发布于 2021-05-12 12:57 ,所属分类:考研学习资料大全

本期原文节选自北外2017年MTI考研真题,提供2版参考译文,获取真题全文,发送2017北外中英至gongzhong号消息框即可。推送译文仅供参考,快到留言区给出你的版本吧( •̀ ω •́ )✧
现存的长城是明朝修建的,用于抵御蒙古和女真族的侵扰。明朝统治者十分重视长城的修筑。公元 1368 年至 1620 年,长城共修建过 8 次。明长城东起鸭绿江,西至嘉峪关,全长超过 5000 公里。但鸭绿江至山海关一段城墙修建较差,一般认为山海关是明长城的东起点。明代长城的修建技术已经有了很大进步,所以长城的防御能力也大大提高。
1. 隐形逻辑:后半句可以看作前半句的目的。修建的目的是要抵御蒙古和女真的侵扰,直接用to连接即可,不用再重起句子。
2. 抵御……的侵扰:相比defend against the invasions by Mongols and Jurchens,resist Mongolian and Jurchen invasions更简练,重要的是invasion这一中心词也更突出。
译文A:The extant Great Wall was built in Ming dynasty to defend against the invasion by Mongols and Jurchens.
译文B:The extant Great Wall was built during the Ming dynasty to resist Mongolian and Jurchen invasions.
二、明朝统治者十分重视长城的修筑。公元 1368 年至 1620 年,长城共修建过 8 次。
3. 频繁切换主语:两版译文都没有以“明朝统治者”作为主语,而是用了被动,主要是考虑到语流的问题。上一句是The extant Great Wall was built during the Ming dynasty to resist Mongolian and Jurchen invasions. 这一句如果主语仍用“明朝统治者”,就得换主语,而下一句的主语又得变回“长城”。
4. 英文数字的书写规范:英文的规范是十以内的数字通常用拼写,此处直接用阿拉伯数字,可突出修建次数之多,所以,此处两种均可。
5. 公元:“公元 1368 年至 1620 年”,加上AD更严谨。
6. 信息合并:原文是两句,译文B按逻辑并为一句,信息更紧凑。对比两版译文:
译文A:Its construction was considered by Ming rulers as of great significance. The Ming Great Wall was built 8 times from 1368 to 1620.
译文B:Given its importance to the Ming rulers, the Great Wall was constructed and fortified eight times between 1368 AD and 1620 AD.
三、明长城东起鸭绿江,西至嘉峪关,全长超过 5000 公里。
7. 时态:上一句发生在过去,所以用过去时。这一句是对长城的介绍和描述,所以用一般现在时。
8. “全长5000公里”:可以说covering a length of 5000 km,也可以直接说covering 5000 km.
译文A:It starts from the Yalu river at the east end and stretches to the Jiayuguan Pass at the west end, covering a length of over 5000 km.
译文B:The Ming-era Great Wall extends from the Yalu River in the east, and stretches more than 5000 km before anchoring in Jiayu Pass, the westernmost point.
The extant Great Wall was built in Ming dynasty to defend against the invasion by Mongols and Jurchens. Its construction was considered by Ming rulers as of great significance. The Ming Great Wall wasbuilt 8 times from 1368 to 1620. It starts from the Yalu river at the east end and stretches to the Jiayuguan Pass at the west end, covering a length of over5000 km.
The extant Great Wall was built during the Ming dynasty to resist Mongolian and Jurchen invasions. Given its importance to the Ming rulers, the Great Wall was constructed and fortified eight times between 1368 AD and 1620 AD. The Ming-era Great Wall extends from the Yalu River in the east, and stretches more than 5000 km before anchoring in Jiayu Pass, the westernmost point.

