
发布于 2021-03-24 16:06 ,所属分类:在线教育信息快讯




1. absorb
be absorbed in 全神贯注于
be absorbed by/with 入神地研究

2. accompany
accompany sb to 陪…到…
accompany sb at/on…用…给…伴奏
be accompanied by/with…与…同时发生/存在、兼带、附有
in the accompany of sb 在…的陪伴下

3. account
account for 说明…的原因/占
on account of 由于/因为
take account of sth 考虑/顾及… 
take sth into account 考虑/顾及…

4. accuse
accuse sb of (doing) sth  指控…做…

5. accustom
accustom oneself to sth 使…习惯于…
be accustomed to sth 习惯于…
be accustomed to doing sth 习惯于做…        
get/become/grow accustomed to sth 适应/习惯于…

6. acknowledge
acknowledge doing sth 承认做了… 
acknowledge sth as/to be 认为某事…

7. act
act as 充当/扮演
act for 代理/代表
act out (用手势/动作)表示出来           
act on /upon 起作用/生效
act against 违反       

8. add
add to 增加/增添
add…to  把…加到…
add up 加起来
add up to 总计/共
in addition另外
in addition to 此外/除此以外

9. adapt
adapt to 适应(=adjust to) 
adapt oneself to 使…自己适应/习惯于
adapt sth for sth 改变…以便在不同的情况下使用
adapt from 根据…改写/改编

10. adjust
adjust to 适应

11. admit
admit doing sth 承认做…
be admitted to 准许(入学等)
admit one’s mistake 承认错误      

12. advise
advise doing sth 建议做…               
advise sb (not) to do sth 建议…做/不做…
advise that sb( should )do 建议…应做…

13. afford
afford to do sth 有能力做…  
afford sth 买得起…
afford sb sth 为…提供…    

14. agree
agree with sb/one`s opinion /what one said 同意某人的意见/观点/看法
agree to sth 同意某物                       
agree on sth (双方)就…达成共识
agree to do sth同意做… 

15. allow
allow sb to do sth 允许…做…                
allow doing sth 允许做…
allow for 考虑、顾及                      
allow of 容许/有可能
allow sb in /up /out 允许…进/起来/出去

16. appeal
appeal to/for 恳求/强烈呼吁                 
appeal against(提出)上诉
appeal to (某物)使喜欢/吸引/使感兴趣

17. apply
apply to sb /sth 适用于/运用于                
apply to sb for help 请求…帮助
apply oneself to sth  专心于…                
apply one’s mind to sth 专心于…
apply a theory to practice 把理论运用于实践     
apply for a job提出工作申请

18. apologize
apologize to sb for (doing) sth 为(做)…向…道歉
make an apologize to sb for( doing) sth为(做)…向…道歉

19. argue
argue with sb about/over sth 与…辩论…       
argue for 为…而辩护
argue against 辩驳\反驳
argue sb into/out of doing sth 劝说…做/不做

20. attach
attach sth to sth 将…与…相联系
attach omeself to sb /sth 加入/依附
attach sb to sb /sth 使隶属于…               
be attached to 依恋/留恋

21. attempt
attempt to do sth 试图/尝试做…            
make an attempt to do sth试图做…         
make an attempt on/upon sth 试图夺取…      
make an attempt at doing sth试图做…

22. attend
attend to
attend on /upon
be attended by  

23. believe
believe in 信任、信仰
beyond believe 难以置信
believe it or not 信不信由你

24. blame
blame sb for (doing) sth 因…责备…      
be to blame (for…)应承担责任/该受到责备

25. break
break down 中断/分解/出故障                   
break up  分解/散开/打碎
break in 闯入/打断/插嘴 
break into 闯入/强行进入
break off 中断/绝交/休息一下 
break out 发生/爆发
break through 突破
break open 以暴力启开
break away from逃走/脱离                      
break in tears 突然大哭起来
without /with a break 不停的/休息一会儿          
break into laughter突然大笑起来  

26. bring
bring in 获利/赚钱/提出/获得(收成等)
bring out 出版/阐明
bring on 使发生/引起 
bring up提出/抚养/呕吐
bring down击落/推翻 
bring about 使发生/造成
bring sb sth /bring sth to /for sb 带给…某物       
bring back归还/记起    
bring sb/oneself to do sth 使某人/自己做…       
bring …to an end 结束

27. burn
burn down 烧毁/烧光/烧为平地                  
burn up 烧掉/烧毁/越烧越旺
burn off 烧掉
burn out (使)烧坏、烧光
burn with 有(强烈的情绪或要求)
burn…to sth 将…烧成…状态

28. burst
burst into sth  突然…起来 
burst into doing sth 突然开始做…
burst out doing sth   突然开始做…               
burst open 猛然被推开

29. call
call at sp 到(某地)拜访
call back 回电话
call in 请(进来)/召集                           
call on /upon 拜访/呼吁
call up 打电话/使…想起                        
call for 需要/要求
call out 大声喊叫                              
call forth 唤起/引起/招致
call after 以…的名字命名                       
call on sb to do sth
