【警英新闻】[US Capitol Car-ramming Attack]诺亚格林在国会大厦参议院侧面撞向了两名警察和路障
发布于 2021-04-18 10:01 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯
Noah Green on Friday crashed into 2 officers and a barricade by the Senate side of Capitol
ByDanielle Wallace| Fox News
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TheU.S. CapitolPolice officerwho survivedinjuries sustained when a man armed with a knife rammed his vehicle into abarricade blocking access to the Capitol building late last week has been released from the hospital.
Video shared online showed a Capitol Police officer identified bylocal outletsas Ken Shaver being brought outside of the hospital in a wheelchair on Sunday. The officer, seen wearing a face mask and plain clothes, with a brace on his left leg, was greeted by cheers and applause from a crowd of law enforcement and medical personnel.Shaver then stands from the wheelchair and walks toward the vehicle waiting to pick him up. The extent of his injuries is unclear.
网上分享的视频显示,周日,一名被当地媒体确认为肯·谢弗尔(Ken Shaver)的国会警察坐着轮椅被带出医院。这名警官戴着面罩,穿着便衣,左腿上绑着支架,受到执法人员和医务工作者的欢呼和掌声欢迎。然后,谢弗尔从轮椅上站起来,走向等着接他的车。他的伤势程度尚不明确。
As the investigation into the incident that happened on Good Friday continues, authorities so far have said the driver, identified as 25-year-old Noah Green, crashed into two officers and the North Barricade by the Senate side of the U.S. Capitol.Surveillance footage showed he then exited the car armed with a knife and lunged at the officers before they fatally shot him, authorities said. Green later died at the hospital.
随着对耶稣受难节事件(4月2日)的调查仍在继续,当局迄今只说明了25岁的司机诺亚·格林(Noah Green)撞向了两名警察和位于美国国会大厦参议院的北侧路障。当局说,监控录像显示,冲撞之后,他(诺亚·格林)带着一把刀走出汽车,冲向警察,随后警察将他击毙。格林后死于医院。

Capitol Police announced later Friday that William "Billy"Evans had also died from"injuries he sustained following an attack at the North Barricade by a lone assailant."Evans, a member of the Capitol Police for 18 years, began his service on March 7, 2003, and was a member of the Capitol Division’s First Responder’s Unit, acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman said."Please keep Officer Evans and his family in your thoughts and prayers," Pittman added.
国会警方于星期五晚些时候宣布,(另一名警官)威廉·“比利”·埃文斯(William "Billy" Evans)也死于北部路障被袭击事件中。国会警察局代理局长约加南达·皮特曼(Yogananda Pittman)陈述,埃文斯在国会警察部门工作了18年,自2003年3月7日开始工作,是国会部门第一反应小组的成员。皮特曼补充道:“请继续为埃文斯警官和他的家人祈祷。”

(Noah Green, suspect in attack at U.S. Capitol on April 2.)
Authorities have not clarified how Evans was fatally injured.In the chaotic moments after the attack, law enforcement officials initially believed the suspect may have stabbed Evans, but rumors also swirled that Evans may have been struck by friendly fire when police started shooting at the suspect.Capitol Police did not immediately return Fox News' request for comment.
The motive also remains under investigation, and Capitol Police did not return an email from Fox News asking whether Green may have purposely planned the attack ahead of the Christian observance of Easter Sunday. Green previously described himself in online posts that have since been removed as a follower of the Nation of Islam and its longtime leader, Louis Farrakhan, the Associated Press reported.
犯罪动机仍在调查中,国会警方也没有回复福克斯新闻询问格林是否有意在基督教复活节之前策划了这次袭击的邮件。据美联社(Associated Press)报道,格林此前曾在网上发帖称自己属于伊斯兰国家组织(national of Islam)及其是领导人路易斯·法拉汗(Louis Farrakhan)的忠实追随者,但这些帖子后来被删除。
In some of the messages captured by the group SITE, which tracks online activity, Green described being under government thought control, said he was being watched and spoke of going through a difficult time when he leaned on his faith. An unnamed U.S. official told the Associated Press on Saturday that investigators are focused on Green’s mental health and believe he suffered delusions, paranoia and suicidal thoughts.
The attackcomes about three months after the Capitol was stormed by rioters attempting to prevent Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory over former President Donald Trump.
大约三个月前,企图阻止国会公证乔·拜登在选举团选举中战胜前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的暴徒袭击了国会大厦。

Though his official cause of death still has not been released, Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died at the hospital after physically engaging with rioters on Jan. 6. Two men were charged in March with assaulting Sicknick and other officers that day with a chemical spray. Capitol Police Officer Howard Liebengood also died by suicide days after responding to the insurrection.
尽管他的官方死因还没有公布,国会警察布莱恩·西柯尼可(Brian·Sicknick)在1月6日与暴徒接触后死于医院。今年3月,两名男子因那天(1月6日)使用化学喷雾袭击西柯尼可和其他警察被起诉。国会警察霍华德·利本古德(Howard liebenood)在应对叛乱几天后也自杀身亡。
After Friday's fatal attack, the head of the union representing rank-and-file Capitol Police officers said theyare "reeling" over the death of Evans. Hundreds of officers are considering retirement or finding jobs elsewhere, Gus Papathanasiou, chairman of the U.S. Capitol Police Labor Committee, said in a statement released Sunday.
The Capitol Police force is 223 officers short ofits authorized level of more than 2,000, he said, and "is struggling to meet existing mission requirements even with the officers working massive amounts of forced overtime."
"In the next 3-5 years we have another 500 officers who will be eligible to retire. Many of these officers could put in their retirement papers tomorrow," Papathanasiou said. "I’ve had many younger officers confide in me that they’re actively looking at other agencies and departments right now."
A final security review of the Capitolpresented last month by retired Army Lt. Gen.Russel Honorébefore the House of Representatives in closed-door sessions found that U.S. Capitol Police were "understaffed, insufficiently equipped and inadequately trained" to secure the Capitol and Congress members against a large, violent mob on Jan. 6.
The 15-page report recommended a 24/7 "Quick Reaction Force" be established amid growing security threats to the building, called for a renewed push to fill the 233 open positions on the force and for Congress to fund 350 new jobs and new fencing systems and other infrastructure. Honoré’s team also wants Congress to give the Capitol Police chief new authority to seek National Guard support in a crisis.
"We supported Gen.Honoré's recommendations and had the opportunity to meet with him and his team the day before Officer Evans was tragically killed," Papathanasiou said. "As I explained to him, these improvements are critical, but our first priority has to be retaining our existing officers. There are immediate steps Congress can take to address this. The question is, will Congress do so?"
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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Key Words
ram v. 和…相撞、撞击;塞进、挤进
blocking access 成组存取;字组存取;块存取(该条短语与文章没有任何关系)
outlet n. 表现机会、(感情、思想、精力发泄的)出路;专营店、经销店;出口、排放管
plain clothes 便衣警察
plain cloth 平纹织物;平布
medical personnel 医疗人员
authority n. 权威;权力;当局
surveillance n. 监督;监视
lunged at 冲向
chaotic adj. 混沌的;混乱的,无秩序的
stab v. 刺;刺伤;戳;刺穿;直入
swirl v. 盘绕,打旋;使成漩涡;流传;眩晕
struck v. 罢工;打击,撞击(strike 的过去式和过去分词)adj. 受罢工影响的
delusion n. 妄想;错觉[内科]
paranoia n. 偏执狂[心理],妄想狂[内科]
suicidal adj. 自杀的,自杀性的;自我毁灭的;自取灭亡的
suicide n. 自杀;自杀行为;自杀者
reel v. 迷惑,震惊;晕眩;走路踉跄;收起钓线钓起;打趔趄;跳里尔舞
authorized adj. 经授权的;经认可的
