE豁免申请

b.其他研究生专业 本科GPA高于等于3.3可以提交GRE豁免申请

c.包括Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management & Organizations, Strategy, and Technology & Operations在内的博士申请生不再需要提交gre,但 joint Business & Economics PhD program仍然需要提交GRE。

School of Dentistry:除了MS in Orthodontics需要提交GRE,其他专业并未提及对GRE的需求。
School of Education:研究生专业都不需要GRE,而大部分博士生专业则需要提供GRE。
School of Kinesiology:not required both master and PhD
School of Information:not required both master and PhD
School of Environment and Sustainability:not required both master and PhD
College of Engineering:因为疫情原因,大部分工程专业都不强制要求提交GRE,个别专业提供了GRE optional,例如Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering和Macromolecular Science & Engineering专业。还有小部分专业(Materials Science and Engineering)宣称会在九月份公布对gre的要求。

College of Literature,Science and the Art:not required for 2021-2022 cycle applicants,例如Chemistry,Data Science,Mathematics。只有M.A. in Economics是GRE optional。
Medical School:大部分专业是GRE not required,少部分专业例如Biochemistry和Bioinformatics为GRE optional。
School of Music, Theatre & Dance:not required

School of Nursing:not required

College of Pharmacy:not required
School of Public Health:not required for the academic year starting fall 2022

School of Public Policy:optional for 2022-2023 cycle applicants

School of Social Work:not required
USC School of Architecture:not required

Leventhal School of Accounting:not required

Roski School of Art and Design:optional
Marshall School of Business
i.Full-time MBA: required
ii.EMBA: optional
iii.Online MBA: optional for spring 2022
iv.IBEAR MBA (1-Year, Mid-Career):八月底出政策
b.M.A. degree大部分仍需提交GRE,例如M.S in Business Analytics,M.S. in Finance,M.S. in Marketing,M.S. in Business Administration。还有少部分专业例如M.S. Social Entrepreneurship和Master of Business for Veterans则是GRE optional。唯一明确表示不需要提供GRE的专业是M.S. Global Supply Chain Management。
School of Cinematic Arts: 只有Cinema and Media Studies部门提及了需要提交GRE。其他部门并未提及。
Division of Bio-kinesiology and Physical Therapy: Bio-kinesiology研究生申请需要提交GRE,博士申请不需要;Physical Therapy博士June 2022申请不需要提交GRE。
Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry:not required
Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism:not required
Rossier School of Education:not required

School of Dramatic Arts:not required
Viterbi School of Engineering:required,只有在本校完成本科或研究生或博士生学位的才可以免除GRE。

Davis School of Gerontology:提到了如果申请者拥有强大的学术能力,可以免除 GRE。如果需要GRE,会在审核过程中通知。
Gould School of Law:not required
Keck School of Medicine:部分专业并未在申请要求里提及GRE,少数专业需要提交GRE,例如Master of Academic Medicine,MS in Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine和MS in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine。
Thornton School of Music:not required
School of Pharmacy:药学院研究生项目分五大类,其中Pharmaceutical & Translational Sciences项目下面的大部分研究生专业都需提交GRE,而博士生则不需要提供。Healthcare Decision Analysis项目和Regulatory Science项目都是GRE optional。Biopharmaceutical Marketing项目和Healthcare Economics项目则都需要提交GRE。
Price School of Public Policy:waived for fall 2022 applicants
School of Social Work:研究生项目不需要提交GRE, PhD项目需要。
Neuroscience Graduate Program:no longer required
Bovard College:not required
Iovine and Young Academy:没提及
Tepper School of Business
a.PhD项目和研究生项目都需要提交GRE,其中online MS in Business Analytics项目为学历优秀者提供了豁免GRE的机会,MS in Product Management也为申请者提供了GRE豁免申请,但需要提交一封书面文案讨论申请者的本科GPA,学术成就等,并且入学后还需上要求的课程来证明自己有能力进行研究生课程。

School of Computer Science:要求如下图

Mellon College of Science:all departments don't required GRE
a.Biological Sciences:not required
b.Chemistry:not required for 2021 cycle
c.Mathematical Sciences:not required but recommended
d.Physics:not required but recommended。
Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy:optional,only required for PhD program。
Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences:
a.English、Institute for Politics and Strategy、Neuroscience、Statistics& Data Science:not required
c.Philosophy、Modern Languages(部分专业)、Social and Decision Sciences:required
College of Fine Arts:
e.School of Architure:required,only optional for 2020-2021 cycle
f.School of Design:没提及
g.School of Drama:not required

h.School of Art:not required
i.School of Music:optional for 2022 application cycle
College of Engineering:not required/optional(Integrated Innovation Institute项目)for spring2022。
School of Education and Human Development:
a.PhD:大部分项目not required,个别项目例如Ph.D. in Education - Special Education、Ph.D. in Education - Reading Education、and Ed.D. in Administration and Supervision仍然需要提交GRE。
b.Ed.D:not required,但接受申请后五年内需要考GRE
c.Master degree:部分项目需要提交GRE,例如Master of Science in Athletic Training;部分项目不需要提交,例如Master of Education、Master of Business Administration、Education Specialist。
Darden School of Business:MB、EMBA、M.S. in business analytics都需要提交GRE、GMAT、EA三选一,招生办会根据申请者的具体情况提供标准化测试豁免。
Schools of Public Policy:optional
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences:部分专业不需要提交GRE,具体如图

McIntire School of Commerce:不同项目要求不相同,例如M.S. in the Management of IT是GRE optional;M.S. in Accounting以及M.S. in Commerce(2022-2023 cycle申请者only)则不需要提供GRE;M.S. in Business Analytics以及M.S. in Global Commerce明确要求需要提交GRE。
School of Architecture:not required

School of Engineering and Applied Science:optional
McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science:工程学院所有硕士项目申请者都需要提交Gre成绩。

School of Law:J.D. 项目要求提交Law School Admission Test (LSAT) score, Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) score, or GRE General Test score三选一。网站并未提及LL.M和S.J.D两个项目是否需要GRE。
School of Medicine:not required

School of Nursing:not required
Required:PhD in Sociology、MS in Statistics and Operations Research、MS in Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling、MS in Orthodontics、MA in Digital Communication、PhD in Economics、PhD in Business Administration、PhD in Oral and Craniofacial Biomedicine、PhD in Education、ED.D in Educational Leadership、PhD in School Psychology、MA/MS/PhD in Mathematics、PhD in Physics and Astronomy、Master of Public Administration
Graduate School of Arts & Science:
a.required:Mathematics and Statistics,PhD in Physics(如果拥有研究生学位,可以提交GREwaiver),Counseling,Health and Exercise Science。
b.optional:Communication,Computer Science,MS in Physics,Interpreting and Translation Studies,Religious Studies,Sustainability。
c.not required:MA in Bioethics,MS or PhD in Biology,Liberal Arts Studies,Documentary Film,Education,English。
d.Chemistry 2021 applicants不需要提交,Psychology 2021 applicants不需要提交。
School of Business:required for all programs,例如MS in Management,MS in Accountancy,MS in Business Analytics,Online MBA。
School of Law:未提及
School of Divinity:not required

School of Medicine:Medicine和Nursing项目都不需要提交GRE;Physician Assistant项目需要提交GRE;Biomedical项目大部分都不需要提交考试成绩,包括但不限于Addiction Research and Clinical Health MS,Biomedical Engineering MS and Biomedical Engineering PhD,Biomedical Science MS,Clinical Research Management MS,Comparative Medicine MS,Genetic Counseling MS, Master of Healthcare Leadership,Integrative Physiology and Pharmacology PhD,Molecular and Cellular Biosciences PhD。唯一提及需要提交GRE or USMLE的专业为Translational and Health System Science MS。
Graduate School of Arts & Science:
a.required:Applied Quantitative Research,Mathematics,Comparative Literature,Computer Science,Data Science,Economics,Ergonomics and Biomechanics,International Relations,Mathematics in Finance,Philosophy,Poetics and Theory,Politics PhD,Sociology,
b.optional:English and American Literature,Environmental Health Sciences,Hebrew and Judaic Studies,Latin American and Caribbean Studies,Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies,Museum Studies,
not required:Africana Studies,American Studies PhD,Anthropology,Animal Studies,Biology,Chemistry,Classics,Creative Writing,Digital Humanities,East Asian Studies,European and Mediterranean Studies,Fine Arts,French,French Studies,German,Historical and Sustainable Architecture,History,Irish and Irish-American Studies,Italian Studies,Journalism,Linguistics,Music,Near Eastern Studies,Neural Science,Physics,Politics M.A.,Psychology,Postdoctoral Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis,Religious Studies,Russian and Slavic Studies,Social and Cultural Analysis,Spanish and Portuguese,Ancient World,Experimental Humanities & Social Engagement。
College of Dentistry:需要提交GRE的是MS in Biomaterials;MS in Clinical Research需要提交GRE or USMLE (US Medical Licensing Examination) or DAT (Dental Admission Test)三选一
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences:required
Gallatin School of Individualized Study:not required

Grossman School of Medicine:GRE not required,require MCAT(Medical College Admission Test)
The Institute of Fine Arts:not required

Institute for the Study of the Ancient World:required

Leonard N. Stern School of Business:
a.Ph.D. Program:required either GRE or GMAT

b.MBA:required,可以选择提交GRE, GMAT OR EA(Executive Assessment), LSAT(Law School Admission Council), MCAT(Association of American Medical Colleges), DAT(American Dental Association)六个考试成绩其中一个。
c.Executive MBA:optional
d.商学院提供了两种不同的研究生项目,分别为刚接触的申请者和经验丰富的申请者。第一种项目名下的专业都需要提交GRE,例如Marketing and Retail Science,Quantitative Finance,Data Analytics and Business Computing等,Accounting专业也需要提交GRE,但申请者如若满足一定条件,则可以豁免提交;第二种项目名下的专业则大部分都为GRE optional,例如Risk Management,Business Analytics,小部分专业例如Global Finance则是招生办会根据申请者的学术背景决定是否要求其提交GMAT。

Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service:optional for most master degree,唯一需要提交GRE的研究生专业是MS in Public policy; 所有PhD项目都需要提交GRE。

Rory Meyers College of Nursing:not required
School of Global Public Health:not required
School of Professional Studies:not required
School of Law:LLM/JSD degree未提及是否需要提交GRE;JD degree从LSAT/GRE中二选一。
Silver School of Social Work:not required
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development:具体专业要求可以在下面链接查看
a.Master of Science
1.required:Communicative Sciences and Disorders/Speech-Language Pathology
2.not required:Games for Learning/Nutrition and Dietetics: 34-Credit Clinical Nutrition/Nutrition and Dietetics: Foods and Nutrition/Nutrition and Dietetics: 40-Credit Clinical Nutrition/Occupational Therapy (Professional)/
3.optional:Applied Statistics for Social Science Research
b.Master of Art
1.required:Teachers of Art, Grades K-12, Professional Certification/Teaching Art, Grades K-12, Initial Certification/Bilingual Education for Teachers/Childhood Education and Childhood Special Education, Grades 1-6, Initial Certification/Teaching Dance, Grades K-12, Professional Certification/Educational Leadership: School Building Leader/Educational Theatre, Grades K-12, Initial Certification/Teaching English, Grades 7-12, Professional Certification/Literacy Education, Birth-Grade 6, Professional Certification/Literacy Education, Grades 5-12, Professional Certification/Teaching Music, Grades Pre-K–12: Initial Certification/Childhood Special Education, Grades 1-6, Professional Certification/Early Childhood Special Education, Birth-Grade 2, Professional Certification/
2.not required:Art, Education, and Community Practice/Art Therapy/Costume Studies/Counseling and Guidance (School Counseling or Bilingual School Counseling, Pre-K-12)/Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness/Teaching Dance in the Professions/Digital Media Design for Learning/Drama Therapy/Education and Social Policy/Educational Leadership, Politics, and Advocacy/Educational Theatre in Colleges and Communities/Environmental Conservation Education/Food Studies/Higher Education and Student Affairs/History of Education/International Education/Media, Culture, and Communication/Music Business/Music Education/Music Therapy/Performing Arts Administration/Pathokinesiology/Sociology of Education/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Non-Certification/Visual Arts Administration
3.optional:Human Development Research and Policy
c.Master of Music:not required
d.Master of Fine Art:not required
e.PhD:基本大多数博士生项目都不需要提交GRE,少部分项目仍然需要提交GRE,例如History of Education,Occupational Therapy,Physical Therapy和Physical Therapy For Practicing Physical Therapists。PhD in Higher and Postsecondary Education以及EdD in Higher Education Administration两个项目虽然也要求提交GRE,但同时也允许申请者单独撰写一份学术写作样本用来代替GRE,这两个项目暂时中止 2021 周期的 GRE 要求。
Tandon School of Engineering:要求如下图

Tisch School of the Arts:not required

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