国际顶刊 |《英国政治科学杂志》2021年第1期

发布于 2021-04-17 05:34 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯










British Journal of Political Science(英国政治学学杂志)是剑桥大学出版社旗下学术期刊,创刊于1971年,出版周期为每年4期,现任主编为加州大学滨河分校教授Shaun Bowler。期刊收录范围涵盖政治科学的所有细分学科。IF:3.120




  1. The British Academy Brian Barry Prize Essay: Representing the Future: The Interests of Future Personsin Representative Democracy


  2. Adapt or Perish? How Parties Respond to Party System Saturation in 21 Western Democracies, 1945–2011


  3. Reconceptualizing Dimensions of Political Competition In Europe: A Demand-side Approach


  4. Vote Expectations Versus Vote Intentions: Rival Forecasting Strategies


  5. How to Close the Gender Gap in Political Participation: Lessons from Matrilineal Societies in Africa


  6. Conceptions of National Identity and Ambivalence towardsImmigration


  7. ‘Why Do You Ask?’ The Nature and Impacts of Attitudes towards Public Opinion Surveys in the Arab World


  8. Beyond Positive and Negative: New Perspectives on Feedback Effects in Public Opinion on the Welfare State


  9. Trends in Public Support for Welfare Spending: How the Economy Matters Conceptions of National Identity and Ambivalence towards Immigration


  10. In the Shadow of Conflict: How Emotions, ThreatPerceptions and Victimization Influence Foreign PolicyAttitudes


  11. High-Profile Criminal Violence: Why Drug Cartels Murder Government Officials and Party Candidates in Mexico


  12. Systematic Measurement Error in Election Violence Data: Causes and Consequences


  13. Development or Rent Seeking? How Political Influence Shapes Public Works Provision in India


  14. Crazy Like a Fox? Are Leaders with Reputations for Madness More Successful at International Coercion?


  15. .How Do Observers Assess Resolve?


  16. Electoral Cycles in Government Policy Making: Strategic Timing of Austerity Reform Measures in Western Europe


  17. Contingent Advantage? Sovereign Borrowing, Democratic Institutions and Global Capital Cycles


  18. Redistribution and the Quality of Government: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe


  19. Economic Sanctions and Government Spending Adjustments: The Case of Disaster Preparedness


  20. Multilevel Analysis with Few Clusters: Improving Likelihood-Based Methods to Provide Unbiased Estimates and Accurate Inference






The British Academy Brian Barry Prize Essay: Representing the Future: The Interests of Future Personsin Representative Democracy


ANDRE SANTOS CAMPOS, Nova University of Lisbon



As a reaction against contemporary democracy’s inherent short-sightedness in solving problems that arelikely to affect distant future generations, there has been a recent increase in proposals for different kindsof democratic representation of future persons. This article shows that even though there can be no suchthing as political representation of future persons, the relevant affected interests of the as-yet unborn canstill be taken into consideration in political decision making. This aim is achieved by focusing on the political representation of children as special cases of semi-future members of the class of the represented.



Adapt or Perish? How Parties Respond to Party System Saturation in 21 Western Democracies, 1945–2011


MARC VAN DE WARDT, Ghent University and Tilburg Institute of Governance

ARJEN VAN WITTELOOSTUIJN, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam



This study examines whether (and how) parties adapt to party system saturation (PSS). A party system is oversaturated when a higher effective number of parties contests elections than predicted. Previous research has shown that parties are more likely to exit when party systems are oversaturated. This article examines whether parties will adapt by increasing the nicheness of their policy platform, by forming electoral alliances or by merging. Based on time-series analyses of 522 parties contesting 357 elections in twenty-one established Western democracies between 1945 and 2011, the study finds that parties are more likely to enter – and less likely to leave – electoral alliances if PSS increases. Additionally, a small share of older parties will merge. The results highlight parties’ limited capacity to adapt to their environments, which has important implications for the literature on party (system) change and models of electoral competition.



Reconceptualizing Dimensions of Political Competition In Europe: A Demand-side Approach


JONATHAN WHEATLEY, Oxford Brookes University

FERNANDO MENDEZ, University of Zurich


学者们试图理解欧洲的政治竞争,并提出了多种有关政治维度/分类的模型。然而大多数学者从政治的供给侧(政党)获取数据,对需求侧(选民)的研究仍然很少。在本文中,我们比较了这两种方法。其主要的区别在于,虽然供给侧的方法提出了一个可以适用于所有欧盟国家的单一维度模型,但需求侧的方法揭示了更大程度的差异。特别是通常被供给侧研究确定为TAN(Traditional, Authoritarian,

Nationalism,传统、威权、民族)或GAL(Green, Alternative, Liberal,环保、另类、自由)的一系列议题,从需求侧的角度来看,不仅未能形成一个连贯的维度,还在一些案例(如北欧中)中涵盖了欧盟一体化的问题,但在其他案例中则没有涉及。

Scholars seeking to understand political competition in Europe have proposed various models of politicaldimensionality. While most scholars draw on data from the supply side of politics (political parties),demand-side (voter) studies remain few. In this article we compare the two approaches. The maindifference is that while supply-side approaches suggest a single model of dimensionality that can beapplied to all EU countries, demand-side approaches suggest a greater degree of divergence. In particular, the bundle of issues commonly identified by supply-side studies as TAN/GAL not only fail to form acoherent dimension when viewed from a demand-side perspective, but incorporate issues of EUintegration in some (northern European) cases, but not in others.

04 投票预期与投票意向:相互竞争的预测策略


Vote Expectations Versus Vote Intentions: Rival Forecasting Strategies


ANDREAS E. MURR, University of Warwick

MARY STEGMAIER, University of Missouri

MICHAEL S LEWIS-BECK , University of Iowa



Are ordinary citizens better at predicting election results than conventional voter intention polls? Theauthors address this question by comparing eight forecasting models for British general elections: onebased on voters’ expectations of who will win and seven based on who voters themselves intend tovote for (including ‘uniform national swing model’ and ‘cube rule’ models). The data come fromComRes and Gallup polls as well as the Essex Continuous Monitoring Surveys, 1950–2017, yielding449 months with both expectation and intention polls. The large sample size permits comparisons ofthe models’ prediction accuracy not just in the months prior to the election, but in the years leadingup to it. Vote expectation models outperform vote intention models in predicting both the winningparty and parties’ seat shares.



How to Close the Gender Gap in Political Participation: Lessons from Matrilineal Societies in Africa


AMANDA LEA ROBINSON,Ohio State University

JESSICA GOTTLIEB, Texas A&M University



While gender gaps in political participation are pervasive, especially in developing countries, this study provides systematic evidence of one cultural practice that closes this gap. Using data from across Africa, this article shows that matrilineality – tracing kinship through the female line – is robustly associated with closing the gender gap in political participation. It then uses this practice as a lens through which to draw more general inferences. Exploiting quantitative and qualitative data from Malawi, the authors demonstrate that matrilineality’s success in improving outcomes for women lies in its ability to sustain more progressive norms about the role of women in society. It sets individual expectations about the gendered beliefs and behaviors of other households in the community, and in a predictable way through the intergenerational transmission of the practice. The study tests and finds evidence against two competing explanations: that matrilineality works through its conferral of material resources alone, or by increasing education for girls.



Conceptions of National Identity and Ambivalence towardsImmigration


EMMY LINDSTAM, University of Mannheim

MATTHIAS MADER, University of Mannheim

HARALD SCHOEN, University of Mannheim



National identities are often conceived of as factors that lend structure and stability to citizens’ politicalopinions on issues such as immigration. While citizens who define national membership in ethno-culturalterms are less likely to supportimmigration, those with a civic conception are more likely to do so. Theauthors propose that defining national identity along both ethno-cultural and civic lines may give rise toconflicting considerations, leading people to experience ambivalence, implying that national identitiesmay serve less as a stabilizing force than suggested by previous research. Findings from heterogeneouschoice models and a unique survey experiment show that German citizens with mixed conceptions ofnational identity had more variable and more malleable opinions than individuals with ideal-typeconceptions during the 2015/2016 European refugee crisis. The findings point to an identity-based sourceof ambivalence and extend current understandings of how people form attitudes towards immigration.



‘Why Do You Ask?’ The Nature and Impacts of Attitudes towards Public Opinion Surveys in the Arab World


JUSTIN J. GENGLER, Social and Economic Survey Research Institute

MARK TESSLER, Qatar University

RUSSELL LUCAS, University of Michigan
JONATHAN FORNEY, Forcier Consulting



For the first time in an Arab country, this article examines attitudes toward public opinion surveys and their effects on survey-taking behavior. The study uses original survey data from Qatar, the diverse population of which permits comparisons across cultural–geographical groupings within a single, non-democratic polity. The authors find that Qatari and expatriate Arabs hold positive views of surveys, both in absolute terms and relative to individuals from non-Arab countries. Factor analysis reveals that the underlying dimensions of survey attitudes in Qatar mostly mirror those identified in Western settings, but a new dimension is discovered that captures the perceived intentions of surveys. Two embedded experiments assess the impact of survey attitudes. The results show that generalized attitudes toward surveys affect respondents’ willingness to participate both alone and in combination with surveys’ objective attributes. The study also finds that negative views about survey reliability and intentions increase motivated under-reporting among Arab respondents, whereas non-Arabs are sensitive only to perceived cognitive and time costs. These findings have direct implications for consumers and producers of Arab survey data.



Beyond Positive and Negative: New Perspectives on Feedback Effects in Public Opinion on the Welfare State


MARIUS R BUSEMEYER, University of Konstanz

AURÉLIEN ABRASSART, University of Berne

ROULA NEZI, University of Surrey



The study of policy feedback on public attitudes and policy preferences has become a growing area of research in recent years. Scholars in the tradition of Pierson usually argue that positive, self-reinforcing feedback effects dominate (that is, attitudes are commensurate with existing institutions), whereas the public thermostat model developed by Wlezien and Soroka expects negative, self-undermining feedback. Moving beyond the blunt distinction between positive and negative feedback, this article develops and proposes a more fine-grained typology of feedback effects that distinguishes between accelerating, self-reinforcing and self-undermining, specific and general, as well as long- and short-term dynamic feedback. The authors apply this typology in an analysis of public opinion on government spending in different areas of the welfare state for twenty-one OECD countries, employing a pseudo-panel approach. The empirical analysis confirms the usefulness of this typology since it shows that different types of feedback effects can be observed empirically.



Trends in Public Support for Welfare Spending: How the Economy Matters Conceptions of National Identity and Ambivalence towards Immigration


CHRISTOPHER WLEZIEN, University of Texas at Austin,

STUART SOROKA, University of Michigan



As spending on welfare in the United States has increased over time, preferences for more spending have remained fairly stationary. Given that previous research shows that the public adjusts its welfare spending preference thermostatically in response to welfare spending, the over-time pattern of preferences implies that something must be producing an increase in public support, but what? We address this question, focusing on individuals’ demographics and a set of aggregate economic variables, both macroeconomic and distributional. Results reveal that individual-level factors matter little to the temporal variation and aggregate economics matter a lot: there are pro-cyclical and counter-cyclical elements in spending preferences and a dampening effect of income inequality over time. The combination of these variables accounts for the underlying trend in welfare spending preferences in the US, and the method used to reveal these dynamics can be used to analyze preference evolution in other spending domains and countries.



In the Shadow of Conflict: How Emotions, ThreatPerceptions and Victimization Influence Foreign PolicyAttitudes


A. KUPATADZE, King’s College London

T. ZEITZOFF, American University



We investigate how emotions, threat perceptions and past violence influence foreign policy attitudes via a survey experiment in Georgia. Using a stratified sample across areas with differential exposure to the conflict and the presence of internally displaced persons, we randomly assign respondents to receive emotional primes about Russian aggression in the region. We find that exposure to violence, as well as simply being primed about past Russian aggression, both increase the perceived threat from Russia, and to a lesser extent anger towards Russia. Individuals who receive the primes are more supportive of a hardline foreign policy. In contrast, we find that exposure to violence does not have a direct effect on foreign policy attitudes, but increases hardline attitudes indirectly, through increased anger and threat. Taken together our results provide evidence that reminders of past violence have different effects than direct exposure to violence on foreign policy attitudes.



High-Profile Criminal Violence: Why Drug Cartels Murder Government Officials and Party Candidates in Mexico


GUILLERMO TREJO, University of Notre Dame




This article explains a surprising wave of lethal attacks by drug cartels against hundreds of local elected officials and party candidates in Mexico, 2007–2012. These attacks are puzzling because criminal organizations tend to prefer the secrecy of bribery over the publicity of political murder. Scholars suggest that war drives armed actors to attack state authorities in search of protection or rents. Using original data on high-profile attacks in Mexico, the authors show that war need arguments underexplain violence. Focusing on political opportunities, they suggest that cartels use attacks to establish criminal governance regimes and conquer local governments, populations and territories. The study presents quantitative and qualitative evidence showing that cartels took advantage of Mexico’s political polarization and targeted subnational authorities who were unprotected by their federal partisan rivals. Cartels intensified attacks during subnational election cycles to capture incoming governments and targeted geographically adjacent municipalities to establish control over large territories. The findings reveal how cartels take cues from the political environment to develop their own de facto political domains through high-profile violence. These results question the widely shared assumption that organized criminal groups are apolitical actors.



Systematic Measurement Error in Election Violence Data: Causes and Consequences


INKEN VON BORZYSKOWSKI, Florida State University

MICHAEL WAHMAN, Michigan State University



What are the causes and consequences of systematic measurement error in violence measures drawn from media-based conflict event data? More specifically, how valid are such event data for geocoding and capturing election violence? This study examines sub-national variation in election violence and uses original data from domestic election monitor surveys as a comparison to widely used sources of event data. The authors show that conventional data under-report events throughout the election cycle, particularly in sparsely populated areas and outside anticipated violence hotspots. Moreover, systematic measurement error of media-based event data for measuring election violence can generate significant relationships where none exist, and can result in different effect magnitudes. The article suggests areas for future research and indicates ways in which existing work on election violence may have been affected by systematic measurement error.



Development or Rent Seeking? How Political Influence Shapes Public Works Provision in India


ANJALI THOMAS BOHLKEN,Georgia Institute of Technology



How do politicians with influence over public works programs balance their incentives to gain electoral support with their proclivities for rent seeking? This article argues that government elites in parliamentary systems manage this trade-off by concentrating rent-seeking opportunities in their own hands while facilitating efficient public goods provision in the constituencies of their more junior partisan colleagues. Analyses using fine-grained data on road construction in India based on a variety of causal inference strategies support the argument. While ruling party legislators showed higher levels of road provision in their constituencies regardless of ministerial status, road projects in ministers’ constituencies showed higher levels of rent seeking than those in the constituencies of other ruling party legislators. Moreover, consistent with the mechanism, ruling party legislators’ diminished access to rent-seeking opportunities appears to be largely driven by the influence of co-partisan ministers. The findings illuminate how politicized distribution can sometimes mitigate inefficiencies in infrastructure provision.



Crazy Like a Fox? Are Leaders with Reputations for Madness More Successful at International Coercion?


ROSEANNE W. MCMANUS,Pennsylvania State University



According to the ‘Madman Theory’ promoted by Richard Nixon and early rationalist scholars, being viewed as mentally unstable can help a leader coerce foreign adversaries. This article offers the first large-N test of this theory. The author introduces an original perception-based measure of leaders’ reputations for madness, coded based on news reports, and analyzes its effect on both general deterrence and crisis bargaining. The study also tests several hypotheses about the conditions under which perceived madness is expected to be more or less helpful. The author finds that perceived madness is harmful to general deterrence and is sometimes also harmful in crisis bargaining, but may be helpful in crisis bargaining under certain conditions. The analysis suggests that the harmful effect of perceived madness results from a commitment problem.



How Do Observers Assess Resolve?


JOSHUA D KERTZER, Harvard University

JONATHAN RENSHON, University of Wisconsin-Madison

KEREN YARHI-MILO, Princeton University



Despite a plethora of theoretical frameworks, IR scholars have struggled with the question of how observers assess resolve. We make two important contributions in this direction. Conceptually, we develop an integrative framework that unites otherwise disconnected theories, viewing them as a set of heuristics actors use to simplify information-rich environments. Methodologically, we employ a conjoint experiment that provides empirical traction impossible to obtain using alternative research designs. We find that ordinary citizens are ‘intuitive deterrence theorists’ who focus to a great extent on capabilities, stakes, signals and past actions in judging resolve. We also find that observers see democracies as less resolved than autocracies (not more), casting doubt on key propositions of democratic credibility theory. Finally, a conceptual replication shows that a group of elite decision makers converge with the US public in how they interpret costly signals, and in viewing democracies as less resolved than autocracies.



Electoral Cycles in Government Policy Making: Strategic Timing of Austerity Reform Measures in Western Europe


DANIEL STROBL, University of Vienna

HANNA BÄCK, Lund University

WOLFGANG C. MÜLLER, University of Vienna

MARIYANA ANGELOVA, University of Vienna



This article investigates whether governing parties strategically time austerity policies to help them win reelection. It contributes to existing research by focusing directly on government policy output, analyzing over 1,200 welfare and taxation austerity measures in thirteen Western European countries over twenty years. In line with previous research, the authors find that governments become less likely to introduce austerity measures as elections approach. The study introduces original hypotheses about which governments have the ability and opportunity to strategically time policy decisions. The authors suggest that minimal winning cabinets with leadership change (new prime ministers) face less complex bargaining environments and can credibly shift responsibility for austerity measures to the preceding government. The empirical analyses show that these governments are most likely to strategically time austerity policies.



Contingent Advantage? Sovereign Borrowing, Democratic Institutions and Global Capital Cycles




RACHEL L WELLHAUSEN, University of Texas at Austin



How do domestic and global factors shape governments’ capacity to issue debt in primary capital markets? Consistent with the ‘democratic advantage’, we identify domestic institutional mechanisms, including executive constraints and policy transparency, that facilitate debt issuance rather than electoral events. Most importantly, we argue that the democratic advantage is contingent: investors’ attention to domestic politics varies with conditions in global capital markets. When global financial liquidity is low, investors are risk-averse, and political risk constrains governments’ capacity to borrow. But when global markets are flush, investors are risk-tolerant and less sensitive to political risk. We support our argument with new data on 245,000 government bond issues in primary capital markets – the point at which governments’ costs of market access matter most – for 131 sovereign issuers (1990–2016). In doing so, we highlight the role of systemic factors, which are under-appreciated in much ‘open economy politics’ research, in determining access to capital markets.



Redistribution and the Quality of Government: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe


BILYANA PETROVA,European University Institute



The welfare state literature has largely ignored the impact of a country’s quality of government on its levels of redistribution. Using cross-sectional time-series analysis of twenty-one Central and Eastern European countries, this article shows that environments characterized by higher levels of corruption, rampant bureaucratic inefficiency and ineffective enforcement of the rule of law are associated with lower levels of redistribution. Poor government directly affects the supply side of the redistribution process by hindering countries’ ability to allocate funds to redistribution and deliver them to their beneficiaries. Contrary to existing demand-oriented perspectives, the proposed causal mechanism does not blame lower redistribution on the lack of public support for the welfare state. Rather, it focuses on the capacity of states to adopt and implement inequality-reducing policies. The results are robust to numerous extensions and model specifications.



Economic Sanctions and Government Spending Adjustments: The Case of Disaster Preparedness


ELENA V MCLEAN, University at Buffalo

TAEHEE WHANG, Yonsei University



Economic sanctions research suggests that sanctioned countries’ overall economic costs tend to be low. This article argues that, despite this, sanction costs can force the governments of these countries to reallocate budget resources from low-priority spending categories to other categories in an effort to minimize their political costs. One such low-priority category is disaster preparedness and mitigation. The authors show that economic sanctions lead to reduced disaster preparedness spending and, as a result, increase the scale of economic and human losses generated by natural disasters in sanctioned countries.



Multilevel Analysis with Few Clusters: Improving Likelihood-Based Methods to Provide Unbiased Estimates and Accurate Inference


MARTIN ELFF, Zeppelin University

JAN PAUL HEISIG, Berlin Social Science Center

MERLIN SCHAEFFER, University of Copenhagen

SUSUMU SHIKANO, University of Konstanz


长期以来,从事量化比较方向研究的社会科学家一直担心在上层单元数量较少时多层模型的表现。此外, 2013年Stegmueller的一项使用蒙特卡洛方法的研究颇有影响力,其表明在上层模型单元数量少时,标准的最大似然估计法(ML)会产生有偏的点估计,进而作出了极不保守的推断。在这篇文章中,作者试图纠正这种负面评价。首先,他证明了线性多层模型系数的最大似然估计是无偏的。Stegmueller发现的系数估计的明显偏误可以归因于Monte Carlo误差和他的模拟研究设计的缺陷。其次,他演示了如何通过对方差参数使用限制性最大似然估计值,并根据统计推断来选择具有适当自由度的t分布来解决问题。因此,即使只有很少的上层单元,在大多数研究者熟悉的框架内,也可以实现精确的多层分析。

Quantitative comparative social scientists have long worried about the performance of multilevel models when the number of upper-level units is small. Adding to these concerns, an influential Monte Carlo study by Stegmueller (2013) suggests that standard maximum-likelihood (ML) methods yield biased point estimates and severely anti-conservative inference with few upper-level units. In this article, the authors seek to rectify this negative assessment. First, they show that ML estimators of coefficients are unbiased in linear multilevel models. The apparent bias in coefficient estimates found by Stegmueller can be attributed to Monte Carlo Error and a flaw in the design of his simulation study. Secondly, they demonstrate how inferential problems can be overcome by using restricted ML estimators for variance parameters and a t-distribution with appropriate degrees of freedom for statistical inference. Thus, accurate multilevel analysis is possible within the framework that most practitioners are familiar with, even if there are only a few upper-level units.

翻 译:田舒宁

校 对:吴佳蔚


国际顶刊 | 《英国政治科学杂志》2020年第4期

国际顶刊 |《比较政治学杂志》2020-2021第2期(1月)



二审:袁 丁

