
发布于 2021-04-17 03:35 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯

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在第五届画廊周北京的主单元中,睽违四年后,艺术家庄辉以“祁连山系”的持续创作重回常青画廊的北京空间;三远当代艺术中心凭借段正渠的“花儿依然开放” 返溯艺术家段正渠近四十年以西北高原为母题的绘画实践;站台中国当代艺术机构展出袁运生的“魂兮归来”,梳理其不同时期具有代表性的作品;星空间精选雕塑家刘焕章的作品凝聚成“人间”,回顾其对于人间的情与爱;长征空间汪建伟的个展“总是,不是全部”, 源自艺术家近年来哲学方面的阅读和思考;而曾在湖南博物馆展出个人版画展的方力钧,则将携其重磅作品亮相艺·凯旋画廊麦勒画廊北京空间成立15年以来,以首次群展“SNAPSHOT”让中国本土和国际艺术家的创作语境得以碰撞与融合。

作为本届阵容中唯一的东南亚艺术家,卢卡斯·赛拉伯斯的个展将于林大艺术中心展出。CLC画廊会展出罗马尼亚艺术家克里斯提安·拉杜塔在亚洲的第一次个展。首度参展画廊周北京的户尔空间将带来拉斐尔·多梅内克的个展“不确定整体的不完美碎片”,北京公社、Tabula Rasa画廊将各自在其新升级的展陈空间里各自呈现王光乐的“波浪” 和张一的“Roarrrrr”。当代唐人艺术中心在其两个展览空间内分别推出赵赵和徐渠的个展,前者为2019年画廊周北京赴苏黎世艺术周合作交流的艺术家强势回归,而后者则集结了艺术家最新的探索面向。曾在2020年参与画廊周北京 “新势力单元”的艺术家朱荧荧将在拾萬空间中呈现其第三次个展“兔子洞”。蜂巢当代艺术中心将同时带来钱佳华及和阿斯巴甜小组的个展,持续推动年轻一代艺术家的面貌呈现。在SPURS Gallery展现廖国核玩世不恭的创作的同时,郭鸿蔚强烈的视觉风格正给魔金石空间注入新的感官动力。今格空间推出杜婕的“无立足境”;香格纳画廊以“‘一年之际’ 特别项目第二章节:孙逊”回应疫情下被重构的时间概念。亚洲艺术中心以沈勤、陈琦的双人联展“片石山房”聚焦于中国当代水墨,東京画廊+BTAP亦邀请朱建忠在水墨空间里容纳天地之气。

除商业画廊外,各大非营利美术馆,非营利艺术机构的加入更是为本届画廊周北京的主单元增色不少,其中,路易威登北京Espace文化艺术空间携“阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂:典藏精选”首次亮相,势象空间也以“虚象——王劼音艺术展”呈现在画廊周北京的首秀。同时,画廊周北京非常荣幸迎来首次参展的北京中间美术馆,其“巨浪与余音”一展被分成了两部分,主展馆内展出“重访1987年前后中国艺术的再当代过程”,而“后现代主义与全球80年代”则在其于798艺术区的另一展览空间内被缓缓铺开。木木美术馆带来享誉国际的大师级艺术家的展览:“乔治·莫兰迪:桌子上的风景” 和“坂本龙一:观音·听时”。在UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心里,曹斐在中国的首个大型个展“曹斐:时代舞台”和其展馆内的另一群展“沉静的响雷”似乎在无声且激烈地对谈,而于山中天艺术中心内展出的,由廖雯策划的群展“存在”则更是直指疫情时代里隐而不发的个体日常哲思。在中央美术学院美术馆隆重推出“功夫——中央美术学院造型学科基础部成立二十周年展”之时,林冠艺术基金会于其新近修缮的空间内呈现“扎克瑞·阿姆斯特朗:蜡烛袋”展览。

虽仍有国际旅行的限制,画廊周北京依旧致力于延展其在本土和国际地域上的广度,汇聚一流的当代艺术展览,进一步扩展自身的画廊周模式。本届艺访单元涵盖了国内外8家优质画廊,在798艺术区中的3个重要空间呈现高质展览。其中,来自大中华地区的展览阵容包括:千高原艺术空间(成都)展出“苍鑫 陈秋林 黎朗”;AYE画廊(北京/香港)呈现“贺慕群:纸上人生”个展;BANK/MABSOCIETY(上海)推出双个展“郑皓中:13854” 与“迈克尔·那贾尔:外层空间”;广州画廊(广州)不仅会展出李明昌的架上绘画,也会展出肖武聪如何用报纸拼接而成的画布探讨“空虚”一题;马凌画廊(香港/上海)则具体聚焦艺术家王之博的作品。国际参展阵容包括:Balice Hertling(巴黎)推出汇聚朱莉·博菲斯、威尔·本尼迪克特、乔纳森·比奈特、卡米耶·布拉特里克斯、伊莎贝尔·科纳罗、恩佐·库奇、西蒙娜·法塔尔、傅强、红妍和Puppies Puppies的群展“著色”;格莱斯顿画廊(纽约/布鲁塞尔)展出亚历克斯·卡茨在中国的首个个展“锦簇”,而柯芮斯画廊(伦敦)将呈现索菲·冯·海勒曼和里克力·提拉瓦尼览的以“红楼梦”为题的展览。



画廊周北京2021战略合作伙伴知名珠宝品牌I Do也将通过双方共同设立的I Do公益艺术版块,在I Do艺术空间呈现由艺术家刘晓辉、冷广敏、蒲英玮、杨伯都、赵赵、郑国谷以及拉萨市特殊教育学校·I Do艺术梦想班带来的展览“Will—2021 I Do基金会公益项目特展”。I Do艺术梦想班是“I Do艺术梦想计划”的组成部分,该计划由I Do基金会开启于2011年,致力于帮助边远地区儿童、特殊儿童等提升艺术素养,拓展视野,激发梦想。十年来 携手多位国内外知名艺术家赴藏,助力了许多学生的梦想。

“尽管过去的一年中我们仍面临各方面的巨大挑战,第五届画廊周北京仍激动地以更创新的项目强势回归,再次带来一场丰富的当代艺术盛宴。今年,不仅北京本地的画廊、非营利艺术机构、独立机构等将携优质的展览呈现于此,我们更荣幸地迎来了国内外的全新阵容,将合作延伸到国内的成都、广州、上海、香港与国际上的巴黎、伦敦、纽约等。为继续充分履行画廊周北京作为推广当代艺术的极具文化凝聚力的平台的使命,画廊周北京策划的活动旨在用更国际化的视角,将线下和线上的活动深度连结,让本土和国际的当代艺术爱好者全面融入。无论你身处何处,画廊周北京都真挚期待你的到来!” ——王一妃,画廊周北京总监。

Gallery Weekend Beijing 2021 Returns

For Fifth Edition

With New Participants and

Expanded International and Digital Reach

Open to the public from 27 April to 2 May (with a VIP Preview from 23 to 25 April), the fifth edition of the highly anticipated annual event features a total of 37 commercial art galleries, non-profit and independent institutions and includes an extended Visiting Sector with new international participants expanding the reach of platform.

Beijing, 12 April 2021 – The fifth edition of Gallery Weekend Beijing (GWBJ) opens to the public from 27 April until 2 May 2021 (VIP Preview from 23 to 25 April) with a total of 37 commercial galleries, non-profit and independent institutions presenting solo and group presentations, public art installations, talks and events. The program will be held at a total of seven sites across the city of Beijing as well as online. Originally scheduled for March 2021, the week-long event was postponed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. With an expanded Visiting Sector featuring new international participants, as well as an enhanced digital offer, this year’s program offers even more engagement for local, regional and international audiences in Beijing and beyond to experience the best of contemporary art in China.

Programme Highlights

A prominent highlight of GWBJ’s 2021 Main Sector is a solo exhibition ‘Always being, but not the whole’ at Long March Space by the renowned new media, performance and installation artist Wang Jianwei, who has received accolades from institutions around the world including the Guggenheim in New York. Recently showcased at the Hunan Museum in a retrospective exhibition, Fang Lijun’s masterpieces can be viewed at Triumph Gallery. Platform China Contemporary Art Institute presents Yuan Yunsheng’s ‘Regeneration’, whilst Star Gallery opens Liu Huanzhang’s solo sculpture exhibition ‘In the World’. As a first-time participant, Hua International features Rafael Domenech’s solo exhibition ‘Imperfect Fragments of an Uncertain Whole’. Beijing Commune and Tabula Rasa Gallery showcase their newly renovated exhibition spaces in solo shows by Wang Guangle and Eva Zhang respectively, while CLC Gallery Venture exhibits Cristian Raduta’s first solo exhibition in Asia. Galerie Urs Meile demonstrates the strength of its artists through ‘SNAPSHOT’, the gallery’s first group exhibition in fifteen years, and Magician Space marks a new direction with the work of Guo Hongwei. Tang Contemporary Art respectively dedicates its two exhibition spaces to Zhao Zhao, who returns to GWBJ with a solo exhibition of new work following his 2019 collaboration with Zurich Art Weekend, and Xu Qu, whose latest works are encompassed in his solo exhibition ‘Rejuvenation’. GWBJ’s previous participant Zhuang Hui, awarded with the ‘Best Exhibition Award’ in 2017, is also on show at Galleria Continua. Following her selection as GWBJ’s Up&Coming Sector artist in 2020, Zhu Yingying takes the stage at Hunsand Space, and Linda Gallery presents work by Lugas Syllabus, the only Southeast Asian artist to be exhibited this year. Other highlights include a joint exhibition by Shen Qin and Chen Qi at ASIA ART CENTER, with solo exhibitions by Duan Zhengqu at N3 Contemporary Art, Du Jie at Ginkgo Space, Liao Guohe at SPURS Gallery, and Zhu Jianzhoung at TOKYO GALLERY + BTAP. ShanghART Gallery revives ‘First Spring – Chapter Two: Sun Xun’ as a special and commemorative project that responds to how time has been scattered and shelved due to COVID-19. Finally, Hive Center for Contemporary Art exhibits Qian Jia Hua’s latest solo exhibition ‘Jiahua Vision’ as well as Aspartime’s solo show ‘Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose’.

In addition to commercial art galleries, acclaimed museums, institutions, and non-profits also participate in this year’s Main Sector with Espace Louis Viutton Beijing taking part for the first time with a major exhibition of work by famed sculptor Alberto Giacometti. M Woods puts masters center stage, with two solo presentations: Giorgio Morandi’s ‘The Poetics of Stillness’ at its location in 798 Art Zone and Ryuichi Sakamoto’s ‘Seeing Sound Hearing Time’ exhibited at M Woods HUTONG. UCCA Center for Contemporary Art presents Cao Fei’s first solo exhibition in China in addition to its exhibition ‘Silent Thunder’. Wind H Art Center exhibits a group show ‘Existence’ curated by Liao Wen, whilst CAFA Art Museum holds the exhibition ‘Art in Kung Fu: Honoring the Twentieth Anniversary of the Foundation Program at the School of Fine Art, CAFA’. Faurschou Foundation debuts its newly renovated exhibited space with ‘Zachary Armstrong: Bag of Candles’, and Beijing Inside-Out Art Museum features a two-part exhibition ‘Waves and Echoes’, with one half ‘A Process of Re-Contemporarization in Chinese Art Circa 1987 Revisited’ presented at its primary location, and the other ‘Postmodernism and the Global 1980s’ extended into an alternative space in the 798 Art Zone. Finally, GWBJ is also proud to welcome first-time participant SHIXIANG SPACE with the exhibition ‘Images of the Void’ by Wang Jieyin.

In an effort to expand the geographical reach of GWBJ and present some of the most diverse and exciting contemporary art, the 2021 Visiting Sector welcomes a strong line-up of galleries worldwide, who will host exhibitions at three locations in the 798 Art Zone. Participants from across Greater China include A Thousand Plateaus Art Space (Chengdu) presenting Cang Xin, Chen Qiulin and Li Lang; Hoo Mojong’s solo exhibition ‘La Vie Sur Papier’ is showcased at AYE Gallery (Beijing/Hong Kong); BANK/MABSOCIETY (Shanghai) features two solo shows by Zheng Haozhong and Michael Najjar; Canton Gallery (Guangzhou) features work by Li Mingchang andXiao Wucong; and Edouard Malingue Gallery (Hong Kong/Shanghai) spotlights Wang Zhibo. International participants include Balice Hertling (Paris) presenting the group exhibition ‘Impulsive in Color’ featuring Julie Beaufils, Will Benedict, Jonathan Binet, Camile Blatrix, Isabelle Cornaro, Enzo Cucchi, Simone Fattal, Owen Fu, Hongyan and Puppies Puppies; Gladsone Gallery (New York/Brussels) showcases Alex Katz’s solo exhibition ‘Flowers’; and Sophie von Hellermann and Rirkrit Tiravanija exhibit with Pilar Corrias (London).

Conceived by guest curator Bao Dong, this year’s Public Sector is organized around the idea of ‘Infinite Public’, with art installations organized in various sites. Including a broad spectrum of mediums ranging from sculpture, installation, performance, video and digital art, Bao invites us to question how notions of ‘the public’ can be redefined and initiates new conversations around the value of public space.

Following a successful debut in 2019, the Up&Coming Sector returns this year with an innovative form, which is the form of a talk that brings together a wide range of guest speakers with different perspectives to discuss the future of contemporary art. The talk, entitled ‘Elsewhere is a ‘negative’ mirror: Four reflections on the ‘Up&Coming’ as a phenomenon’, will be held on 25 April Beijing time and can be accessed digitally via GWBJ’s social media channels after the event.

The Public Days of GWBJ, running from 27 April until 2 May, features enhanced programs dedicated to engaging more members of the public with contemporary art through carefully curated experiences such as guided art tours, film screenings, art book workshops, and panel discussions. In addition to GWBJ’s website and mobile app, the 2021 edition sees the launch of new digital programs, including an original series ‘Story of Collection’ that tells the stories of collections through text, podcast, and interviews videos; ‘Artist Says,’ a video playlist that takes audiences behind the scenes of artist studios; and ‘Sectors in Focus,’ digital tours of exhibition highlights. Visit GWBJ’s website for the full event schedule and details on how to register or access digital content.

The I Do Charity Art Programme, co-founded by GWBJ 2021 and its chief strategic partner I Do, the most well-known jewelry brand in China, also presents a special group exhibition entitled ‘Will—2021 I Do Foundation Charity Project Exhibition’ at I Do Art Space, featuring artists Liu Xiaohui, Leng Guangmin, Pu Yingwei, Yang Bodu, Zhao Zhao, Zheng Guogu and Lhasa Special Education School · I Do Art Dream Class. As the component of "I Do Art Dream Project", I Do Art Dream Class was launched by I Do Foundation in 2011 and has been dedicated to helping the disabled and marginalized children with their art education, in hoping of not only expanding their artistic vision but hatching the birth of their art dreams. To better achieve this goal, this project has brought many established domestic and international artists to Tibet over the last ten years.

“The past year has been no doubt marked by numerous challenges, but Gallery Weekend Beijing is excited to present its most ambitious and innovative program in honor of its fifth edition. While celebrating some of the best art, artists and institutions that Beijing has to offer, this year also sees exciting new participants outside Beijing, from spaces across China as well as around the world – as far as Paris, London and New York. Guided by our mission to present a cohesive platform showcasing cutting-edge contemporary art, we have worked hard to create programming that will appeal to local, regional and international audiences – whether through physical events or an enhanced digital offer. We look forward to welcoming you to Gallery Weekend Beijing this year, wherever you are!” says Amber Yifei Wang, Director of Gallery Weekend Beijing.


