发布于 2021-11-28 16:53 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯
Allan, my husband, had recently moved up the tennis league's ladder(晋级赛)and would compete against someone at a similar skill level. "Do you know who your opponent is?" asked him. My husband explained that although he knew his opponent's name, he had never met him. That's when I saw a young man about twenty years old at the other end of thereception area.
The young man had large muscular arms and a well-built body. He was using a skip rope at quite a fast pace: I thought he might be warming up for a tennis match. I smiled at my husband and said that might be his opponent. Allan gave me a frustrated(沮丧的)look on his face, remarking it was an unusual way to prepare for a tennis match, as he continued completing his usual warm-up routine.
The league coordinator(统筹者)called out my husband's name, and then she called the young man. I gave my husband a kind of smile that wives give their husbands when they are encouraging them. The coordinator gave them their court number. They introduced themselves to each other, shook hands, and headed off.
The young man was dressed in the latest trendy tennis clothes and looked great. With his muscular body, he could have easily be a star athlete. Allan was at least thirty years older, much less muscular, and dressed in an ordinary tennis shirt and untrendytennis shorts. Allan's focus had always been on good tennis shoes, socks, and, of course, the tennis racket.
When they walked onto their court, the pre-game warm-up began. The young man played with confidence. It was almost as if he was showing his ability. Allan closely observed his various strokes and powerful serves, while casually returning each shot. Then began the game.
The young man quickly won the first round.
The young man was visibly frustrated by the end of the match.
P1 The young man quickly won the first round.
P1衔接句1 He wasfull of confidence at the start ofthe second round, especially when he won the first point.
情节发展1 作为妻子的我在赛场上的反应
情节发展2 Allan在赛场上的冷静应对
情节发展3 赛事发展的结果
衔接句2 The finalscore was in Allan's favor.
P2 The young man was visibly frustrated by the end of the match.
P2衔接句3He was clearlyshocked, having lost to his much older opponent.
情节发展1 赛事结束后,Allan 的反应
情节发展2 赛事结束后,对手的反应
故事结尾句4 The young manregrettedthat he shouldn't have underestimatedthe ability of his opponent.
主题升华句5 His words, kindly expressed, make me realize that no matter how strong your opponents are, you should not focus on the surface and stay confident.
The young man quickly won the first round. He behaved so well-trainedwith a brilliant smile on his face.Nervous thoughI was, I gave Allan encouragement, which seemed to empowerAllan. Quickly, Allan got refreshed. With caution and patience, Allan flip-flopped fromhis normal way of playing the tennis toa more steady one.Then I watched the ball back and forthwith amusement, knowing well that Allanwould tacklethe problem well.Then came the second round.Allan defeatedthe young man by advancing one score.As the game continued,Allan clenched his teeth, giving a final shot.Unexpectedly, Allan went through a narrow victory in the end.
The young man was visibly frustrated by the end of the match It was definitely rather toughfor him who had large muscle to believe that he was defeated by a thirty-year-old man.At the end of match, Allan shook hands with the young man voluntarily, chattingwith him as a long-lost friend. Allan commented, “How fantasticyour performance is! You are the most admirable athlete that I have ever met in my career path. Success or failure is not a big deal. "Hearing that, the young man regretted having overestimated his ability.Their words, kindly expressed, make me realize that no matter how strongyour opponents are, you should notstay focusedand confident.
The young man quickly won the first round. He was full of confidence at the start of the second round, especially when he won the first point.I watched with amusement as they volleyed the ball back and forth, knowing well that Allan's mental toughness would win even after his slow start. Within minutes,Allan won the second round. The game continued, but the young man began to struggle and show his frustration.The finalscore was in Allan's favor.
The young man was visibly frustrated by the end of the match. He was clearlyshocked, having lost to his much older opponent. Allan shook hands withhis opponent as they left the court. They were talkingto each other along the way. I heard Allan say, "It's only a game-there will be others. " Knowing that Allan had been playing tennis for over forty years, the young man regrettedthat he shouldn't have underestimatedthe ability of his opponent. He thanked Allan for the lesson and left.
