
发布于 2021-03-29 01:38 ,所属分类:在线教育信息快讯


英 语 试 题


祝 考 试 顺 利









2020年南漳中考适应性考试听力_mp3.mp3 来自三人行JILLY 21:38



第一节 (5段短对话,共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


(   ) 1. What club will Linda join?  

A. The sports club.        B. The art club.       C. The story telling club.

(   ) 2. How does the girl go to school?

  A. By bus.               B. By bike.           C. On foot.

(   ) 3. Where are they talking?

  A. In the library.          B. In class.            C. On the phone.

(   ) 4. Where has Cindy been?

A. Beijing                  B. Wuhan             C. Shanghai  

(   ) 5. When will the woman get to the cinema?

A. At 9:40.                 B. At 10:10.           C. At 10:20.  




(   ) 6. Where are the two speakers talking?

  A. At the doctor’s.         B. In a shop.            C. At school.

(   ) 7. What’s the matter with the woman?

  A. She had a toothache.     B. She had a cold.        C. She hurt her leg.

(   ) 8. What did the man tell the woman to do?

  A. To lie in bed to rest.     B. To take some medicine.  C. To drink more water.


(   ) 9. Whats the date today?

A. December 18th.    B. December 19th.    C. December  20th.

(   ) 10. How does Jenny like taking a plane?

A. Exciting.         B. Interesting.       C. Dangerous.

(   ) 11. What did Jenny ask Brian to do?

  A. To call her.      B. To come back soon.      C. To take some photos.


(   ) 12. How long has Bob been collecting stamps?

A. For 9 years.              B. For 14 years.               C. For 5 years.

(   ) 13. Why does Bob like collecting stamps?

  A. Because stamps are cheap          B. Because he can learn much. 

C. Because he likes monkey stamps.

(   ) 14. What will the girl show Bob tomorrow?

  A. Some new coins       B. Some old coins.      C. Some foreign coins.


(   ) 15. What does the woman’s sister do?

        A. A doctor.                   B. A student.              C. A teacher.

(   ) 16. What are the grandmothers expected to do? 

A.Not to dance too late in the evening.     B. Turn up the music. 

 C. Not to dance on the square.

(   ) 17. What mainly makes the man be against the square dancing?

A. Grandmothers can’t dance well. 

B. The music is so noisy.

C. There are so many people on the square.


(   ) 18. How long had the man studied English by the time he came to the school?

A. For one year.            B. For two years.                 C. For three years.  

(   ) 19. Who does the man speak English with after class?

A. His teacher.                   B. His parents.               C. His friends.

(   ) 20. Why does the man like English?

A. Because he likes his English teacher.    

 B. Because he wants to go abroad.             

 C. Because his parents let him get good grades.


(   ) 21. How old was David when he went to the middle school?

  A. 12               B. 13              C. 14

(   ) 22. How did David go to school when he was in the first year of middle school?

  A. Took the bus to school.    B. Went to school by bike.  C. Ran to school.

(   ) 23. How did David get his computer?

  A. The school gave it to him  B. His parents bought it for him.

C. He bought it for himself.

(   ) 24. How was David’s grades after he got the computer?

  A. David’s grades were not so good as before  B. David’s grades were better than before.         

C. Davids grades was as good as before.

(   ) 25. What will David do after the talk?

A. He will make good use of time.  B. He will do more sports.  

C. He will give up t his lessons.      



(   ) 26. —       can I get the book if I order it today?

    In a week.

A.How soon        B. How long     C. How much   D. How many

(   ) 27.---Linda is looking for her pen everywhere.

       ---Oh, sorry. I have taken _________ by mistake.

     A. her               B. hers              C. your                  D. mine

(   ) 28. Mom, I got the best grade on the English test today.

     What a good job, son! I’m         of you.

  A. sure             B. sick        C. proud        D. afraid

(   ) 29..--- There are sixty students in our class. And _________ of us are boys.

       --- Wow! Forty boys in your class!

     A. two three          B. one third          C. three quarters           D. two thirds

(   ) 30.--- It snowed heavily last night. Is everyone here today?

       --- Yes. ________ of us was late for school this morning though the weather was bad.

     A. None           B. Neither        C. All             D. Either

(   ) 31.--- What did the woman ask you just now?

       --- She asked ________.

     A. who was I waiting for                      B. where I live      

C. how she could get to the post office           D. if I can help her or not
