
本套C4D摄像机动画教程,是由琳达的老师donovan keith录制的,他会教大家如何在C4D制作和使用优美的摄像机动画,学会用摄像机的位置和运动,来叙述场景故事。我们不仅会学到70年代功夫电影中的急推镜头、峡谷里的追击镜头、还有通过K帧而实现的复杂动画。教学会从简单的推镜头、平移镜头开始讲解,然后使用空白对象、表达式标签创建自定义的摄像机动画绑定,然后使用camera morph标签创建动力学动画效果。我们会使用摄像机、摇臂、动态摄像机(motion camera)、摄像机变形工具(camera morph)对象来演示很多经典电影、动作场景镜头。最后还有在F-curve曲线编辑器调整时间节奏,得到更动感效果。通过学习的技巧,用摄像机技术得到更加诱人的画面,一定是手到擒来!
使用软件:CINEMA 4D R16
作者:Donovan Keith
1 Welcome
2 What you should know before watching this course
3 Using the exercise files
4 Framing a static shot
5 Animating a push-in with position keyframes
6 Animating a pan with rotation keyframes
7 Enhancing camera moves with F-curves
8 Animating a snap zoom
9 Creating and animating a simple camera rig with a null object
10 Automatically targeting your camera at your subject
11 Adding subtle imperfections with the Vibrate tag
12 Smoother camera moves with the Align to Spline tag
13 First-person POV with the Virtual Walkthrough tool
14 Sweeping shots with the Camera Crane
15 Tracking shots with the Motion Camera tag Spline setting
16 Create a trailing camera with the Chase Object setting
17 Creating a canyon fly-through with Automatic Banking
18 Creating a steadicam effect with the Motion Camera rig
19 A-to-B camera moves with the Camera Morph tag
20 Kinetic type animation with the Camera Morph tag
21 Next steps