3ds max Master Class Productivity and Mapping in Visualization (视觉设计大师班教程)

3ds max Master Class Productivity and Mapping in Visualization (视觉设计大师班教程):3ds max Master Class Series Productivity and Mapping in Visualization 官方2006最新发行(Siggraph 2005大师讲堂教学)的一份权威的大师班教程- 3ds max 产品创作力与贴图视觉艺术大师班教程!
3ds max Master Class Series Productivity and Mapping in Visualization由Autodesk以及Distreet公司推出!高级经验教程!主要使用Autodesk 3ds Max以及Autodesk VIZ 掌握大师商业作品创作技法!由在相关视觉行业资深度很高的老艺术大师主师,无保留的将其丰富以及重要技法向广大使用者奉献!
这张DVD教程特别适合于建筑艺术视觉设计以及背景艺术视觉艺术家,用于提高艺术家的创作技艺!!创作让你客户信服的商业作品创作重要的技法提示教程。提高并启迪你的创作能力!好的材质贴图,连同3D光照,都是重要的CG视觉元素,在这张DVD中你将学习到Autodesk 3ds Max以及Autodesk VIZ 贴图参数技巧,秘技,创建各种让人信服的贴图,这将极快的提高你的CG设计等级。
Good materials, along with lighting, are important elements in creating convincing visualizations for your clients. In this DVD, you will learn tips and tricks using parametric maps that ship with Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk VIZ, which will allow you to make flexible materials that can quickly be changed for increased productivity. You will learn to control some of the settings in the map types that enable effects otherwise difficult to achieve
This DVD is for architectural and background visualization artists interested in increasing their productivity.
本3ds max 大师班教程章节:
- Creating a brick or tile map 创建砖和瓦的真实贴图
- Creating pattern variations 创建随机变化的图案
- Creating and customizing a wood floor 创建并且自定义木板纹理
- Tricks for rendering out the floor 渲染海底的诀窍
- Using falloff maps 使用衰减贴图
- Using specular highlights 使用反射高光
- Creating light and snow effects 创建灯光和下雪特效
- Creating a building with windows 创建带有窗户的建筑
- Fitting text explicitly to an object 将文字准确的适应到物体
