
1.Course Overview.Course Overview
2.Project Introduction and Overview
3.Preparing Footage for Tracking
4.Rotoscoping Footage for Tracking
5.Creating the Manual Track Pass
6.A Brief Look at Removing Lens Distortion
7.Setting up NUKE’s Camera Tracker
8.Creating the Auto-track Pass and Removing Bad Tracks
9.Combining the Manual and Automatic Track Passes
10.Creating the Initial Camera Solve
11.Removing Problem 3D Track Points Manually
12.Removing Problem 3D Track Points Automatically
13.Adjusting the Position, Orientation, and Scale of the Solve
14.Multiple Options for Exporting the Solve
15.Checking the Solve Data with the Scanline Renderer
16.Basics of Using the Point Cloud Generator
17.Setting up the Point Cloud Generator for a High Detail Solve
18.Adjusting the Results of the Point Cloud Generator
19.Converting Point Clouds into Mesh Data
20.Exporting Camera and Mesh Data out of NUKE for Maya
21.Setting up the Scene and Fitting the NUKE Data to the Footage
22.Beginning the Re-topology of the Mesh
23.Mirroring the Face and Continued Re-topology
24.Creating the Projection Shader
25.UVing and Exporting the Face Back to NUKE
26.Setting up the Project 3D Node and Rendering to UVs Pipeline
27.Rendering from NUKE and Stitching Together in Photoshop
28.Applying the New Texture and Course Wrap-up