伦敦政治经济学院 | 2021年暑期线上学分项目通知
发布于 2021-05-22 16:55 ,所属分类:政治考试学习资料

伦敦政治经济学院(The London School ofEconomics and Political Science),简称伦敦政经(LSE),创建于1895年,与牛津大学、剑桥大学、伦敦大学学院、帝国理工学院并称“G5超级精英大学”,也是英国金三角名校和罗素大学集团成员。

此项目由LSE暑校(LSE Summer School)开设,旨在自世界各地的学生提供为期三周至九周的专业课程学习。项目包括丰富多元的学术主题,以满足不同领域学生的专业学习需求。LSE的暑校创办至今已有30年历史,是在欧洲历史最悠久且在同类学校中规模最大的暑期学校,目前开设近100门各类课程。



(3)英语要求:托福成绩不低于107(单项不低于25)或雅思7.0(单项不低于7.0)。如果没有托福/雅思成绩或者成绩不达标,还可通过以下两种方式申请此项目:1)大学英语四级或六级(CET-4或CET-6)达到470分, 或英语专业四级(TEM-4)通过,需先读一周英语强化课程,才可选修专业课。2)英语专业八级(TEM-8)通过,可直接修读专业课。

方向 | 课程 |
Accounting | AC110: Principles of Accounting AC101: Managerial Accounting and Financial Control AC215: Business Analysis and Valuation AC110: Principles of Accounting |
Business and management | MG101: Marketing MG133: Foundations of Management MG209: Bargaining and Negotiation: Interests, Information, Strategy and Power MG106: Strategic Management MG110: The Science and Art of Decision Making MG204: Leadership in Organisations MG206: Business Strategy in International and Emerging Markets MG250: Management and Economics of Digital Innovation MG101: Marketing MG106: Strategic Management MG220: Corporate and Organizational Strategy |
Economics | EC201: Intermediate Microeconomics EC204: Financial Markets and the Global Economy: the History of Bubbles, Crashes and Inflations EC307: Development Economics EC200: Introduction to Behavioural Economics EC202: Intermediate Macroeconomics EC240: Environmental Economics & Sustainable Development EC320: Applied Econometrics and Big Data EC104: The Wealth (and Poverty) of Nations: Global Economic Development Past and Present EC212: Introduction to Econometrics EC235: Economics of European Integration |
English language | LN101 / LN102 / LN103: Preparatory English |
Finance | FM230: Alternative Investments FM250: Finance FM202: Analysis and Management of Financial Risk FM225: Fixed Income Securities, Debt Markets and the Macro Economy FM230: Alternative Investments FM250: Finance FM255: Financial Markets FM350: Advanced Corporate Finance |
International Relations, Government, Psychology and Society | IR115: Culture and Globalisation IR209: International Political Economy: States and Markets in the 21st Century IR245: International Journalism and Society - The Role of the Media in the Modern World IR102: Capitalism, Democracy and Inequality: The Crisis of Market Liberalism in Wealthy Democracies IR105: Understanding Foreign Policy: The Diplomacy of War, Profit and Justice IR100: Great Thinkers and Pivotal Leaders: Shaping the Global Order IR207: Development in the International Political Economy IR214: Public Policy Analysis |
Law | LL102: Introduction to International Human Rights: Theory, Law and Practice LL135: Introduction to Corporate Law and Governance LL105: International Law: Contemporary Issues LL204: Cyberlaw LL200: Competition Law and Policy: Controlling Private Power LL301: Corporate Finance Law |
Research Methods, Data Science, and Mathematics | ME116: Essential Statistics for Economics and Econometrics ME200: Computational Methods in Financial Mathematics ME314: Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning ME306: Real Analysis ME315: Machine Learning in Practice ME117: Further Statistics for Economics and Econometrics |
鸿美国际教育(New Ivy Consortium For Global Study)总部位于美国,作为百余所世界名校的官方项目授权合作伙伴,鸿美集团汇聚了最优质的教育资源,拥有丰富的名校申请经验和专业诚信,为立志于海外求学的申请人提供留学规划申请、学业指导、职业培训等高品质服务。同时,也提供海外学术出版、投资理财资产配置和移民等相关业务。
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