原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 证据确凿,铁证如山 smoking gun
发布于 2021-04-09 20:40 ,所属分类:知识学习综合资讯
smoking gun,又是两个极常见单词组成的词组,是冒烟的枪吗?As usual, 如果这么容易就不会在这里做文章了。
A second smoking gun is that if the Sun were responsible for global warming, we would expect to see warming throughout all layers of the atmosphere, from the surfaceall the way up to the upper atmosphere (stratosphere).
Now that Joe Biden has dummied up and pretended that there’s no crisis at the border, it’s instructive to go back and look at how he created the chaos. And we have discovered the smoking gun.
(例句来源:4月2日Patriot Daily Press;图源:bing)
Republicans look for smoking gun on Whitmer’s handling of coronavirus in nursing homes.
"No smoking gun," pro-government Saudi commentators concluded in response to a U.S. intelligence assessment that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had approved the operation to capture or kill journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
“没有确凿证据,”支持政府的沙特评论人士在回应美国情报机构的评估时得出这样的结论: 沙特王储穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼批准了逮捕或杀害记者贾马尔·卡舒吉的行动。
The Senate got smoking-gun evidence of Trump’s guilt.
(例句来源:2月13日The Washington Post;图源:bing)
It was the tapes of Richard Nixon discussing Watergate from the White House that ultimately became the famous “smoking gun” that persuaded many members of his own party to turn against him.
(例句来源:2月10日The New York Times; 图源:bing)
smoking gun
[sing.](informal)something that seems to prove that sb has done sth wrong or illegal
N-COUNTAsmoking gunis a piece of evidence that proves that something is true or that someone is responsible for a crime.
This memo could be the smoking gun that investigators have been looking for.
The search for other kinds of evidence tying him to trafficking has not produced a smoking gun.
"Smoking Gun"
I get a constant busy signal
When I call you on the phone
I get a strong, uneasy feeling
You're not sitting there alone
I'm having nasty, nasty visions
And baby you're in every one, yeah
And I'm so afraid I'm gonna find you with
A so-called smoking gun
Maybe you wanna end it
You've had your fill with my kind of fun
But you don?x-oss-process=image/format,webp" style="max-width:100%">And you know that I'm not that dumb
I put two and one together
And you know that's not an even sum
And I know just where to catch you with
That well-known smoking gun
I'm standing here, bewildered
I can't remember just what I've done
I can hear the sirens whining
My eyes blinded by the sun
I know that I should be running
My heart's beating just like a drum
Now they've knocked me down and taken it
That still-hot smoking gun
Yeah, yeah, still-hot smoking gun
They've taken it, the still-hot smoking gun
Oh, they've taken it, still-hot smoking gun
They've knocked me down
And taken it
smoking gun,作为确凿证据还是非常好理解。刚射击过的枪,枪口一定会冒烟。如果开枪人被抓到时,手上正好拿着冒烟的枪,那他一定开过枪了,即“证据确凿,铁证如山”。
Etymology ofSmoking Gun
All sources appear to agree on the idea that the saying comes from a similar expression in a 1893 Sherlock Holmes story,The Gloria Scott, in which Arthur Conan Doyle wrote:
'The chaplain stood with asmoking pistolin his hand,'
From that point, the phrase was used to conjure up the image of a killer holding a gun that was just fired as he stands over a dead body.
Checking withNgramthe expression seems to have become popular only from the 70's, probably during the Watergate investigation:
Nixon defenders insisted that while much impropriety could be observed, no proof of presidential obstruction of justice - 'no smoking gun' - had been found. (The Prase Finder)
Recap:本篇我们一起了解时闻英语中常见词组smoking gun的意思。
smoking gun:表示 确凿证据。注意它是不可数的。
古人云,若要人不知,除非己莫为。今人说,天网恢恢,疏而不漏。这样的情境下一定会留下smoking gun.
The smoking gun for their affair isthatsomeonesaw them together in the hotel.
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原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “枪击连绵众生苦,争先恐后把命逃”: scramble
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “尔曹身与名俱灭,不废江河万古流”: testy
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “三推四阻,七拖八延”: stonewall
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “三观不合,争执不休”: at odds
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “引火烧身”: backlash
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “移花接木,偷梁换柱”: doctor
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “进退两难”: catch-22
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “淡化”: water down
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “谁能告诉我,是对还是错”: right wrong or wrong right
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “溜须拍马”: curry favor
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原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – 今日大"瓜”: egg et al
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原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “面对现实”: face the music
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “输不起”: sore loser
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “大人物”: big shot
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “黑球 or 白球?”: blackball
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – 公平机会:fair shot
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原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – “胜负难分”: too close to call
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原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – 此“帽”非彼“帽”也: cap
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – "炒作": hype
原创/趣说时闻英语词汇 – 选边站队:side with