Despite modern society's heavy dependence on fossil fuels for energy, most people are aware that the supply of these fuels is finite. As oil, in particular, becomes more costly and difficult to find, researchers are looking at alternative energy sources, including solar, wind, and even nuclear power. But which substitute—if any—is the right one?
Solar panels catch energy directly from the sun and convert it into electicity. One of the world's largest solar power stations is located near Leipzig, Germany,where more than 33,000 solar panels have the capacity to generate enough energy to power about 1,800 homes. But unlike the burning of fossil fues, the process used to create all that solar energy produces no emissions.Today, however, solar power provides less than one percent of the world's energy, primarily because the cost of the panels is still very high. And price is only one issue. Clouds and darkness also cause solar panels to produce less energy, which requires one to have additional power sources (such as batteries) available.Some scientists think the solution to this problem can be found in space—which they say is the ideal place to gather energy from the sun. With no clouds and no nighttime, a space-based solar power station could operate constantly. These stations would send the power back to Earth, which could then be turned into electricity for consumption.Advocates of solar space stations say this technology would initally require a lot of money, but eventually it could provide continuous, clean energy that would be cheaper than other fuels. Also, unlike other energy sources, solar power from space wil last as long as the sun shines, and will be able to guarantee everyone on Earth all the energy they need.Wind—the fastest-growing alternative energy source—is another way of collecting energy from the sun. Wind is caused by the sun?x-oss-process=image/format,webp" style="max-width:100%">All over Europe, incentives designed to decrease the dependence on oil and coal have led to a steep increase in wind-powered energy. Today, Europe leads the world in wind power, producing almost 35,000 megawatts, the equivalent of 35 large coal-powered plants. North America remains a distant second, producing just over 7,000 megawatts.

Windmills on hilltops creating clean green energy, in California, U.S.A.
Despite its successes, some oppose wind-power development, saying the turbines are both noisy and ugly. Just outside England's Lake District, a protected national park, seven wind towers are planned, each about 40 meters (130 feet) tall. Many locals are protesting. "This is a high-quality landscape," says one local homeowner. "They shouldn't be putting those things in here."There are other challenges, too. If the wind doesn't blow, the turbines are not able to produce adequate energy. As a result, other power sources are needed. In contrast, a strong wind can create too much power. In cases like this, the energy company must sell the extra power at a much-reduced rate, which is not good for business.What's needed for both wind and solar is a way to store a large energy surplus.However, most systems are still decades away from making this a reality. On the plus side, both wind and solar enable people to generate their own energy where they live: People can have their own windmill or solar panels, with batteries for calm days.In the 1970s, nuclear was seen as the main energy alternative. Nuclear power produces vast amounts of electricity more cheaply than gas or coal, with no carbon emissions. For a number of years in the 1980s and '90s, however, use of nuclear power declined due to accidents, concerns about nuclear waste storage and disposal, and high construction costs.Today, times are changing. Worldwide, about 432 plants now generate 13 percent of the planet's electric power, and some countries have invested heavily in nuclear energy. France, for instance, gets three quarters of its electricity from nuclear power, the highest of any country. China has started to build one or two new plants a year, and lndia has also begun to utilize nuclear energy on a large scale. However, there are still concerns about the safety of nuclear power, as seen most recently at the Fukushima (福岛) nuclear power plant in Japan. The country had to close its nuclear reactor when the plant was hit by a tsunami and, as a consequence, began releasing substantial amounts of radioactive materials. Many still believe, however, that nuclear power is one of the future's greenest energy alternatives.In the end, is any of these sources alone the answer to our current energy problems? The short answer is no, but used in some combination—along with other power sources— we may find ways to reduce and eventually eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels.A turbine is a machine that uses water, steam, or wind to turn a wheel to produce electricity.
lf you have a surplus of something, you have more of it than you need.

Multiple Choice
Choose the best answer for each question.
1. What is this reading mainly about?
a. possible replacements for fossil fuels for energy
b. the various causes of the energy crisis the world over
c. the benefits of solar power over other alternate energy sources
d. problems caused by our overdependence on fossil fuels
2. In paragraph 2, the word emissions is closest in meaning to
a. panels
b. electricity
c. pollution
d. accidents
3. Which of these statements about solar energy is stated in the text?
a. Solar is currently the biggest contributor to the world's energy.
b. Solar energy is cheap to produce due to the low price of solar panels.
c. Solar space stations could be the solution to the energy crisis.d. Solar energy can have a harmful effect on the environment.
4. What is NOTmentioned as a disadvantage of wind power?
a. Strong winds produce too much power.
b. Strong winds can damage the turbines.
c. The turbines create a lot of noise.
d. The turbines are seen as ugly.
5. Which of these statements is true about nuclear energy accordingto the reading?
a. It is a more expensive form of energy than coal or gas.
b. It produces a lot of carbon waste.
c. Safety concerns made nuclear energy unpopular forseveral decades.
d. Nuclear energy is becoming less popular than otherenergy sources.
6. Which country gets most of its power from nuclear power?7. Which question is closest in meaning to In the end, is anyof these sources alone the answer to our current energy problems?a. Is there an energy source that can solve all of our energyb. Can our current energy problems be solved by makingsure we stop burning fossil fuel?c. Can we solve our energy problems by using all the alternatived. ls finding a new alternate to fossil fuels the only way tosolve our energy problems?

Using a Venn Diagram to Classify Information
One way to classiy information is to organize it in a Venn diagram. (维恩图,利用图形的交合来表示多个集合之间的逻辑关系) These diagrams are used to visually compare and contrast information and to examine relationships. A Venn diagram is made of overlapping circles. Most contain two circles, although some contain three or more.A. Classification
Work in a group of three. Write your names on the lines in the diagram. Then match each description (a-g) with the person(s) it describes. If the information doesn't apply, do not includeit.a. is tall b. isastudent c. is male d. has ajob e. is wearingjeans f. likes coffee g. can drive |  |
Match each description(a-g)with the energy source it describes.a. fastest-growing energy source today b. expensive to produce c. produces no carbon emissions d. there are safety concerns e. lack of constant power supply f. requires a way to store surplus energy to be effective g. unpopular with nearby residential communities | 

A. Completion.
Complete the information using the words from the box.Three words are extra.capacity dispose
equivalent finite
guarantee steep
substitute utilizeThe Singapore government, realizing that fossil fuels are a(n) 1.( ? )resource, has decided to2.( ? )traditional energy productionwith "renewable energies." As part of this initiative, in 2010, it began to turn Pulau Ubin, a small, undeveloped but inhabited island off the coast of Singapore, into a "green island." The island is now powered entirely by clean and renewable energy.Providing the 3.( ? )amount of electricityas it did before, but without using fossil fuels. Residents on theisland, who used to 4.( ? )old,inefficient diesel-run generators to supply their power,were pleased to 5.( ? )of them..
B. Words in context
Complete each sentencewith the correct answer.
1. Advocates of an idea are(? )it.2. If a country's energy capacity increases, it meansb. it can produce more energy3. A country that utilizes nuclear power probably(? )nuclear power plants.4. Over the last 100 years,(? )has been declining.b. the world's population5. A steep rise in prices takes place over a(? )period6. If you guarantee that something will happen, you(? )that it will occur.Before You Read
Solar power produces no emissions and is infinitely renewable. However, some areas receive limited sunlight, and solarpower cannot be generated at night. Moreover, the solar panels are expensive.2. wind, nuclear, hydroelectric, and tidal powerB.1 and 2.
solar power (Germany), wind power(Europe), and nuclear power (France)
Reading Comprehension
1.a; 2.c; 3.c; 4.b; 5.c; 6.a; 7.a
Reading Skill
Answers will vary.
Wind only: a
Solar only: b
Nuclear only: d
Wind and Solar: e,f
Solar and Nuclear: none
Wind and Nuclear: g
All three: c
Vocabulary Practice
A.1.finite; 2.substitute; 3. equivalent; 4. utilize; 5.dispose
1.a; 2.b; 3.a; 4.a; 5.a;6.a