
发布于 2021-04-19 19:18 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯

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  1. II.Grammar andVocabulary SectionA

Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passagescoherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill ineach blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, useone word that best fits each blank.

Who is responsible for childhood obesity(肥胖)?

It'slunchtimeandsixth-graderOscarVillanovavisitsthe vending售卖machine.Hepays for an orange juice and some cheesesticks,(21)he really wanted sodaandchips.Hisschool,Mildred Avenue, only sells school lunch and healthysnacks.

Seventh-graderLeticiaBrown(22)(tell) byher doctor thatshe needstoloseweight. Her doctor says exercise will helpher control her weight but at school she only gets physical education once aweek.

Many children sufferfrom healthconditions(23)are caused or made worseby

their lifestyles. Childhood obesity has more than doubledin children and four times in adolescents inthe past30years.Moreover, ratesofchildhooddiabetes(糖尿(24)(rise).Theseconditionscan putchildren(25)risk for heart diseaseand other major killerslaterin


These health issues are complex problems withmany different causes. Eating meals out, watching lots of TV, and not beingactive after school can cause too much weight gain. But there are many thingschildren cando(26)(improve)their health. Doctors saytheprimaryfocus forchildren(27)beeating healthy food and getting exercise everyday.

Schoolsaregetting(28)(involve) in solving theproblem. Some,likeMildredAvenue,restrict the snacks students canbuy(29)are offeringmore gymclassestoemphasize the importance of exercise. Someschools even send home health notices warning parents that their child may beoverweight. These schools believe parents should be acting more responsiblybyrestrictingchildren'sdiets.Manyparentsgetangry,(30)(argue)thatschools should limit theirfocus to teaching. They believe that they have primary responsibility for theirchildren'shealth.

Section B

A. uncomfortable

B. critically

C. balance

D.nonsense E.temptation

F. responding

G. effectively

H. practice

I.demands J.reasoning

K. delivering

Directions: Fill ineach blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be usedonce. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Embracethe rule of awkward silence

The rule of awkward silence is simple: When faced with achallenging question, instead of answering, pause and think deeply about howyou want to answer. This is no short pause; rather, it involves taking severalseconds (10, 20 or longer) to think things through before 31.

At Apple, Tim Cook has engaged in the 32for years. Back in 2008, a Fortune article said that in meetings, Cook was "knownfor long, 33 pauses, when all you hear is the sound of his tearing the wrapper of the energybars he constantlyeats."

Cook isn't alone in embracing the rule of awkwardsilence. Steve Jobs once took almost 20 seconds to respond to a personalattack, 34 a perfect response.

The rule of awkward silence has always been valuable as atool of emotional intelligence because it allows you to 35thought and emotion instead of simply reacting based on feeling.

Why the rule of awkward silence is more valuable thanever.

We live in a world that36 instant satisfaction. Emailsshould be answered on the same day.Text messages should be answered right now. But there's a major problem withall of this immediate communication: It doesn't leave time tothink.

As in, think37 .

Critical thinking calls for deep and carefulconsideration of a subject. It involves weighing and analyzing facts, and careful 38. And it results in making insightfulconnections.

None of this is possible without time.

And time has become the biggest luxury on the planet.

But when you embrace the rule of awkward silence, yousteal back time. Time that used to be wasted on 39answers.

So, the next time someone asks you a challengingquestion, or even what seems on the

surface to be a simple one, resistthe40to respond with the first thing thatcomes tomind.

Instead, embrace the rule of awkward silence, and thinkbefore you speak.

  1. III.ReadingComprehensions SectionA

Directions: For each blank in the followingpassage, there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in eachblank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Fear is a natural and valuable emotion. It hasgreat survival value for human beings,41

us to fight for survival or run away quickly from a threat. But toomuch fear in the form of chronic


Anxiety is prolonged fear that persists in the 43 of areal threat: after a threat is over, during situations that aren't actuallyvery dangerous, or before a/an 44 threat in the future. When anxiety becomeschronic and 45 your life, it transforms into ananxiety disorder.


anxiety treatment. It works better than drugs,psychoanalysis, and all the other ways we have tried totreat47overtheyears.

Broadlyspeaking, two CBT approaches for treating anxiety have 48 : coping andexposure. Coping is changing how you think, evaluating threats more accurately,and building confidence in your abilityto49a threat so that you are gradually lessafraid. Exposureis

50experiencingwhat you are afraid of, proving your terrible predictions of disastertobefalse, until your fear naturally dies down.The most recent data show that both approaches help, but exposure can workfasterand51larger, longer-lasting reductions inanxiety.

If yousuffer from anxiety, you can apply the latest and most effective procedure forexposure, called restrictive learning. Itwas 52bya team of therapists and researcherswhopublishedtheir results in 2014. This specialexposure53will help you overcomeanxiety asrapidlyandcompletelyaspossible.

The mosteffectivecoping54usedin CBT and related therapies includecopingplanning,cognitive flexibility, and distress tolerance. They areresearch-tested,55effectivetechniquesthat willimprove and strengthen your anxiety recoveryprogram.

41. A. persuading

B. remembering

C. expecting

D. preparing

42. A. jealous

B. painful

C. innocent

D. conscious

43. A. abstract

B. existence

C. absence

D. continuation

44. A. potential

B. essential

C. available

D. sustainable

45. A. instructs

B. challenges

C. stimulates

D. dominates

46. A. effective

B. objective

C. invisible

D. significant

47. A. pressure

B. ignorance

C. anxiety

D. depression

48. A. described

B. emerged

C. protected

D. supervised

49. A. overlook

B. simplify

C. remark

D. handle

50. A. purposefully

B. vigorously

C. sincerely

D. passionately

51. A. breaks through

B. turns down

C. results in

D. works out

52. A. composed

B. developed

C. predicted

D. symbolized

53. A. commitment

B. evidence

C. assessment

D. process

54. A. strategies

B. behaviors

C. responses

D. examples

55. A. naturally

B. probably

C. highly

D. initially

Section B

Directions: Read the following two passage. Each passageis followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of themthere are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits bestaccording to the information given in the passage you have just read.


People are motivated to doactivities by many different factors. For me the main factors that are involvedare competition, the desire for achieving greatness, the satisfaction ofcompleting projects, and enjoyment.

Since I am a twin, a sense ofcompetition is deep rooted in my brain. Healthy competition can push us to dofantastic things. It makes us strive for a certain goal and gets us to dothings faster. However, I do not think competition should become harmful. Whenanger, frustration, and depression is a result of competition, it is nothealthy. Yet, competition can bring about respect, friendship, and mutual gain.In the case with my twin brother, we have pushed ourselves to be

good at sports, music, school, and even atwork. This competitive spirit has leaked into my life without my twin around.In a sense, I reproduce my twin brother in other people. I always try to benumber one at whatever I do - or at least in the top three. There are timesthis attitude becomes unhealthy, as I get frustrated if I give everything to acompetition or activity and produce only average results. But as the yearspassed, I have gotten better at handling failure and defeat. All in all, Ithink I finish and do well in many areas of my life for the simple fact that Iwant to do well in them. The feeling of doing well against competent opponentsis satisfying.

I enjoy the feeling of completingan important project. For instance, last year, I finished a poetry collectionwith my late father's poems and my own poems. It was an honor to him and hiswork. In a way, I felt that his death was not in vain and that his work wasproved even more through this collection. It is hard to describe the moment ofknowing when such an important project is set to rest: it is almost like youare ready to die. You sense that a chapter of your life has closed and you arenow a new person. These deep emotions motivate me to complete projects on aregular basis.

The simplest factor that motivatesme to do something is enjoyment. There are people who do activities they do notenjoy for decades. I am not one of those people. I can work on tasks I do notlike for a while, but in the end, my main focus should be on something that Ienjoy. If I find joy in doing a certain work, I engage in it for a large partof the day, or even all day without tiring. Tirednessinmostcases,inmylife,isduetoalackofenjoymentintheworkbeingdone.

Each person has his or her ownmotivating factors. I hope this reflection has allowed you to dip deeper intoyour true nature.

  1. 56.Theauthor mentions his twin brother (Paragraph 1) toshow

  1. A.thepeerofcompetition B.the root cause ofcompetition

C. thecompetentopponent D.the competitivepartner

  1. 57.Bythe poetry collection, the authorintendsto.

  1. A.honorhis father and himself for years tocome

  1. B.describethe sense of a chapter of his newlife

  1. C.allowhis father to rest and get himself to ready todie

  1. D.appreciatethe satisfaction of completingprojects

  1. 58.Whatattitude does the author take towardstasks?

  1. A.Hefeels angry, frustrated and depressed in histasks.

  1. B.Heenjoys the tasks that other people are reluctant todo.

  1. C.Heworks without tiredness if he takes pleasure intasks.

  1. D.Heusually lacks enjoyment in the tasks beingdone.

  1. 59.Whichof the following might be the best title of thepassage?

  1. A.Motivation B.Competition C.Reflection D.Satisfaction


The Classic road trip is more popular than ever. Here areseveral places to hit the open road.


The Colorado Tourism Office hasmade it easy for road-trippers to explore the state's 24 Scenic HistoricByways. A new microsite includes an interactive map that enables travelers toexplore options by region, interest or season. Travelers seeking inspirationcan also access insider tips and side-trip suggestions within more than 150Colo-road Trip itineraries. The flexible itineraries offer suggestions forhistoric attractions, active adventures and highlight cultural opportunities.


Visitors who travel this extraordinary path experiencethe visual landscape of Montana,

Wyoming and Yellowstone Park, home to theAbsaroka and Bear-tooth mountains. The windy, cliff-hugging 68-mile stretchintroduces road explorers to one of the most diverse(多样的)ecosystems accessible by auto.Amazingly beautiful, this All-American Road display wide

highlands, painted with patches of ice blue lakes,forested valleys, waterfalls and wildlife.


The road that connects Anchorageto Seward is a 127-mile treasure, including natural beauty, wildlife andstories of adventure and endurance. Take a day or several to explore the regionthat has earned three-fold recognition as a Forest Service Scenic Byway, anAlaskan Scenic Byway and an All-American Road. The drive begins at the base ofthe Chugach Mountains, hugs the scenic shores of Turn-again Arm and windsthrough mining towns, national forests and fishing

villages as you imagine how explorers, furtraders and gold prospectors might have fared back in the day. Expectwaterfalls, glaciers(冰川),eagles, moose(驼鹿)andsome good bear stories.

(4)TheLighthouse Trail,Maine

Travels the 375 miles betweenKittery and Calais, Maine, visiting lighthouses along the way, and learn aboutthe dangers that seagoing boats and their crew endured along the rocky


who kept the lights burning brightly. Ifpossible, visit the Maine Lighthouse Museum, where artifacts and hands-onexhibits for children provide an attractive break.

  1. 60.Whatis special about each place mentionedabove?

  1. A.Touristsof Colo-road Trips are provided with adaptable plan oftrip.

  1. B.Visitorsto the Bear-tooth Highway can enjoy the autodisplay.

  1. C.Driversalong Seward Highway can appreciate the treasureunderground.

  1. D.TheLighthouse Trail offers travelers seagoing boats to row in thesea.

  1. 61.Whichplace favors kids according thepassage?

  1. A.Colo-roadTrips. B.The Bear-toothHighway.

C. SewardHighway,Alaska. D.The Lighthouse Trail,Maine.

  1. 62.Thebest title for thepassageis.

  1. A.Storiesof adventure alongroadtrips B.American popular roadtrips

C. Recognition forclassicplaces D. All-American highwayjourney


According to Oxford Dictionaries,morality means: "Principles concerning the distinction between right andwrong or good and bad behavior." Though morality is a rather subjectivesubject, there are some principles that are universal across all cultures foundby an Oxford University study: "help your family, help your group, returnfavors, be brave, obey superiors, divide resources fairly, and respect others'property". The fact that these morals are found across 60 cultures fromaround the world demonstrates that morality, though subjective, is the

cornerstone of keeping our societies together.Here are some reasons to be moral: without morality, a social life is almostimpossible to maintain; having a good reputation and having a clear

conscience is psychologically healthy; and mostphilosophies regard unselfish and principled behavior as important.

There is no doubt that withoutmorals, a society cannot function effectively. A confused situation wouldappear. According to the Society of Morality, "We are social animals, andthe actions we take - the things we do and the things we don't do - haveconsequences on our environments and on the others around us. As a result, weneed to be able to govern our behavior in the near term so as not to injureourselves or our community in the long term. This system of controlling ouractions and our thoughts in order to operate in a community is what we oftenrefer to as morality". Therefore, we need a set of morals in order tooperate within a social circle and a social environment. Acting immoral usuallyresults in being excluded from social activities or being avoided by a societybased on laws and cultural standards.

Besides acting moral having a sociological need, it alsohas a psychological basis. Most

people are concerned to some extent about theirreputation. According to PsyPost, "A lot of economic models of humanbehavior assume that people are only rational(理性的)when they narrowly pursue their own self-interest,but history shows us that people are also tremendously

concerned with being and appearingmoral". So, the fear of one's reputation being damaged is often a strongmotivator to be moral. And if someone has been immoral, most people go out of theirway to make sure no one finds out, or to correct the behavior in order to notbe caught. This goes in line with conscience as well. People generally feel ina better psychological state if they feel that their conscience is clean. Adirty conscience can result in a lack of sleep, anxiety, internal stress, andeven illness.

On the side of philosophy, thestudy of ethics(伦理)comesinto play. Most philosophers

agreethat one should rationally choose a set of standards of behavior in order tofunction. Though thereismoralrelativism,thereareuniversalanthropological(人类学的)morals,asmentionedin theintroduction.Bythenatureofoursocietiesandcultures,wechoosewhatwebelieveisright

and wrong. But surprising, this rationalbehavior comes to a general agreement on morals. So, there is a fine linebetween moral relativism and moral absolutism. But the main thing to take awayfrom this discussion is that philosophers generally believe that 3eachindividual has the right to rationally come up with a set of ethics to live by,and that it is healthy to do so.

  1. 63.Theauthor discusses morality (Paragraph 1) inorderto.

  1. A.explainthe relationship between morality andculture

  1. B.describethe moral rules found all around theworld

  1. C.contrastthe distinction between right andwrong

  1. D.introducethe definition, principles and reasons ofmorality

  1. 64.Itcan be inferred from thepassagethat.

  1. A.actingmoral allows us to fit into groupsbetter

  1. B.moralitybrings the system of controllingbehaviors

  1. C.actingimmoral weakens laws and culturalstandards

  1. D.Ourcontrolled behaviors establish sets ofmorals

  1. 65.Whichof the following is the psychological basis for actingmoral?

  1. A.Pursuitofself-interest. B. A cleanconscience.

C. The concernaboutreputation. D. A dirtyconscience.

  1. 66.Whatdoes the author advise us to do according to the lastparagraph?

  1. A.Toreach a general agreement on morals based onethics.

  1. B.Tocarve one’s own sense of ethics to operate in thisworld.

  1. C.Tochoose between moral relativism and moralabsolutism.

  1. D.Toexclude philosophers’ beliefs and solutions aswell.

Section C

  1. A. The robots also carried an iPad that allowed for remote video communication with a health care provider.

  2. B. Upto30percentoftheparticipantsreportedthattheywereconcernedwiththeroboticsystem.

  1. C. Researchers from MIT and Brigham and Women’s Hospital recently set out to answer that question.

  2. D. Currently the process requires several people toperform.

  1. E. However,thequestionstillremainedwhetherpatientswouldbereceptivetothistypeof

Directions: Readthe passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in thebox. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two moresentences than you need.

Therobotic doctor will see you now

In the age of social distancing, using robots for somehealth care interactions is a promising way to reduce in-person contact betweenhealth care workers and sick patients. However, a key question that needs to beanswered is how patients will react to a robot entering the exam room.

(67). In astudy performed in theemergency department atBrighamandWomen’s, the teamfound that a large majority of patients reported that interacting with a healthcare provider via a video screen fixed on a robot was similar to an in-personinteraction with a health careworker.

“We’re actively working on robots that canhelp provide care to maximize the safety of both the patientand the healthcareworkforce.(68). Ina larger onlinesurvey

conductednationwide, we also found that a majority of respondents were open to havingrobots perform minor procedures such as taking a nose swab(拭子).” says Giovanni Traverso, an MIT assistant professor ofmechanical engineering, and the senior author of the study.

After the Covid-19 pandemic began early last year,Traverso and his colleagues turned their attention toward new strategies tominimize interactions between potentially sick patients and health careworkers. To that end, they worked with Boston Dynamics to create a mobile robotthat could interact with patients as they waited in the emergency department.The robots were equipped with sensors that allow them tomeasure vital signs, including skin temperature, breathing rate, and pulserate.(69).

The study suggests that it could be worthwhileto try to develop robots that can perform procedures that currently require alot of human effort, such as turning a patient over in bed, the researcherssay. Turning Covid-19 patients onto their stomachs has been shown to improvetheir blood oxygen levels and make breathingeasier.(70).AdministeringCovid-19tests isanother task that requires a lot of time and effort from health care workers,who could be arranged for other tasks if robots could help performswabs.

  1. IV.SummaryWriting

  1. 71.Directions: Read thefollowing three passages. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of thepassage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far aspossible.

What Makes an Ideal Friend?

To say what an ideal friend is isnot the easiest thing to do. Each person has his or her own opinion of what onewould be. However, speaking generally, these are certain features that mostpeople consider characteristic of an ideal friend. Loyal, trustworthy, and opento show weakness are common qualities that the majority of people attach toideal friends.

Loyalty is a usual quality givento ideal friends. According to Psychology Today, “Loyalty is valued early on inall of our relationships, from the time we make our first friendships. We needfriends who won’t spill our secrets to others, gossip about us, or allow othersto criticize us”. The worst action between friends is not keeping one’s word.

Ideal friends are also usuallyreferred as being trustworthy. In a statement by Psychology Today, they saythat, “Trustworthiness is often the “make or break” element in anyinterpersonal relationship. Any unfaithful action, regardless of recognizeddegree, can destroy a relationship. Trustworthiness consists of severalelements, including honesty, dependability, and loyalty, and while each isimportant to successful relationships, honesty and dependability have beenidentified as the most vital in the area of friendships”. In light of this, auniversal complaint of friends is a lack of honesty, and this is at the heart ofbeing trustworthy.

In line with being honest is alsothe ability to show one’s weaknesses. According to the Book of Life, “The idealfriend doesn’t try to prove how powerful and successful they are; on thecontrary, quite often they let us know awkward and potentially embarrassingthings about themselves. They show how much they trust us by confessingfailings and sorrows which would open them up to possible disgrace from theworld beyond. They offer us the gift of their defenselessness.” That openness istreasured, as to be close to an individual, one must be willing to share his orher true feelings and states.

  1. V.Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using thewords given in the brackets.

  1. 72.他在会上的发言引起了专家和网民的热议。(arouse)

  2. 73.许多在大都市里奋斗的人向往慢节奏生活的乐趣。(long)

  3. 74.该车成功地将艺术与技术融为一体,自投放市场以来,需求量一直很大。(Having...)

  4. 75.看到员工们认真负责的态度和独具匠心的制作工艺,我突然明白这家老字号店铺为什么 会经营几个世纪而经久不衰。(It)

  1. VI.GuidedWriting

  1. 76.Directions:Write anEnglish composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given belowinChinese.


表、电脑、电视机中,你更喜欢哪种电子设备?请你给该报调查专栏的编辑写一封信,内容 须包括:

  1. 1.你更喜欢以上哪一种电子设备?

  2. 2.你的理由。


1-5BADCB 6-10DCADA 11-13ABD 14-16CBA 17-20DBDA

21. but/though/although 22.has been /istold 23.that/which 24.haverisen/been/arerising 25.at 26.toimprove 27.should 28. involved 29.Others

30. arguing

31-35FHAKC 36-40IBJDE

41-45DBCAD 46-50ACBDA 51-55CBDAC

56-59 BDCA 60-62 ADB 63-66DACB

67-70 CFAD


One possible version

Being loyal, trustworthy,and opent o show weakness are generally considered as shared qualities of anideal friend. Exactly speaking, an ideal friend should remain faithful first.Second, honest and dependable. Finally, she/he is open to share unpleasant andtricky things with friends.

  1. 72.His speech at the meetinghas aroused/ arouse a heated discussion among experts andnetcizens.

  2. 73.Manypeoplewhostruggle/workhard/striveinbigcities/metropolisesarelonging/longtoenjoy/longforthepleasure/funofaslwopacedlife.

  3. 74.Havingsuccessully intergrated/ combined / mixed art with technology, the car has beeningreatdemandsinceitwasfirstintroduced/launchedintothemarket.

  4. 75.Itsuddenlystruk/occurredto/dawnedonmewhythistime-honored/oldstore/this store witha long history has been operating and enduring for centuries, when I saw/noticed/ observed the serious and responsible attitude and unique techinques/craftsmanshipofitsworkers/staff.


