热点07 安全自救-高考英语作文热点素材及范文

发布于 2021-11-04 13:33 ,所属分类:高中作文素材大全

Introduction: There are many risks in life. Payattention to safety and learn to save yourself when danger comes.


Safety is very important to everyone. Middle school students are flowers of our country, so students’ safety is becoming the focus to us all.
First, we must obey the traffic rules when we go out. Don’t cross the street when the traffic lights are red. Keep to the right in the street. Second, we should eat healthy food. Don’t eat junk food. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Eat less meat and eggs. Besides, don’t hurt ourselves while we are playing. It’s dangerous to swim in the river alone, so don’t go to the river without permission.
In a word, it’s important to remember these for us all.
1. 网络交友安全;
2. 请求警察的帮助;
3. 上下楼梯及防溺水。

Self-protection is one of the most important skills for teenagers. But how can we protect ourselves? Here are some of my suggestions.
First, we should be careful when we make on-line friends. Second, if we are in danger, we must call thepolice for help in time so that we can keep ourselves safe. Also, we ought to eat healthily and safely.Besides, we shouldn’t push each other when we go upstairs or downstairs atschool. Last but not least, summer is coming, we must remember it’s dangerous to swim alone.
In short, everyone needs to learn how to protectourselves and stay away from danger.

Ifthere is a fire going on in the building, there are some rules that must be followed.
Firstly,find the exit as quickly as possible. Touch the door of your room to make sure if it is hot or not.If it is hot, don’t open it, find other ways to escape. Secondly, put wet towels along the bottom of the door to stop the smoke and fire coming in.Thirdly, phone the reception desk and call 119 informing them of the accident. Then open the window and wave and shout for help. When the firemen come to help, do what they say, don’t argue with them about anything.
Ifyou follow the above advice, you should survive any fire accident.
5. 如果在露天,请找到一个空旷的地方,并且切勿靠近汽车或水边;
6. 远离地震时的次生灾害;
7. 永不放弃,互相帮助。

If an earthquake happens, keep the following rules in mind.
Firstly, don’t panic and calm down. Secondly, find some safe places tostay in and don’t run in a hurry. If you are inthe room, you should hide yourself under something hard, such as a desk, atable or even a bed and keep away from the shelfand the cupboard, and never take a lift to go downstairs. If you are in the open air, find an open place and never get close to cars or water. Thirdly, we need to becareful when an earthquake happens because there are also lots of other disastersto take place, for example, fire. And we should help each other when we are in trouble.
At last, no matter how strong the earthquake is, as long as we have the belief to defeat it and never give up, we can overcome any difficultyin front of us.
In the terrible earthquake, Mr Tan saved four students at the sacrifice of his life,while another teacher rushed out of the falling teaching building alone. When a disaster strikes us, what we should do? Save others or rescue ourselves first?
In my opinion,it’s reasonable to save ourselves first, because I think it’s foolish for a man who can’t swim to jump into the water to save a drowning boy. But I think it’s shameful that one doesn’t save others when he or she can.
In short, when facing a disaster, we should try our best to save ourselves and aid others.


