发布于 2021-04-20 05:15 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯
Unit 31
Unit 32

3 I have to go / I'll have to go
4 do you have to go / will you have to go
5 he has to get up
6 We had to run
7 does she have to work
8 I had to do
9 do you have to be
10 We had to close
11 did you have to pay
3 have to make
4 don't have to decide
5 had to ask
6 don't have to pay
7 didn't have to go
8 has to make
9 had to stand
10 will have to drive / 'll have to drive / is going to have to drive
3 OK (I have to remember is also correct)
4 I had to walk home.
5 OK (You have to come is also correct)
6 He has to study
7 We have to go
8 She has had to wear glasses since …
For the present perfect (has had) with
since, see Units 11–12.
3 don't have to
4 mustn't
5 don't have to
6 doesn't have to
7 don't have to
8 mustn't
9 mustn't
10 don't have to
2 d
3 b
4 e
5 g
6 a
7 c
2 must
3 mustn't
4 don't need to
5 mustn't
6 needn't
7 mustn't
8 don't need to
9 needn't … must
2 needn't come
3 needn't walk
4 needn't keep
5 needn't worry
2 You needn't have walked home. You could have taken a taxi.
3 They needn't have stayed at a hotel. They could have stayed with us.
4 She needn't have phoned me at
3 am. She could have waited until the morning.
5 You needn't have shouted at me. You could have been more patient.
3 You needn't shout. / You don't need to shout. / You don't have to shout.
4 I didn't need to go out. / I didn't have to go out.
5 OK
6 You needn't lock the door. / You don't need to lock the door. / You don't have to lock the door.
7 I didn't need to say anything. / I didn't have to say anything.
8 OK
