发布于 2021-11-15 12:02 ,所属分类:考研学习资料大全




① Nationwide there’s more than one job opening for every American who wants to work. ② Yet September had the smallest monthly gain in payrolls this year, at 194,000, defying predictions by some politicians and economists that the expiration of emergency federal unemployment benefits would prod more people to find work. ③ The contradictory data speak of a labor market that has been profoundly disrupted by the Covid-19 crisis—and may remain so for some time.

积累/ 词汇
① nationwide adj. 全国性的 adv. 在全国
job opening 职位空缺; 工作机会
Tips: who wants to work为定语从句,修饰American。
② gain n. 收益;增长
payroll n. 工资名单
defy v. 反抗;蔑视
expiration n. 期满;截止
prod v. 催促;鼓励
③ contradictory adj. 矛盾的
be contradictory to sth. 与某事物相矛盾
speak of 提及;谈到
Tips: that has been profoundly disrupted by the Covid-19 crisis为定语从句,修饰labor market。
长句/ 解析
Yet September had the smallest monthly gain in payrolls this year, at 194,000, defying predictions by some politicians and economists that the expiration of emergency federal unemployment benefits would prod more people to find work.
① 全句主干。
② 非谓语结构作定语,修饰gain。
③ 同位语从句,说明predictions的具体内容。
译文/ 参考
① 在全国范围内,每个想工作的美国人都有不止一个工作机会。② 然而,今年9月份的就业人数为19.4万人,是今年以来月度增幅最小的,这与一些政客和经济学家们的预测背道而驰,他们认为联邦紧急失业救济金的到期将促使更多的人去找工作。③ 这些相互矛盾的数据表明,劳动力市场已经被新冠疫情严重扰乱,而且这种情况可能会持续一段时间。

①To find out why so many working-age people remain on the sidelines, Bloomberg News spoke at length with 10 of them. ②Several said they were reluctant to accept a part-time position when what they needed was a full-time one. ③Others are caring for kids or elderly family members, which limits their ability to work. ④ Still others are in the middle of changing careers and need to skill up. ⑤ Many are scared of contracting the coronavirus.
积累/ 词汇
① sideline n. 兼职
on the sidelines 从旁观者的角度
at length 终究;终归;详尽地
② Tips:when后为时间状语从句,主语是what they needed,谓语是was。
③ care for 照顾;关心;喜欢
Tips:which limits their ability to work为非限制性定语从句,对前句内容进行补充说明。
④ in the middle of 正忙于;在…过程中
skill up 技能升级;提高技能
⑤ be / feel scared of sb/sth/doing sth. 害怕某人/某事物/做某事
contract v. 感染
coronavirus n. 冠状病毒
译文/ 参考
①为了弄清楚为什么这么多适龄劳动人口仍处在观望阶段,彭博新闻社对其中的10人进行了深入采访。②一些人说,当他们需要的是全职工作时,他们不愿意接受兼职工作。③另一些人则在照顾孩子或家里的老人,这使得他们没办法去工作。④ 还有一些人正处在职业转换期,需要提高技能。⑤ 许多人也害怕感染冠状病毒。

今日阅读| 149词
文章来源| Bloomberg Businessweek