
发布于 2021-04-09 21:16 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯







下面这篇文章节选自A Book for All Readers,其作者Ainsworth Rand Spofford曾任美国国会图书馆——世界上最大的图书馆——馆长长达33年(1864-1897)之久,对于书和读书自有非常人所能获得的理解和表述。


When we survey the really illimitable field of human knowledge, the vast accumulation of works already printed, andt he ever-increasing flood of new books poured out by the modern press, the first feeling which is apt to arise in the mind is one of dismay, if not of despair. We ask – who is sufficient for these things? What life is long enough– what intellect strong enough – to master even a tithe of the learning which all these books contain? But the reflection comes to our aid that, after all, the really important books bear but a small proportion to the mass. Most books are but repetitions, in a different form, of what has already been many times written and printed. The rarest of literary qualities is originality. Most writers are mere echoes, and the greater part of literature is the pouring out of one bottle into another. If you can get hold of the few really best books, you can well afford to be ignorant of all the rest. The reader who has mastered Kames’s “Elements of Criticism,” need not spend his time over the multitudinous treatises upon rhetoric. He who has read Plutarch’s Lives thoroughly has before him a gallery of heroes which will go farther to instruct him in the elements of character than a whole library of modern biographies. The student of the best plays of Shakespeare may save his time by letting other and inferior dramatists alone. He whose imagination has been fed upon Homer, Dante, Milton, Burns, and Tennyson, with a few of the world’s master-pieces in single poems like Gray’s Elegy, may dispense with the whole race of poetasters. Until you have read the best fictions of Scott, Thackeray, Dickens, Hawthorne, George Eliot, and Victor Hugo, you should not be hungry after the last new novel, – sure to be forgotten in a year, while the former are perennial. The taste which isonce formed upon models such as have been named, will not be satisfied with the trashy book, or the spasmodic school of writing.

在读完第一句话“When we survey the really illimitable field of human knowledge, the vast accumulation of works already printed, and the ever-increasing flood of new books poured out by the modern press, the first feeling which is apt to arise in the mind is one of dismay, if not of despair”后,我首先可以基本确定的是:这是一篇“杂文”essay),而非“散文”(prose)或“论文”(thesis/dissertation)。






在确定了这是一篇杂文以后,下一步我们要做的是找出作者的观点。当句子是复合句的时候,作者想说的话通常在主句——the first feelingwhich is apt to arise in the mind is one of dismay, if not of despair(可能产生的情感即便不是绝望也是沮丧)。结合前半句,我们知道这句话作者想说的是:“‘学海’太‘无涯’了,想想就肝儿颤。”

首句就把观点“开门见山地亮出来”,这是“大学英语四六级考试”的水平。而且“书太多了,读不过来”这句话太常识了,所以不应该是作者的“主旨”。作者接着就丢出了一套问题:We ask – who issufficient for these things? What life is long enough – what intellect strongenough – to master even a tithe of the learning which all these books contain?(谁配得上这些东西?谁的寿命够长——智力够强——到能读完其中的十分之一?)显然这是前面观点的“延续”,而且更证明了这都是在为了“正主”的“登场”造声势。

如果此文是篇“考题级别”的文章,第三句的“But”极有可能直接引出文章的主旨:否定了前文的观点后,正主堂而皇之地登场。然而,这不是一篇那种类型——该说是“水平”——的文章。作者接着说的是the reflection comes to our aid that,after all, the really important books bear but a small proportion to the mass(“替我们说话”——对我们有利——的回顾性总结结果是:好书只占很小的一部分。)随后的三句话解释了这种现象出现的原因:Most books arebut repetitions, in a different form, of what has already been many timeswritten and printed. The rarest of literary qualities is originality.Most writers are mere echoes, and the greater part of literature is the pouringout of one bottle into another.(多数的书都是在重复别人的东西。文人最稀有的属性是原创精神。多数作家就是在来回地“灌瓶子”。)


在经过几番铺垫后,“正主”终于“登堂入室”了:If you can gethold of the few really best books, you can well afford to be ignorant of allthe rest.(如果你能找到真正的好书,所有其它的就都可以“秒杀”了。)












What life is long enough – what intellectstrong enough…

Most books are... Most writers are …



同样的理念和技巧也体现在后面的部分。作者列举了修辞(演讲)方面的Kames(卡莫斯勋爵)的 “Elements of Criticism传记(历史)方面Plutarch(普鲁塔克)的 Lives(名人传);戏剧方面的 Shakespeare,诗歌方面的Homer(荷马), Dante(但丁), Milton(弥尔顿), Burns(彭斯), Tennyson(丁尼生),小说方面的Scott(司各特), Thackeray(萨克雷), Dickens(狄更斯), Hawthorne(霍桑), George Eliot(乔.艾略特), and Victor Hugo(雨果)。以这些大师们作品为例证明:sure to be forgotten in a year, while theformer are perennial(一般的作品一年就会忘,而大师们的作品却会历久弥新)The taste whichis once formed upon models such as have been named, will not be satisfied withthe trashy book, or the spasmodic school of writing(读大师作品形成的品味再也忍受不了垃圾作品)。

