《美国大学英语写作》6.1 Base 1: Unity
发布于 2021-09-05 17:00 ,所属分类:初中作文学习资料
PART 1 Essay Writing
2.The Writing Process
2.1 Prewriting(1)
2.1 Prewriting(2)
2.2 Writing a First Draft
2.3 Revising
2.4 Editing
2.5 Review Activities
3.1 Step 1: Begin with a Point, or Thesis
3.2 Step 2: Support the Thesis with Specific Evidence
3.3 Practice in Advancing and Supporting a Thesis(1)
3.3 Practice in Advancing and Supporting a Thesis(2)
4.1 Step 3: Organize and Connect the Specific Evidence
4.2 Introductions, Conclusions, and Titles
5.1 Revising Sentences(1)
5.1 Revising Sentences(2)
5.2 Editing Sentences
5.3 Practice in Revising Sentences
6.1 Base 1: Unity
6.2 Base 2: Support
6.3 Base 3: Coherence
6.4 Base 4: Sentence Skills
6.5 Practice in Using the Four Bases
This chapter discusses these four bases—unity, support, coherence, and sentence skills—and shows how the four bases can be used to evaluate and revise a paper.

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