发布于 2021-02-16 15:40 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯
流水养殖草鱼技术 张开礼 (固始县水产局,河南信阳 465200) 2019,4:11-12 摘要:流水养鱼一般比常规养鱼增产40%左右,是全国推广的一项新兴养殖技术,越来越受到广大养殖户的青睐。本文介绍了流水养殖草鱼技术要点,其中,池形与面积、鱼种放养和饲养管理是流水养殖的技术关键。 关键词:草鱼;流水养殖;管理;技术 Techniques for Grass Carp Aquaculture withFlowing Water Zhang Kaili (Gushi County FisheriesBureau, Xinyang, Henan 465200, China) Abstract:Grass Carp Aquaculture with FlowingWater was hailed as one of the popularizing new techniques in China for its 40%higher production compared with the general aquaculture techniques. Flowingwater fish generally increases yield by about 40% compared with conventionalfish farming. It is an emerging farming technology promoted throughout thecountry and is increasingly favored by farmers. This paper introduces thetechniques for Grass Carp Aquaculture with flowing water, among which, theshape and area of the pond, the stocking and breeding management of fish arethe key techniques. Keywords:grass carp; water culture; management; technology 收稿日期:2019-05-26 作者简介:张开礼(1979-),男,汉族,专科学历。1999年参加工作,长期在生产一线从事名特优品种、新技术的引进、试验、示范和推广工作,具有较深的理论功底,积累了丰富的技术实践经验。2016年被河南省水产技术推广站评为“河南省水产技术推广系统先进工作者”。