唱这首“Kokoleoko(The Rooster’s Call)”时,学赖比瑞亚人一样,发出公鸡的叫声“ko-ko-le-o-ko”。再唱几遍这首歌,同时以节奏棍配合“ko-ko-le-o-ko”的节奏型式轻敲。
Kokoleoko (The Rooster’s Call)
Ko-ko-le-o-ko, mama, ko-ko-le-o-ko
Ko-ko-le-o-ko, chicken crowing for day
Aby, Sarah, aby. Aby, chicken crowing for day
I tell you, aby, Sarah, aby
Aby, chicken crowing for day

用青蛙手偶和孩子互动,模仿青蛙的叫声尝试青蛙跳。更有挑战的是在跳三下的同时把关键词“blink, blink, blink”唱出来。简单的节奏和旋律模式帮助小朋友锻炼记忆力并且发展语言。
Galoomp Went the Little Green Frog
Galoomp went the little green frog one day
Galoomp went the little green frog
Galoomp went the little green frog one day
And his eyes went blink, blink, blink!