
发布于 2021-04-19 20:00 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯

Japanese Official Says Olympics Could Still Be Canceled


A top ruling party official in Japan said Thursday it is still possible that the Tokyo Olympics could be canceled.

The comment came from Toshihiro Nikai, secretary general of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. He spoke to broadcaster TBS as COVID-19 cases have been rising across Japan.

"If it seems impossible to go on with the games, they must be definitely canceled," Nikai said. "If there is a surge in infections because of the Olympics, there will be no meaning to having the Olympics.?x-oss-process=image/format,webp" style="max-width:100%"> 二阶俊博表示:“如果似乎办不了奥运会,就必须明确取消。如果由于奥运会导致感染激增,那么举办奥运会就没有任何意义。”

However, Nikai added that he felt it was important for Japan to keep working to put on a successful Olympic Games. "It is a big opportunity. I want to make it a success," he said. "We will have many issues to resolve and prepare, and it is important to take care of them one by one."

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said in a statement there was "no change to the government position to do everything to achieve a safe and secure Olympics."

Tokyo organizers said they -- together with officials from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) -- "are fully focused on hosting the games this summer."

The recent rise in COVID-19 cases included 729 new cases in Tokyo on Thursday, the most since early February. Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike urged people in the city to take extra protections and asked people from outside Tokyo not to visit.

Tokyo, Osaka and several other areas began new anti-virus restrictions this month. The measures limited operating hours for restaurants and drinking establishments. Local media reported other areas were likely to put new restrictions in place as well.

Some experts have warned that a new COVID-19 version, or variant, might replace the current virus and cause an explosion of infections by early May.

Another Japanese official told a local television station that if the Tokyo Olympics do go forward, the events may be held with no fans. "I think the question is how to do the Olympics in a way that is possible in this situation," said Taro Kono. He is the government minister in charge of Japan's vaccination efforts. "That may mean there will probably be no spectators."

The delayed Tokyo Olympics are set to open on July 23, with the Paralympics to follow on August 24. Fans from outside Japan have already been banned. Now even Japanese attendees could be kept away.

Tokyo organizers have said they expect to announce a decision this month on the number of fans permitted at each event.

I'm Bryan Lynn.

Immigrants Play Big Part in Caring for Older Adults, Disabled in US


Proposed limits on immigration to the United States may worsen the nation's shortage of workers who care for old and disabled people, a new study finds.

More than three million immigrants work within the U.S. healthcare system. That represents 18 percent of all health care workers. Nearly 25 percent of care providers in nursing homes nationwide are immigrants. Nursing homes care for elderly adults and people with a physical disability or long-term health disorder.

Doctor Leah Zallman is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts. She was the lead writer of a report on the study. The report appeared earlier this month in the publication Health Affairs.
Leah Zallman博士是马萨诸塞州哈佛医学院的一名医学教授,也是该研究报告的主要作者。这篇报告于本月早些时候发表在《健康事物》刊物上。

Zallman said, "We rely heavily on immigrants to care for the elderly and disabled, particularly in their everyday care."

To take a closer look at the importance of immigrants in the healthcare system, Zallman and other researchers examined the Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the 2018 Current Population Survey.

The survey found that 1 million workers in the long-term healthcare industry were immigrants. That represents 23.5 percent of total workers in such jobs.

Zallman noted that immigrants are especially likely to work overnight hours. "This is an industry that needs people round-the-clock," she said. "They [immigrants] are really filling the gaps."

In 2017, more than 27 percent of direct care workers were immigrants. The study defined "direct care work" as nurses, home health aides or home care aides. Such workers help with everyday activities like helping people eat meals, put on clothes, and wash up.

Nurses and health aides perform other duties, such as taking a patient's blood pressure and offering range-of-motion exercises.

Home care aides may help clean a patient's home and cook food for them. They do not perform medical tasks.

The elderly population in America is expected to double by the year 2050. Workers who are prepared to care for elderly or disabled patients are already in short supply, the researchers noted.

The Health Resources and Services Administration predicts a 34-percent rise in the demand for direct care workers over the next 10 years.

Last month, the administration of President Donald Trump proposed legislation that would reduce the number of legal immigrants while placing more importance on educated, skilled immigrants. Such changes, the report noted, "could sharply reduce the number of low-wage immigrant workers.”

Albert Wu is a doctor and professor of health policy at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Maryland. He called the new study "very important and timely."
Albert Wu是马里兰州约翰霍普金斯公共卫生学院卫生政策的博士和教授。他称这项新研究“非常重要和及时。”

Wu said, "The current proposal to restrict immigration to more skilled or professional applicants runs directly counter to the need for this category of work."

I'm Ashley Thompson.

US Health Agency Issues New Guidelines to Safely Reopen Schools

美国疾控与预防中心发布新指南 指导学校安全地重新开放

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released new guidelines to help schools decide whether they can safely reopen.

Most U.S. school systems have been holding classes online during the COVID-19 pandemic. The CDC's new guidance suggests schools can safely reopen if they take the right protective measures.

For example, the health agency says teachers and students need to wear face coverings and practice social distancing.

It says schools should also urge students to wash their hands often and advises that teachers keep children in smaller groups throughout the day to limit contact. The CDC says schools also need to disinfect classrooms and test any students, teachers or employees showing signs of the virus.

The agency said most schools can safely reopen even if all their teachers have not yet been vaccinated. However, the guidance suggests that educators receive vaccines as soon as possible.

The CDC said research has shown that in-person learning, especially for younger students, is not a major driver in spreading the virus.

The agency said the best way to make sure schools are safe is to work to control the virus in communities. It urged local leaders to continually carry out testing to be sure their communities are not experiencing a sharp increase in cases.

If there is a fast rise in cases, the CDC said, schools should change their teaching methods to keep some students at home.

The updated CDC information included a color-coded guide designed to help schools decide whether to open and when they need to close.

President Joe Biden said during his election campaign that he wanted to get most students back to in-school learning by the end of his first 100 days in office.

Educators agree that students learn best in the classroom instead of at home. But some teachers have worried that going back to class might be unsafe.

In Chicago, school leaders and the labor union that represents teachers recently made a deal to get students back to the classroom. The teachers had threatened to stop working at one point because they were concerned about their own safety.

Experts believe the U.S. economy will improve when students get back to school. Parents will be able to get back to work as a result.

Biden's COVID-19 recovery bill currently being considered by the U.S. Congress includes $130 billion to help schools. That money would be used to help schools prepare for reopening and provide protective equipment for teachers and school workers.

I'm Dan Friedell.

Biden Proposes $1.9 Trillion Plan to Fight COVID-19, Help Economy


President-elect Joe Biden is proposing a coronavirus action plan that centers on mass vaccination in the United States and more financial assistance to help the economy. The plan could cost as much as $1.9 trillion dollars.

Biden sees the pandemic as the country's biggest problem. He said last week, "That's my No. 1 concern, to get the virus under control."

The plan aims to speed up vaccination of Americans by delivering more vaccine and working closely with states and local communities to get shots into the arms of more people.

Biden has set a goal of giving out 100 million shots in his first 100 days. Right now, the U.S. is vaccinating almost one million people a day, but it needs to get up to two million to reach Biden's goal.

Biden has said the plan would have "billions of dollars" to speed up vaccination. He is also asking Americans to look past their sense of pandemic fatigue. He wants a commitment to wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and avoiding large indoor gatherings.

The president-elect wants Congress to send more money to American states to help reopen schools and to avoid laying off teachers, police officers and health workers.

Biden's incoming White House economic adviser, Brian Deese, told Reuters the measures may include direct payments of $1,400 to most Americans.

A nation divided

The plan comes as a divided nation is experiencing the pandemic's most dangerous wave yet. So far, more than 380,000 Americans have died.

Biden hopes his plan will put the country on the path to recovery by the end of his first 100 days. "It's going to be hard," Biden said Monday after he got his second vaccine dose. "It's not going to be easy. But we can get it done."

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer of New York said the Biden COVID-19 plan will be the new Congress's first action this year.

But the biggest question for Biden is if he can "win the hearts and minds of the American people to follow his lead," said Dr. Leana Wen. She is a public health expert and emergency physician.

Under the Trump administration, more than 29 million doses of vaccine have been sent but only 10.3 million have gotten the first of two shots.

Biden wants to quickly increase that number by working closely with states and local communities to get more people vaccinated.

It will need cooperation "at all levels, as well as resources," said Dr. Nadine Gracia. She is the executive vice president of the nonpartisan Trust for America's Health.

Experts say, however, that the biggest problem may be public suspicion about the vaccine. Research shows it is a big problem, especially among Black Americans.


"It's important to...work to earn trust and build vaccine confidence in communities," said Gracia.

I'm Susan Shand.

The True Story of Pocahontas


Pocahontas is one of the most famous figures in American history. Many books and films portray her as a beautiful American Indian "princess" who made sacrifices to serve British colonial interests. These stories also suggest that she saved England's first Virginia settlers from death and starvation.

Most likely none of that is true.

Pocahontas was the daughter of Pamunkey Chief Wahunsenaca. He was leader of an alliance of about thirty Algonquian tribes and bands in Virginia when the British arrived in 1607.

This did not make her a "princess" however. Royalty was a European idea. Her family called her Matoaka, "flower between two streams." This likely referred to their home between Virginia's Mattaponi and Pamunkey Rivers.

Tradition has said that her father also called her "Pocahontas." This has several possible meanings, including "wanton" to "mischievous." The name suggests she had a lively personality.

Little is known of Pocahontas' childhood. Linwood "Little Bear" Custalow was a member of the Mattaponi tribe, an ally of Wahunsenaca's. Dr. Linwood's book, The True Story of Pocahontas, the Other Side of History reports about Mattaponi oral history. It says Matoakoa married a young Potowomac fighter named Kocoum when she was about 14. They had a child called Little Kocoum, who was raised among the Mattaponi. The book also says that the English murdered the older Kocoum.
人们对波卡洪塔斯的儿时知之甚少。林伍德·卡斯塔洛(Linwood "Little Bear" Custalow)是马特波尼部落的成员,该部落是Wahunsenaca的盟友。林伍德博士在《历史另一面:真实的波卡洪塔斯》一书中报道了马特波尼部落的口述历史,书中称波卡洪塔斯14岁时跟Potowomac部族一位年轻战士Kocoum结了婚。他们生了一个小孩,取名叫Little Kocoum,这个小孩在马特波尼部落长大。这本书还称英国人谋杀了老Kocoum。

In 1613, the English took Pocahontas and imprisoned her because they thought it would help influence negotiations with her father. They kept her for a year at the settlement of Jamestown.

At some point during her imprisonment, Pocahontas was declared a Christian and her British captors gave her a new name: Rebecca. The Mattaponi say at one point the English settlers permitted her sister to visit her. During that visit Pocahontas told her sister that she had been raped.

During her time at Jamestown, a British farmer named John Rolfe took an interest in her. The details of their relationship are not clear. In his writings, Rolfe said that he loved Pocahontas but also recognized that a marriage alliance between Britain and Virginia tribes would be helpful.
波卡洪塔斯在詹姆斯顿期间,一位名为约翰·罗尔夫(John Rolfe)的英国农民对她产生了兴趣。他们关系的细节并不清楚。罗尔夫在文字表述中写道,他爱着波卡洪塔斯,但是也坦诚英国和弗吉尼亚部落之间的婚姻联盟会有帮助。

Rolfe married Pocahontas in 1614, and she gave birth to a son, Thomas. The Mattaponi say her father did not attend the wedding. However he gave her a necklace made of pearls harvested from Virginia's coastal waters as a gift.

Pocahontas later traveled to England with Rolfe and Thomas to help bring attention to the new Virginia colony. She was presented to the Queen as Virginia's first Christian. Historical records say she was well-received.

However, Pocahontas became sick, and later died before she and Rolfe could return to Virginia. She was buried at St. George's Church in the Kent town of Gravesend on March 21, 1617. A memorial statue for Pocahontas stands there today.

Pocahontas is most famous for an event that likely never happened: Saving British explorer Captain John Smith from death by Chief Wahunsenaca in 1607.

Smith claimed that he had been taken prisoner by a group of fighters, who brought him before Chief Wahunsenaca. Smith said they were ready to kill him with a club. But, he wrote, Pocahontas threw herself down on top of the prisoner, which saved his life.

Today, the Mattaponi say it could not have happened. They say such behavior would not have been consistent with Virginia Native culture or custom. Non-Native researchers also suspect the truth of this story, taking note that even in his own time, people saw Smith as a liar who had an inflated sense of his own importance.

I'm Phil Dierking.

