2021年新高考英语押题预测卷四(完形 、语法填空与写作)

发布于 2021-04-16 05:27 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯

用 我的真诚换你的信任,2021高考英语备考优质材料持续推送中,




An English battleship was sailing at sea in the severe weather for several days. The visibility was poor41 heavy fog, so the captain landed on the watchtower, 42 all the activities.

Shortly, a lookout reported that a light ahead was 43 .The captain asked, "Is it steady or44 towards our ship?" The lookout replied, "The light was steady, but our 45 was going to be in 46 with that one." The captain ordered the lookout to send a signal to that ship and told them that the two sides would have the risk of crashing into each other if they didn't 47 course. Back came a signal, "It's 48 for you to change course." Then the captain shouted angrily. "Send, I'm a battleship. You'll change course." "Captain, I've never seen you 49 your top before." the lookout said and did. Back came another signal, "I'm a lighthouse!" The captain was 50 after knowing this, and they had to change their course 51 .

On our path in life, we sometimes have to change course: 52 , we would run into the 53 . Some people spend much time trying to change everything around them, not realizing they can54 it only by changing themselves. They're hitting their head on the barrier but expecting a good result. It's just as stupid as not changing their course when those are about to collide with a lighthouse. So when life puts an unmovable55 in front of you, stick to the secret: changing course and going on.

41Ain spite ofBin addition toCon account ofDon top of

42Akeeping an eye on Benquiring aboutCengaging inDturning a deaf ear to











53Atop secretBsafe pathCcomfort zoneDbrick wall




阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

California’s coastal redwoods, Sequoia sempervirens, are 56.______ tallest trees on earth. But measuring their precise dimensions—which is key 57.______ determining how much carbon they store—is filled with uncertainty. Now, for the first time, researchers have surveyed S. sempervirens 58.______ (use) laser scanning, a technique that can measure a tree’s structure and volume accurately.

Mathias Disney, an environmental scientist at University College London, and his colleagues 59.______ (assess) 145 redwoods for a study published in Scientific Reports. They scannedat the trees from multiple 60.______ (direct). This process let them collect a 61.______ (detail) map of each tree, showing burrs, twigs and other features as small as a few centimeters. “This is giving us a new perspective on the three-dimensional structure of trees,” Disney says.

The researchers found that coastal redwoods tended to be about 30 percent larger by volume 62.______ published scaling relations predicted. The authors suggest this difference might be because some S. sempervirens sprout additional trunks as they age, a process 63.______ (call) repetition. Based on their observations, Disney and his colleagues have established new scaling relations between tree diameter 64.______ volume for the species.

Laser scanning can increase knowledge of old-growth forests 65.______ is important in conservation efforts, says Anil Raj Kizha, a forest operations scientist at the University of Maine, who was not involved in the research.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)


某英文杂志正在举办"Whether should high school students stay up late to study?"为主题的征文活动。假如你是紅星中学李华,就高中学生该不该熬夜学习在学校作了一次调查,結果发现60%的同学认为应该熬夜学习,认为晚上学习安静,效率高,而还有40%的同学认为晚上不该熬夜学习,熬夜不利于身体,对学习没有多大帮助。况且白天又容易打瞌睡,得不偿失。现在请你给报社写一封信,反映此现并发表自己的观点。


參考词汇:gains cannot make up for losses得不偿失

Dear Editor,


Li Hua


阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The year I turned 30, my friend Erin andI decided to hike part of Newfoundland’s East Coast Trail—215 kilometresbetween Cappahayden and St. John’s where the wild scenery was very charming! The path there would bring us great fun.

Neither of us had gone on a hikingtrip longer than five days and now wewere in for 14, but we were excited.Nature! Strength! Character! Our hike would end up givingme all of those things in cruel abundance, but there was one take-homeI didn’t expected: proof of the astonishing kindness of strangers.

As a shy woman schooled in the riskof stranger danger, I’m not one to openup to people I don’t know. In TorontoI don’t even chat with my seatmate onthe subway or in a grocery line, and Icertainly don’t ask for help unless I’mdesperate. But on this hike I had tolearn new ways to cope.

Over our first two days we covered less than 30 kilometres, most of it inthe rain. What had been a gentle mistwhen we started evolved into a downpour by the second day. Nothing driedovernight, everything was wet. Theroads were rugged, with muddy patchesso deep that stepping in the wrong placemeant mud to mid-calf—which is to sayover and into your boots. We squelched(发出嘎吱声)with every step.

All that was very awful for me. On our second day, as we were still on a roadlooking like cats left in the rain, awoman and her parents making theirway from car to house caught sight ofus and took pity. “Would you like tocome in for a cup of tea?” Jenny asked.

“Thank you!”


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

We hurried to their lovely home.

We’d encounter more kindness onthe trip.



41.C【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意:由于大雾,能见度很低,所以船长登上瞭望塔上,密切注意着所有的活动。A. in spite of尽管;B. in addition to除了;C. on account of由于;D. on top of……之上。由本处的The visibility was poor___41___heavy fog可知,是由于大雾,能见度很低。故选C项。

42.A【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:由于大雾,能见度很低,所以船长登上瞭望塔上,密切注意着所有的活动。A. keeping an eye on密切注意;B. enquiring about询问;C. engaging in从事;D. turning a deaf ear to充耳不闻。由上文语境可知,这艘英国战舰在恶劣的天气下在海上航行了好几天,雾大能见度低,因此船长上了瞭望塔,密切注意着船和船周边的一切活动(以防发生意外)。故选A项。

43.D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:不久,瞭望员报告说前面有一盏灯闪着。A. charging收费;B. falling落下;C. fading褪色;D. flashing闪光。由下文的The light was steady可知,前方有灯闪着。故选D项。

44.B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:那个船长问:它是稳定的还是朝我们的船移动的?”A. shooting射击;B. moving移动;C. pointing指出;D. looking看。由下文的the two sides would have the risk of crashing into each other可知,船长问灯是稳定的,还是在向他们的船移动,如果灯是移动的,他们就有相撞的风险。故选B项。

45.C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:瞭望员回答说:灯光是稳定的,但我们的船要与那艘船相撞。”A. instruction说明书;B. method方法;C. ship船;D. captain船长。由下文的the two sides would have the risk of crashing into each other if they didn't ___47___course可知,如果双方不重新调整航向的话,船长的船要与那艘船相撞,此处指我们的船(船长的船)。故选C项。

46.C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:瞭望员回答说:灯光是稳定的,但我们的船要与那艘船相撞。”A. trade贸易;B. peace和平;C. collision碰撞;D. comparison比较。由下文的the two sides would have the risk of crashing into each other if they didn't ___47___course可知,如果双方不重新调整航向的话,船长的船要与那艘船相撞。故选C项。

47.B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:船长命令瞭望员向那艘船发出信号,并告诉他们,如果双方不重新调整航向,就有相撞的危险。A. affect影响;B. readjust重新调整;C. admit承认;D. uncover揭开。由下文的they had to change their course可知,船长立即改变航向(避免了相撞),所以此处指重新调整航向。故选B项。

48.D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:回来了一个信号,你们改道才是明智的。”A. typical典型的;B. early早的;C. challenging挑战性的;D. advisable明智的。由全文语境可知,这里回信号的是灯塔,灯塔无法改变航向,为了避免相撞,船长的船改变航向才是明智的。故选D项。

49.A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:船长,我以前从未见过你勃然大怒。瞭望员说了又(按船长说的)做了。A. blow吹;B. reach到达;C. stuff填满;D. show展示。由上文的Then the captain shouted angrily可知,船长很生气,此处指瞭望员从未见过船长勃然大怒,固定搭配blow one’s top(勃然大怒)。故选A项。

50.D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:船长知道这件事后大吃一惊,他们不得不立即改变航向。A. heartbroken心碎的;B. innocent天真的;C. relieved放心的;D. thunderstruck大吃一惊。由上文语境可知,船长以为对面的是一艘船,然而实际上,对面的是灯塔,所以船长知道后大吃一惊。故选D项。

51.B【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:船长知道这件事后大吃一惊,他们不得不立即改变航向。A. temporarily暂时地;B. instantly立即地;C. slowly慢慢地;D. merrily愉快地。由上文语境可知,船长以为对面的是一艘船,一直叫对面改变航向以避免相撞,然而实际上,对面的是灯塔,为了避免相撞,他们不得不立即改变航向。故选B项。

52.A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:在我们的人生道路上,我们有时不得不改变方向:否则,我们会遇到砖墙。A. otherwise否则;B. however然而;C. therefore因此;D. anyway无论如何。由上文语境可知,船长的船如果不改变航向就会撞上灯塔,人生路上也是一样,为了避免相撞我们不得不改变方向,否则就会遇见砖墙(撞上去),前后两句是转折关系,应用otherwise。故选A项。

53.D【解析】考查名词短语辨析。句意:在我们的人生道路上,我们有时不得不改变方向:否则,我们会遇到砖墙。A. top secret绝密;B. safe path安全路径;C. comfort zone舒适区;D. brick wall砖墙。由上文语境可知,船长的船如果不改变航向就会撞上灯塔,人生路上也是一样,为了避免相撞我们不得不改变方向,否则就会遇见砖墙(撞上去)。故选D项。

54.B解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:有些人花了很多时间试图改变周围的一切,却没有意识到只有改变自己才能成功。A. learn学习;B. make使;C. take拿走;D. see看见。由上文语境可知,船长一直叫对面的船改变航向以避免相撞,然而,对面的船实际上是灯塔,最后船长通过自己改变航向避免了相撞,人生路上也是如此,试图改变周围的一切是很难的,只有改变自己才能成功,固定搭配make it(成功)。故选B项。

55.C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以,当生活把一个不可移动的东西摆在你面前时,坚持这个秘密:改变方向,继续前进。A. opportunity机会;B. target目标;C. object东西;D. fantasy幻想。由上文语境可知,灯塔就是那个不可移动的东西,船长不改变航向,就会撞上去,但最后船长通过自己改变航向避免了相撞,所以在人生旅途中,当生活把一个不可移动的东西摆在你面前时,你要学会自己改变方向,继续前进。故选C项。



56. the


57. to

【解析】考查虚词。本题为纯空格格式,需要我们填写虚词(介词,冠词或者连词),空格是在which引导的从句中,所以只能在冠词和介词中选择,再根据空格前的key这个词,我们知道和key搭配的介词为to, 故填写to

58. using

【解析】考查非谓语动词。括号中为动词,空格一般填写动词的时态或者非谓语动词。句子中已经有have surveyed这个谓语动词,所以空格处需要填写非谓语的形式,use的逻辑主语是researchers故用doing的形式表示调查所使用的方法。故填写using

59. assessed


60. directions




62. than

【解析】考查比较级。本题为纯空格格式,需要我们填写虚词(介词,冠词或者连词),从句子中“coastal redwoods tended to be about 30 percent larger可以得知比较急后需填写than

63. called

【解析】考查非谓语动词。括号中为动词,空格一般填写动词的时态或者非谓语动词。because从句中已经有一谓语动词sprout那么空格处需填写非谓语的形式。逻辑主语the processcall应该是被动的关系,故填写called

64. and

【解析】考查固定搭配。本题为纯空格格式,需要我们填写虚词(介词,冠词或者连词),空格前面有between空格前后都是名词,那么需填写and构成between A and B的结构。

65. on

【解析】考查定语从句。本题为纯空格格式,需要我们填写虚词(介词,冠词或者连词),句中已有两个谓语动词,分别是can increaseis句中没有连词,故空格处需要填写连词。从句在old-growth forests名词后面,即定语从句。根据从句后面缺少主语以及先行词为物,我们可以填写that或者which




Dear Editor,

With the learning task increasing in high school, more and morehigh school studentsare beginning to stay up late to study. Recently we did a survey about whether high school freshmen should stay up late to study or not

Opinions are divided into two parts. 60% of the students think they should study at night because there is no noise at that time and that they have higher learning efficiency.

However others think that they should stay up late to study have three reasons. First staying up does great harm to health. Second it is of no help to improve their grades. Third they will be dozy during the day so that gains cannot make up for losses.

As far as I’m concerned, health is more important than anything else. It is normal for high school freshmen to stay up late to study, but it is very harmful to health if they stay up too late frequently.


Li Hua



Para 1 We hurried to their lovely home. I was totally at a loss what to say when the woman supplied us new clothes since ours were all wet through the rain. Wearing the new clothes, warmth spread throughout my entire body. Throwing a warm smile at the woman, I thanked her from the bottom of my heart. “Would you like a cup of coffee?” she questioned. Then, a cup of hot coffee was handed intomy hand. I smiled, “Sure!” The next momentwitnessed our happy time when we shared most of our travelling story.For the first time,the stranger’s warmth found its way straight into my heart.

Para 2 We’d encounter more kindness onthe trip.The next day,we continued our trip. Whenever we got into trouble, the travelers or the passersby would extend their helping hand tous. Tired and exhausted as we were, the kindness from the strangers really astonished me. From that trip on, I would always openup to people I don’t know because I know most of them would be always ready to show their kindness.
