
发布于 2022-06-01 01:22 ,所属分类:中高考押题学习资料




secure adj. 安全的→security n. 安全

defend v. 保卫;防御→defense n. 防御

resolve v. 解决→resolution n. 解决方案

peace n. 和平→peaceful adj. 和平的

justify v.证明......有理→justified adj.有正当理由的→ 反义词 unjustified无正当理由的

administrate v.管理→administration n.管理

continuous adj.连续的→continuously adv. 连续地

tense adj.紧张的→ tension n. 紧张关系/气氛

expand v.扩张→ expansion n. 扩张

negotiate v.协商→negotiation n. 协商

oppose v.反对→opposed adj. 反对的


appropriateadj.→反义词 inappropriate

object n. 物体;目标→objective adj. 客观的

1.During the early days of the Covid pandemic it was used to transport ______ (medicine) supplies to affected areas.

2.According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Russian Armed Forces are destroying "military infrastructure(基础设施),air defense ______ (facility), military airfields, aviation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces" with high-precision weapons, not targeting Ukrainian cities.

3.Chinese social media platforms are moving to crack down (严厉打击) on ______ (appropriate) remarks in regard to the Russia-Ukraine crisis.

4.Sina Weibo, along with Douyin, a short-video platformknownasTikTok overseas, and the WeChat social media app all ______ (emphasis)management rules overlastweekend, callingfor ______ (object)and serious discussions on such a weighty topic.

5.Meanwhile, Chinese researchershave warned the public that some overseas anti-China individuals and organizations have been ______ (intention)making use of and playing up inappropriate comments to damageournation's global image.


explore v. 探索→exploration n. 探索

success n. 成功→successful adj. 成功的→successfully adv. 成功地

land v. 着陆→landing n. 着陆

man n. 人;男人→manned adj. 载人的

science n.科学→scientific adj. 科学的

achieve v. 达到→achievement n. 成就

strong adj. 强大的→strength n. 强度,优点 →strengthen v. 加强

contribute v. 做贡献;促成→contribution n. 贡献

challenge v. 挑战→challenging adj. 有挑战性的

educate v. 教育→educational adj. 有教育意义的

persevere v. 坚持→perseverance n. 坚韧;毅力

1.A Long March-2F rocket______(carry) the Shenzhou-13 spacecraft, which means "Divine Vessel",blasted off(发射)from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

2.For the threeastronauts, the most______(challenge)task will be the long-term stay in orbit for six months.

3.The Shenzhou XIV crew______(consist) ofthreeastronautsand they will take offfrom Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

4.In thelongterm, the Tiangongstation will be______(regular)connected with a Shenzhou spacecraft and two Tianzhou cargo ships.

5.Three Chinese astronauts of the Shenzhou XIII______(man) spaceship have completed their six-monthspace station mission and returned to Earth______(safe) on April 16th,2022.

6.The astronautspreformed two spacewalks, conducted more than 20 different science experiments delivered two live______(educate) lectures in space.

7.Fifty years ago,China successfully launched its first satellite, Dongfanghong 1, and startedanewchapter in space______(explore).

8.The mission, Tianwen got itsname from a long poem Tianwen______(write) by Qu Yuan, a famous poet of the Warring States Period.

9.Tianwen demonstrates the determinationand______(persevere) of Chinese people to move further into deep space.

10.We conquered the space,and the conquest represents a visible proof of our nation's______(strong).


involve v. 参与;涉及→involved adj. 参与的

imaginev. 想象→imagination n. 想象

creativeadj. 有创造力的→creativity n. 创造力

perform v. 表演;表现→performance n. 表现

encourage v. 鼓励→encouragement n. 鼓励

inspire v. 鼓舞→inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的

symbol n. 象征→symbolize v. 象征

compete v. 竞争→competition n. 竞争;比赛

significant adj. 重大的→significance n. 重要性

cooperate v. 合作→cooperation n. 合作

share v. 分享→shared adj. 共享的

1.The official mascot, a panda______(name)Bing Dwen Dwen, has featured acrossthe Games events and promotions.

2.In Beijing, the furore(热度)around Bing Dwen Dwen has provided a way for people to feel______(involve)in an event they arestoppedattendingdueto strict pandemiccontrols.

3.The mascot’s popularity was beyond many people’s______(imagine).

4.Gu Ailing’s______(academy)excellence is also known to the public.

5.Gu says that skiing gives her freedom and______(creative), especially whenshe______(perfect) controls her body and does tricks that others can’t do.

6.Hanyu Yuzuru’sperformances are the perfect______(combine)of grace and fury, jaw dropping actions and enchanting artistry.


infect v. 感染→infected adj. 感染的

treat v. 治疗→treatment n. 治疗;疗法

die v. 死→death n. 死亡

effect n. 效果→effective adj. 有效的

crowd n. 人群→crowded adj. 拥挤的

social adj. 社会的→socially adv. 社会地

private adj. 私人的→privacy n. 隐私

frequent adj. 频繁的→frequently adv. 频繁地

confirm v. 确定;确认→confirmed adj. 确定的

respond v. 回答;作出反应→response n. 答复;反应

confident adj. →confidence n.

1.Our hospital's ophthalmologist Li Wenliang was______(unfortunate) infected with coronavirus during his work in the fight he coronavirus epidemic.

2."After emergency______(treat), Li Wenliang passed away,”the Central Hospital of Wuhan announced on Weibo."We deeply regret and mourn Li’s______(die)."

3.Ifyou might have been exposed, you should stay home and______(social)distance yourself for 14 days.

4.Thoseconcernedabout______(private)say contact tracing could cause a lot of problems.

5.Wearing a mask is one of the most______(effect)ways to protect you from getting infected.

6.Exercise regularlyto______(strength)your immune system.

7.Make sure that shared spaces have good air flow and avoid going to______(crowd)places such as hospitals, railway stations and airports.


tradition n. 传统→traditional adj. 传统的

culture n. 文化→cultural adj. 文化的

history n. 历史→ historic adj. 历史的

exhibit v. 展览→exhibition n. 展览

introduce v. 介绍→introduction n. 介绍

understand v. 理解→understanding n. 理解 adj. 善解人意的

beautify v. 美化→beautiful adj. 优美的


endanger v. 使濒危→endangered adj. 濒危的

pollute v. 污染→pollution n. 污染

environment n. 环境→environmental adj. 环境的

surround v. 围绕;包围→surrounding adj. 周围的→surroundings n. 周围的环境

protect v. 保护→protection n. 保护

responsibility n. 责任→复数 responsibilities

aware adj. 意识到的→awareness n. 意识

harmony n. 和谐→harmonious adj. 和谐的

harm v. 伤害→harmful adj. 有害的


俄乌冲突:1. medical 2. facilities 3. inappropriate4. emphasized; objective 5. intentionally

航天:1.carrying 2. challenging 3. consists 4. regularly 5. manned;safely 6.and;educational 7. exploration 8. written 9. perseverance 10.strength

冬奥:1. named 2. involved/more involved; from 3. imagination 4. academic 5. creativity;perfectly 6. combination

新冠疫情:1. unfortunately; against 2. treatment;death 3. socially 4. privacy 5.effective 6. strengthen 7. crowded















