新高考读后续写(151)| 11种句型及例句学习积累

发布于 2022-06-06 22:04 ,所属分类:在线教育信息快讯








新高考英语读后续写素材之七The Description of Snow

新高考英语读后续写素材之八The Description of Rain

新高考英语读后续写素材之九The Description of Moon and night

新高考英语读后续写素材之十:The Description of Dawn and Morning

新高考英语读后续写素材之十一:The Description of Noon and Sun

新高考英语读后续写素材之十二:The Description of Spring

新高考英语读后续写素材之十三:The Description of Autumn and Fallen Leaves

新高考英语读后续写素材之十四:The Description of Birds

新高考英语读后续写素材之十五:The Description of Meadow

新高考英语读后续写素材之十六:The Description of Tree

新高考英语读后续写素材之十七:The Description ofRiver,Lake and Ocean



新高考篇:(20)读后续写精彩结尾 01:画面定格——人物动作的画面定格

新高考篇:(21)读后续写精彩结尾 02:画面定格——特殊寓意的写景画面

新高考篇:(22)读后续写精彩结尾 03:精彩结尾 03:对话结尾

新高考篇:(23)读后续写精彩结尾 04:主题升华

新高考篇:(24)读后续写精彩结尾 05:结尾留白

新高考篇:(25)读后续写精彩结尾 06:首尾呼应





















新高考(46):高中英语“读后续写” 细节性描写素材大汇总


新高考读(48):读后续写得分要点及技巧分享, 考前考生抢分必看!










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新高考读后续写(60)| 心理语料及人物语料积累(含练习)

新高考读后续写(61)| 手上动作描写


新高考读后续写(63)| “看”和“听”的描写

新高考读后续写(64)| 读后续写微技能之介词短语的使用

新高考读后续写(65)| 说 和 叫 的描写

新高考读后续写(66)| “走”和“跑”的描写

新高考读后续写(67)| 哭和笑的描写

新高考读后续写(68)| 时间场景描写

新高考读后续写(69)| 环境描写(1)

新高考读后续写(70)| 环境描写(2)

新高考读后续写(71)| 紧张、害怕的表达

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新高考读后续写(73)| 高分好句积累

新高考读后续写(74)| 主题升华语句

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新高考读后续写(76)| 避开“对话”五大误区,让学生轻松拿高分



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新高考读后续写(115)| “look看”18个写作高级表达积累

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新高考读后续写(147)| 考前必背金句(1-50)

新高考读后续写(148)| 考前必背金句(51-100)

新高考读后续写(149)| 考前必背金句(101-145)

新高考读后续写(150)| 100个高考读后续写必备精彩句子




1. V-ing V-ed作状语

1.“Dad, sorry, it was such a mess.” Jeff murmured, lowering his headinshame

2.“Surprise! Happy Mother’s Day, mummy!” They said, throwing their arms into the air.

3.Our family’s Christmas decorations swung from its branches, shining in the morning light.

4.Sensing the desperate gleam in Hunter's eyes, Whiston bent over to give him a tight embrace, comforting that they would be safe.

5.Bubbling with overwhelming ecstasy, Hunter couldn't help bouncing ups and downs.

6.Sobbing in relief, I was overwhelmed by waves of guilt and remorse.

7.I murmured sorry, reflecting that I should have taken his warning seriously.

8.Peeking through the mounting rain, I struggled to make out the vague figure over there.

9.Picturing the road cracked and the car was flooded away, I felt more frightened and sensed death was waiting for me.

10.Yelling at the top of his lung, Joe tried to soothe me and convince me that it was the best way to escape the danger.

11.“Jump out of the car and ran to me!” Joe yelled and got off the truck, waiting for my action.

12.Following him, I arrived at home safe and sound finally.

13.Filled with fright, I dragged my exhausted body inching forward.

14.Then I saw my name, decorated with giant, golden words-champion.

15.Taking a deep breath, I let go of my box.

16.“My egg bounced out,” she explained, pointing to a broken shell in the grass.

17.We just sat in our small apartment unwrapping the gifts one by one in happiness.

18.Sometimes, only a little kindness can light something shining, making the world more beautiful and harmonious.

2. 独立主格结构

19.The night falling, they put up a tent and wolfed down a simplified dinner.

20.Suddenly a low, buzzing sound appearing, Whiston raised his head, glanced around and spotted a helicopter in the distance.

21.Blood rushing to his face and heart palpitating fiercely, he leapt to his feet and yelled at the top of his voice.

22.The heavy smoke curling upward slowly into the sky, he clasped his hands tightly, praying in the depth of his heart that it would work.

23.“Joe, I’m here!” I wound down the window, tears of horror mixed with rain streaming down my face.

24.Eventually, I sat beside the stream, my arms and legs aching.

25.My weak brother made his way to me, his eyes filled with concern.

3. 形容词、副词作状语

26.Shockedand proud, their mother said in a sweet whisper, “Thanks, my kids.”

27.Remorsefulfor my simple-minded behavior, thinking about the missing rainbow and treasures, I burst into tears again.

4. 强调句

28.Patting themgentlyon their shoulders, father said in a warm voice, “Darling, it's lovethatcounts.

29.During their pleasant chat, they learned it was exactly the message in the bottle that saved them.

30.It was Joe that shouted and waved violently.

5. 介词和介词短语

31.Let’s do this again together!” To their relief, with theguidanceof father, they successfully made the breakfast.

32.At the sight of the black dot on the horizon, Whiston made a smoky fire.

33.I also managed to ease the worries of Megan and our kids during our quarantine by spending more time doing online video-chats with them.

6. 倒装

34.In the small space was the brightest and most beautiful Christmas tree I had ever seen.

35.So incredible was I couldn’t believe my eyes.

36.The black dot grew larger and larger against the orange sky, so was their hope of being rescued.

37.So overwhelmed was I that I almost wanted to dash out of the stage.

38.Not only did I use my unicycle and hula hoop performance to win the first prize but also I had proved it to others that even a weak girl like me could win, just through my practice!

7. 无灵主语

39.Great excitement and surprise flooded in- I rushed to the tree.

40.However, the sound of the helicopter drowned him out the helicopter hovered for a while and faded in the suffocating darkness.

41.A tide of exhaustion and despair washed over him.

42.A sense of palpable relief enveloped me.

43.The night wind howled ruthlessly, nameless creatures murmured in the dark and the moonlight shone weakly on the ground.

44.You did it, an inner voice told me.

45.A sense of anxiety crept upon me, my fingers were nearly frozen.

46.Guilty and upset, great sorrow clouded the mother.

47.As they disappeared into the far distance gradually, a strong sense of satisfaction poured into my mind.

8. it 用法

48.But it occurred to me that our family couldn’t afford it in the tough time. “How did you make it?”I raised my question.

49.At this time, a thought popped into my mind- it was the high time that I examined the effects of my practice.

9. 从句

50.Christmas of 1939 was the most magical Christmas that reminded me of what was essential in later life-love from a family.

51.After what seemed like an eternity, the helicopter finally came to a halt over them and lowered a rescuer.

52.Cassie cast a queer look at me as if to declare war.

53.A sweet peace flooded into me like a blessing, which made me hopeful again.

54.I picked up the note, which read“Thanks for your returning of the umbrella.

55.Though warm, it was uncomfortable for children, who nestled closely by the Christmas tree.

56.Unfortunately, she was met with refusal, which failed her to hold back tears.

57.Soon we were busy preparing presents for our unexpected guests, who just wanted to stay warm on Christmas Day.

58.Megan insisted we should let them know that I had tested positive.

59.Hard as it was to inform people that we might have given them the coronavirus, it was the responsible thing to do.

60.I stood there and stared at it with tears rolling down my cheeks.

10. 连续动作

61.I opened the door, reached out my foot, trying to find a proper land point.

62.After confirming the safety, I inched forward in the muddy water and eventually rushed frantically towards my husband.

63.Joe also ran in my direction, gathered me into his arms and kept patting my back.

64.I grinned dazzingly, raced to them and embraced them tightly.

65.Cassie looked at me, and her glare softened. I grinned. She giggled.

66.Then I raced down and got to the bottom before Cassie did.

67.I had to inhale sharply to calm myself down, then I bent down towards the crowd and started my performance.

11. with复合结构

68.I was shivering with cold, with my empty stomach rumbling.

69.He was a delivery manwith his armsfull of parcels.

70.Holding the note tightly, I was on the verge of tears, with a stream of warmth spreading across my body.

71.The rest froze, with eyes falling on their little sister.

72.With gifts in hand, the kids were wild with joy.

73.“No time to make mum a breakfast now.” Jenna cried with regret and guilt overwhelming her like endless tides.

74.I stood there and stared at it with tears rolling down my cheeks.


