发布于 2021-05-09 13:08 ,所属分类:中小学英语考试学习资料

Recovery from serious sickness is not always smooth. As with the human body, so with the economy. The American economy has been bouncing back from the deep recession associated with the Covid-19 pandemic—but the latest monthly jobs report by the Bureau of Labour Statistics, published on May 7th, looks like quite a setback. Some economists had expected that 1m jobs or more might be added to non-farm payrolls in April. In fact just 266,000 were. March’s figure was revised down, too (although February’s was marked up). The unemployment rate, which had tumbled from 14.8% in April 2020 to 6% in March, ticked up to 6.1% last month, as more workers were drawn back into the labour force.
The past seven days has been a picture of two pandemics. Among the world’s richest nations, lockdowns and well-resourced vaccine campaigns, which have monopolised the early global supply of doses, have brought down infections and deaths. Economies have slowly opened. Restrictions have been lifted. Life has crept closer to normal, giving the false impression of an end in sight to the global pandemic. In reality, as the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom, pointed out, more cases have been reported in the past two weeks than in the entire first six months of the pandemic, with South Asia bearing the brunt.
过去的七天是两次大流行的景象。在世界上最富有的国家中,封锁和资源充足的疫苗运动垄断了早期的全球剂量供应,降低了感染率和死亡率。经济已经慢慢开放。限制已经解除。人们的生活已经逐渐接近正常,给人一种全球流行病即将结束的假象。实际上,正如世界卫生组织(WHO)主席泰德罗斯·阿达纳姆(Tedros Adhanom)所指出的那样,过去两周报告的病例比流感大流行前六个月报告的病例要多,南亚首当其冲。
France’s president sought to turn the tables on the Biden administration following its call for vaccine patent waivers, accusing “Anglo-Saxon” countries of hindering global supplies of life-saving jabs. Emmanuel Macron said the debate over intellectual property sparked by the US was a sideshow compared to existing barriers to the export of vaccines and ingredients, and the need for voluntary schemes to share doses with poorer countries.
在乔•拜登(Joe Biden)政府呼吁豁免疫苗专利后,法国总统埃马纽埃尔•马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)试图扭转局势,他指责“盎格鲁-撒克逊”国家阻碍了救命疫苗的全球供应。马克龙表示,与现有的疫苗和原料出口限制措施、以及自愿与较贫穷国家分享疫苗的紧迫性相比,美国掀起的有关知识产权的辩论只是一个小问题。
On Monday, David Swensen Despite a long fight against cancer, he taught his usual class about investing in his beloved Yale University. Two days later, one of the best money managers in history finally Succumbed Died at the age of 67.The investment industry has created more than a fair share of rogue buccaneers and ruthless tycoons, unfortunate failures and reckless scammers. In Swensen, who has run his school’s $ 31 billion donation since 1985, even if he changed the industry that manages it, it seemed to be a rare ascetic and uninterested in wealth. “A really great painter is someone like Picasso who changes the paint of others. David Swensen has changed the way everyone who is serious about investing thinks about investing.” Charles Ellis, Chaired the Yale University Fund between 1997 and 2008.
周一,大卫·斯文森(David Swensen)尽管与癌症作了长期的斗争,但他还是像往常一样在他钟爱的耶鲁大学里面教学生如何投资。两天后,历史上最优秀的基金经理之一终于在67岁时去世。投资行业创造了相当一部分流氓海盗和无情的大亨,不幸的失败者和鲁莽的骗子。斯文森从1985年开始管理学校310亿美元的捐款,即使他改变了这个行业,他似乎也是一个罕见的禁欲主义者,对财富不感兴趣。“真正伟大的画家是像毕加索这样能改变别人画作的人。大卫·斯文森改变了每个认真投资的人思考投资的方式。
The more complicated answer is that it takes years to build semiconductor fabrication facilities and billions of dollars—and even then the economics are so brutal that you can lose out if your manufacturing expertise is a fraction behind the competition.
Yet, as our special report explains, the least noticed disruption on the frontier between technology and finance may end up as the most revolutionary: the creation of government digital currencies, which typically aim to let people deposit funds directly with a central bank, bypassing conventional lenders.
Technological change is upending finance. Bitcoin has gone from being an obsession of anarchists to a $1trn asset class that many fund managers insist belongs in any balanced portfolio. Swarms of digital day-traders have become a force on Wall Street.
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