
发布于 2021-03-27 03:03 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯


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The Tanzania Conference

The Tanzania Conference will be held in order to create direct communication between the conservation(保护)workers. It is sponsored by the Rufford Small Grants (RSG), a group that funds nature conservation projects across the developing world.

This conference, chaired by Hudson Laizer, will bring 49 people from 7 countries.

Two rounds of Experience Sharing Presentations will be held, each consisting of 4 speeches.

Feature Presentations:

• Lucas Kwiyega, Tanzania

His presentation will focus on his second RSG project of taking new measures to prevent illegal killing of lions in Western Tanzania.

• Tutilo Mudumba, Uganda

He will talk about how he uses the RSG to collect animal traps and makes these wires into marketable goods.

• Daniel Niyonsaba, Rwanda

He will share his third RSG research project findings which focus on why the elephants are dying out in National Park of Rwanda.

• Evarastus Obura, Kenya

He will present his project entitled ''Understanding the decline of threatened antelopes: using barcoding(条形码)to measure the impact of damaged wetland^^.

1. What is the aim of the conference?

A. To raise money.

B. To set up a project.

C. To connect conservationists.

D. To look for conservationists.

2. How many presentations will be held?

A. 8.B. 4.C. 49.D. 7.

3. Who will talk about the causes of the elephanfs extinction?

A. Mr. Kwiyega.B. Mr. Mudumba.

C. Mr. Niyonsaba.D. Mr. Obura.

Our school owned a boat named Jolie Brise. It was one of the most famous tall ships in the world and three times winner of the Fastnet Race. The boat was unusual: especially for a remote grammar school in Wiltshire, about as far away from the sea as it can get in England. Obviously, such a site didn't match its fame.

Mr Parish had originally intended to join the Royal Navy but ended up as a teacher at our school. Some pupils guessed that he still felt the call of the ocean  perhaps because his lessons were almost entirely devoted to navigation (航海).They argued that it was deeply unfair to learn about navigation but never actually go to sea. Then Mr. Parish, seeing a bunch of young people prepared to crew the boat, allowed them to sail her in return fbr working on the boat, And that was the beginning of the school sailing club.

By the time I arrived, the sailing club had grown. At weekends, we would work on her all day, cleaning and painting her, and collapse into sleeping bags on the floor at night. Then came the big day when a school sailing trip was announced. Its destination was Saint-Malo. But it also meant that we had to refit the ship by removing every piece of ballast (压舱物)and replacing the bilge water (底舱污水)before we were allowed to sail.

And I did learn the ropes on that school trip. I learned how to operate a ship in the high waves. I learned the meaning of teamwork and became a better team player. I also learned that the best fish is the one that you have caught and cooked yourself from a boat that you have rebuilt and sailed yourself.

4. What was unusual about the boat Jolie Brise?

A. It was in a perfect condition.

B. Its lawful owner was Mr. Parish.

C. It won glory fbr the Royal Navy.

D. Its location wasn't as famous as it was.

5. Why was the sailing club set up?

A. The crew were selected.

B. The boat needed workers.

C. Mr. Parish tried to explore the sea.

D. Students asked to practice navigation.

6. What finally made the school sailing trip possible?

A. The club's permission.

B. Mr. Parish9s sailing experience.
