VMware NSX6 虚拟化学习资料

NSX for vSphere 为数据中心管理人员提供了一种适用于底层物理网络的精简操作模型。NSX 是一个无干扰解决方案,可以部署到任何 IP 网络中,包括现有的传统网络连接模型和任何供应商提供的下一代光纤架构。通过 NSX for vSphere,您可以在现有的物理网络基础架构上部署软件定义的数据中心。![]() ![]() 【课程内容】 Pluralsight VMware NSX for vSphere Introduction and Installation 01、Where Did VMware NSX Come From 02、The Two Versions of NSX and Discussing Software Defined 03、Integrating VMware NSX and the Services It Offers.mp4 04、Why You Should Deploy VMware NSX 05、Resources, Common Use Cases, and What New Skills May You Need 06、The VMware NSX Ecosystem and Stack 07、About NSX Manager 08、About NSX Controllers 09、vSphere Host Components 10、Component Security and Summary 11、Introduction to VMware NSX and vSphere Networking 12、What Is the vSphere Distributed Switch.mp4 13、About the vSphere Distributed Switch 14、VDS Lab 15、Quick Look at VXLAN 16、NIC Teaming and Load、Balancing 17、The Different Load、Balancing Methods 18、Load、Based Teaming, LACP, and Explicit Failover 19、VMware NSX and Supported Teaming Methods 20、Other Considerations and Summary 21、Where VMware NSX and the Physical Network Interconnect 22、Shift in Data Center Network Design 23、Rack Design and Connectivity.mp4 24、Crossing the Layer 2 Boundary 25、Assigning IP Addresses to VTEPs 26、Planning Your Installation 27、Installing and Configuring the Base NSXv Components 28、Summary 29、What Is VMWare NSX、mh 30、Components of VMware NSX、mh 31、Feature Comparison and Summary vmware、nsx、intro、installation 01 Deploying the NSX vAppliance 02 Deploying the NSX Controllers 03 Preparing Hosts and Configuring Unicast VXLAN 04 Configuring a Logical Switch Microsegmentation using NSX Distributed Firewall Getting Started Guide vmw nsx network virtualization design guide for vSphere Step-By-Step Installation Install Configure,Manage Lab Manual Install Configure,Manage Lecture Manual nsx 60 install NSX for vSphere Getting Started Guide NSX Manager 6.0.4 1752381 NSX on Cisco N7KUCS Design Guide NSX网络虚拟化设计与运营商最佳案例实践 数据中心方案 NSX网络虚拟化设计指南 网络虚拟化平台NSX及其实现1.5 vsphere 6.0 官方PPT 让网络虚拟化成为一种习惯 |