发布于 2021-04-20 06:34 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯
Unit 41
Unit 42

2 hope
3 wish
4 wished
5 hope
6 wish
7 hope
2 wasn't/weren't
3 'd told / had told
4 had / could have
5 could
6 hadn't bought
7 didn't have
8 have gone
2 I wish she would come. or … would hurry up.
3 I wish somebody would give me a job.
4 I wish the/that dog would stop barking.
5 I wish you wouldn't drive so fast.
6 I wish you wouldn't leave the door open (all the time).
7 I wish people wouldn't drop litter in the street.
3 I knew
4 we hadn't gone
5 the bus would come
6 I could come
7 it was/were
8 I'd taken / I had taken
9 you'd listen / you would listen
10 you wouldn't complain or you didn't complain
11 it wasn't/weren't
12 the weather would change
13 I had / I could have
14 we could have stayed
2 is made
3 was damaged
4 are shown
5 were invited
6 's/is found
7 were overtaken
8 are held
9 was injured
10 is surrounded
11 was sent
12 is owned
2 When was television invented?
3 How are mountains formed?
4 When was DNA discovered?
5 What is silver used for?
2 a covers
b is covered
3 a was stolen
b disappeared
4 a died
b were brought up
5 a sank
b was rescued
6 a was fired
b resigned
7 a doesn't bother
b 'm/am not bothered
8 a was knocked
b fell
9 a are they called
b do you call
2 All flights were cancelled because of fog.
3 I was accused of stealing money.
4 How is this word used?
5 All taxes are included in the price.
6 We were warned not to go out alone.
7 This office isn't / is not used any more.
8 Five hundred people were invited to the wedding.
