
发布于 2021-06-04 18:01 ,所属分类:中高考押题学习资料



1. 活动的目的;

2. 活动的内容(如室内升旗仪式,受表彰学生代表发言等);

3. 对此次活动的评价。

参考词汇:疫情 epidemic 五四运动 the May Fourth Movement

On May fourth, in memory of the May Fourth Movement, an indoor commending ceremony was broadcast live in our school, which was meaningful and inspiring during the epidemic.

In the morning, our school held an awarding ceremony indoors to avoid unnecessary public gathering. It began with the solemn flag-raising ceremony, followed by speech from our beloved principal who emphasized the importance of following the spirits of the May Fourth Movement--- patriotism, progress, democracy and science. Then 20 students were commended for their outstanding academic performance and selfless contributions, of whom, one student was invited to share his story with the audience. This activity was concluded with students taking vows in each class.

This activity was highly spoken of by students, for it motivated them to strive for their dreams while braving all the uncertainties.


假如你是李华,高中生活即将结束,你的英国笔友 Tom 写信给你,想了解你高中时期一次难忘的经历, 请你给他写一封回信,要点如下:1. 描写一次难忘的经历;2. 谈谈这次经历对你的影响。

Dear Tom,

Nice to hear from you. Knowing from your last letter that you are curious about one of my unforgettable experiences in high school, I am writing to share one with you.

When I was in Senior II, I got a chance to study in your country -- the UK for three months as an exchange student. What impressed me most was the various activities in and after class. We had group discussions and played games with classmates to enjoy the cultural diversity. I developed a deep friendship with many UK students from varied backgrounds, which helped me understand the country better. Through the three months’ study, not only did I get to know the cultural differences, but I also learned how to co-operate with others.

Looking forward to your early reply and sharing your unforgettable experience.

Li Hua


假定你是李华,在你校上学的英国朋友David对这学期学校开设的选修课拿不定主意,你周末去找他准备一起商讨下,但他不在家,你给他写张便条,内容包括:1. 来访的目的;2. 选修课:国学、国画、京剧、武术;3. 你的建议。

参考词汇:国学——sinology;武术——martial arts

Dear David,

I came to see you but you were out. I’d like to discuss with you about your optional courses, as it is difficult for you to choose one from those four optional courses: Sinology, Traditional Chinese Painting, Peking Opera and Martial Arts.

In my opinion, you should select one according to your interest. If you want to obtain a general knowledge of Chinese language, literature and some other aspects, you may take Sinology course. If you are interested in painting, you may choose Traditional Chinese Painting. If you just like acting, Peking Opera is the best choice.

If you want to learn how to protect yourself, you can learn Martial Arts. So it is up to you to decide.

Li Hua


假定你是李华,前不久听了美国教授 Mr smith关于“读英语作品,提高英语运用能力”的讲座,受益匪浅,但仍有一些问题弄不懂,所以写信向他求助,内容包括:1.自我介绍;2.请教读英语作品时应注意什么;3.推荐几本适合阅读的英语作品。

Dear Mr smith,

My name is Li Hua, a senior 3 student. The other day, I attended your lecture on“ Read English works to improve your ability to your English”,which has benefited me a lot. However, in some aspect, I still need your help, so I’m writing to you today.

To start with, could you please tell me what I should mainly focus on when reading English works, vocabulary, grammar, culture, or something else? Besides, what’s the correct order to deal with the different aspects? More importantly, I’m wondering whether you can recommend some good works which are suitable for us, senior 3 students.

I’d appreciate it if you could do me a favor. Best wishes!

Li Hua


假定你是李华,是某外语学校的学生会主席。你们学校的啦啦操社团(Cheerleading Club)正在招募(recruit)新成员。请你根据以下要点提示给交换生Lisa写一封电子邮件,邀请她加入。


Dear Lisa,

Have you heard that the Cheerleading Club of our school is recruiting new members? I know you are interested in it. I am writing to invite you to join it.

The club offers a variety of activities. Not only do the members receive professional training in the gym every Friday, they will also put on performances at the school sports meeting. Besides, they will compete in the Student Talent Show in our city in November. I am sure it will be great. If you want to join, please sign up in the school office or send your application to cheerleadingsociety@163.com before next Sunday.

Looking forward to your participation!

Li Hua


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