
发布于 2021-04-14 10:04 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯

Unit One Module 1

School life

1. We are supposed to perform well ___________(academy) so as to earn respect______others

2. ________(look) back, I found the outing _____________(enjoy) experience, after ______ I became more ________(depend).

3. We listened to him __________(introduce) the splendid paintings in _______(fluency) English with great ________(satisfy).

4. Please keep me ________(inform) of the up-to-date__________(literature) ________( compose).

5. I am keen______surfing the Internet and take full advantage of its resources ______(do) my projects.

6. Thank you for your _____(time) help and ________(encourage).I’ll ________(far) polish up my writing.

1. academically, from 2. Looking, an enjoyable, which, independent 3. introducing, fluent, satisfaction 4. informed, literary, compositions 5. on, to do6. timely, encouragement, further

Unit Two Module 1

Growing pains

1. The boy couldn’t wait __________( play) soccer after __________(have) a piece of pizza.

2. During the vacation, teenagers are advised __________(go) close to nature and enjoy some __________(free).

3. Mind your __________(behave). Don’t leave your room ______(mess), withthe garbage can __________(fill).

4. In case of an __________(emergent), learn to defend yourself or seek__________(guide).

5. He insisted that he ________(be)outstanding and that he deserved _________(mention).

6. I can’t tolerate __________(see) you so upset __________ the error. You __________(challenged) the limit and exceeded __________(you).

7. After a __________(heat) __________(argue), they fought likecrazy, as __________ they were enemies.

8. I felt annoyed __________ (be) misunderstood and __________(forbid) to go along with my peers.

1. to play,having 2. to go, freedom 3. behavior, messy, full/filled 4. emergency, guidance

5. was, mentioning/to be mentioned/a mention表扬 6. seeing, about, have challenged,yourself/yourselves

Unit Three Module 1

Looking good, feeling good

1. To stay slim and get into shape, I prefer ______(work) out regularly in the gym, ______ equipment is ______ good quality.

2. The weight-______(lose) pills don’t work. As a matter of fact, it contains several harmful ______ (chemistry)

3. A good amountof sleep with ______(peace) mind helps keep your system clean.

4. ______ thelong term, one’s lifestyle will affect his ______(achieve).

5. The drug has side effects, ______ will damage your health, ______(make) you less ______(attract) and ______(energy).

6.The girls ______(select) from 300 candidates mostly weigh 45 kilograms, each ______(have) a tiny waist.

7. It’s nouse ______(comfort) her now, for she is lost______ her ______(sad) of losing her boyfriend in ______ accident on the freeway.

1.to work, where, of 2. loss,chemicals 3. peaceful 4. In,achievements 5. which, making,attractive, energetic 6. selected, having7. comforting, in, sadness, an


1. 一听到你要上北京的大学,我不禁兴奋地跳了起来。(2018·北京高考满分作文)

2. 关于剪纸,你练习得越多,你就会越擅长它。(2017·全国卷满分作文)


4. 我仍然记得你为提高我的英语口语和英语写作所做的贡献。(2019·6月浙江高考应用文写作)

5. 关于英语口语,我曾在学校口语大赛中获得一等奖。(2018·6月浙江高考应用文写作)

6. 在那之后,我们将做一些其他有意义的活动,包括捐赠一些零花钱或书籍给那儿的老人们。(全国卷书面表达)

7. 在上一次机器人竞赛中,你的测试成绩高于所有参与者的平均水平。(2018·天津高考书面表达)

8. 经过热烈的讨论,我们一致赞同制作一个视频来记录我们在学校的经历。


9. 如果您能够批准我的申请,我将非常感激。(2019·全国卷书面表达)

10. 每天下课后,我们学生和老师们都充分利用这个体育馆做运动。


1.On hearing that youwere going to a university in Beijing, I jumped up with excitement.(2018·北京高考满分作文)

2.The more youpractice paper­cutting, the better you will become at it.(2017·全国卷满分作文)

3.I will treasure this valuable chance and devote myselfto the job. (2018·6月浙江高考应用文写作)

4.I still remember what you have devoted to improvingmy oral English and English writing.(2019·6月浙江高考应用文写作)

5.With respect to spoken English, I once won the first prize in the spoken English contest in our school. (2018·6月浙江高考应用文写作)

6. After that, we will do some other meaningfulactivities, including donating some pocket money or books to the old there.(全国卷书面表达)

7. In the last robotics competition, your test scores wereabove average in all participants.(2018·天津高考书面表达)

8.After a heated discussion, we all approved of our making a video torecord our experiences at school.(2017·北京高考书面表达)

9.I would appreciate it if you could approve my application.(2019·全国卷书面表达)

10. 每天下课后,我们学生和老师们都充分利用这个体育馆做运动。

We students as well as our teachers make good useof the gymnasium to do sports after class every day. (2018·全国卷满分作文)



