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1. 法律英语文体学(英文版)
2. 新编英语阅读与写作实践教程(第5版)
3. 新编英汉汉英翻译实践教程
4. 海南中学2018年一高考备考生英语课模拟作文练习与评析
本科生作业2(翻译硕士为作业3) 教材第5章思考与练习1有个读书人家里很穷,却很爱面子。有天晚上,小偷到他的家里来行窃,却没有东西可偷的,就说:“晦气,碰到了穷鬼!”读书人听见了,就从床头摸出仅有的几文钱,追上去,拉住小偷,轻轻地说:“你来得真不巧,将就些吧,请把这几文钱拿去。不过在人家面前,你可千万不要随便说,给我留点面子啊!”Once there was a scholar who was very poor but loved to save his own face. One night, a thief slipped into his house to steal things, but he could find nothing that he thought was worth stealing. So he murmured to himself, “Bad luck. I’ve hit upon a real beggar!” Hearing this, the scholar fished out from under his pillow a few coppers he was down to and raced to catch up with the thief. Pulling him by the arm, he whispered to him, “You came to me at a bad time. Would you please make do with the couple of coppers? But please don’t talk about it in front of anyone else. I beg you to save face for me.”Once there was a scholar who was very poor, but was very much concerned with his reputation. One evening, a thief broke into the scholar’s house, but he could find nothing worth stealing. So he loudly said to himself, “What bad luck! I’ve hit upon a real beggar!” Hearing this, the scholar fished out what little money he had from his bedhead, and went after the thief. He stopped the thief and whispered to him, “You came at a most inopportune time. Would you please make do with this little money? But Heaven’s sake, don’t talk about it in front of anyone else. But all means leave me a little face, eh?”延伸阅读:
《新汉英翻译教程》练习参考译文修改系列(17):第三章 思考与练习2 语段翻译 自译译文和该练习参考译文修改稿
新汉英翻译教程》练习参考译文修改系列(19):第四章 综合练习第三大题参考译文的修改
新汉英翻译教程》练习参考译文修改系列(18):第四章 综合练习第一大题和第二大题参考译文的修改
《新汉英翻译教程》练习参考译文修改系列(16):第四章 课前翻译练习参考译文的修改
《新汉英翻译教程》练习只参考译文修改系列(15):第三章 综合练习第一大题和第二大题参考译文的修改