
发布于 2021-04-11 16:36 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯


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  1. arise arisen arises arising arose

  2. claim claimant claimants claimed claiming claims unclaimed

  3. code coded codes coding uncoded

  4. combine combinability combination combinations combined combines combining recombinant recombination recombinations recombine recombined recombines recombining

  5. complex complexed complexes complexities complexity

  6. conscious consciously consciousness unconscious unconsciously unconsciousness

  7. contain contained container containers containing containment contains

  8. current currently currents

  9. digital digitally

  10. drama dramas dramatic dramatically dramatics dramatisation dramatisations dramatise dramatised dramatises dramatising dramatist dramatists dramatization dramatizations dramatize dramatized dramatizes dramatizing undramatic

  11. grant granted granting grantor grantors grants

  12. influence influenced influences influencing influential uninfluenced

  13. inspire inspiration inspirational inspirations inspired inspires inspiring uninspired uninspiring

  14. intelligence intelligences

  15. layer layered layering layers

  16. perspective perspectival perspectives

  17. philosophy philosopher philosophers philosophic philosophical philosophically philosophies philosophise philosophised philosophises philosophising philosophize philosophized philosophizes philosophizing

  18. potential potentialities potentiality potentially potentials

  19. practical impractical impracticalities impracticality practicalities practicality practically

  20. pure impure impurities impurity pured purely pureness purer purest purism purist purists purity

  21. remark remarkable remarkably remarked remarking remarks unremarkable unremarkably unremarked

  22. represent rep representation representational representations representative representativeness representatives represented representing represents reps unrepresentative unrepresented

  23. revolution revolutionaries revolutionary revolutionise revolutionised revolutionises revolutionising revolutionist revolutionists revolutionize revolutionized revolutionizes revolutionizing revolutions

  24. signal signaling signalled signalling signally signals

  25. string stringed stringing strings stringy strung


英:/strɪŋ/ 美:/strɪŋ/

n. 绳子,带子;线丝,植物纤维;串;

vt. 上弦,调弦;使排成一行或一系列;绑,系或用线挂起;延伸或扩展;

However, the String object that s was pointing to is still occupying memory.

然而, s指向的String对象依然占据着内存空间.


英:/pəˈspektɪv/ 美:/pərˈspektɪv/

n. 透镜,望远镜;观点,看法;远景,景色;洞察力;

adj. (按照)透视画法的;透视的;

The theory about the information content includes Information Perspective, Valuation Perspective and Contract Perspective.

信息含量研究的理论基础有契约观 信息观和计价观.

Thus we need to create a common perspective, a Singaporean perspective.

因此我们确实有必要建立一种共识, 一种使得大家都能够从新加坡人的角度和观点来看问题的共识.


英:/ˈleɪə(r)/ 美:/ˈler/

n. 层,层次;膜;[]压条;放置者,计划者;

vt. 分层堆放;借助压条法;生根繁殖;将(头发)剪成不同层次;

vi. 形成或分成层次;

Skin structure is divided into five levels, namely: cuticle, transparent layer, layer tablets, essential layer, layer.

皮肤结构共分五层, 分别为: 角质层 、 透明层 、 粒层 、 本质层 、 基底层.


英:/grɑ:nt/ 美:/grænt/

vt. 承认;同意;准许;授予;

n. 拨款;补助金;授给物(如财产、授地、专有权、补助、拨款等);

vi. 同意;




英:/ˈkɒmpleks/ 美:/kəmˈpleks/

adj. 复杂的;难懂的;复合的;

n. 建筑群;相关联的一组事物;情结;不正常的忧虑;

Many natural and man - made networks are complex networks, which have complex topological structures and many nodes.

许多自然和人造的网络都属于复杂网络, 它们具有复杂的招朴结构和大量的节点.


英:/kleɪm/ 美:/klem/

vt. 声称;断言;需要;索取;

vi. 提出要求;

n. (根据权利而提出的)要求;声称;断言;索赔;

In our country, the claim pattern of the current joint liability is a free claim pattern.


Will you please claim your baggage at the claim area.



英:/əˈraɪz/ 美:/əˈraɪz/

vi.& vt. 产生;出现;起身,起立;起源于,产生于;

Sally Whitemane says: Mograine has fallen! You shall pay for this treachery ! Arise , my champion ! Arise!

Leak electricity is easy to result in fire. Electric shock may arise accident.

设备漏电容易引起火灾, 触电会导致人身伤亡事故.
