发布于 2021-08-31 13:39 ,所属分类:中小学阅读学习资料
drug-poisoningdeaths hit new record in England and Wales
【1】Deaths fromdrugpoisoningin England and Wales have reached a record high, with a growing number of peopledyingafter usingcocaineandopiates, data shows.Charities said the figures showed there was a public health emergency , with thepandemicnegatively affecting those withaddictionproblems.
【2】In2020,4,561people died fromdrugpoisoning– the equivalent of79.5deaths per million people. This is3.8% higher than figures for2019and the highest number since records began in1993. Two-thirds (2,996) ofdrugpoisoningdeaths in2020were related todrugmisuse,accountingfor52.3deaths per million people.Menaccountedfor more than two-thirds of deaths frompoisoningin2020, adisparityconsistentwith previous years. The highest rate ofdrugmisusedeaths was found in those aged45to49, closely followed by those aged40to44.Approximately half of all the deaths frompoisoningin2020involved anopiate– pain relief medication such ascodeineandfentanyl– and777deaths involvedcocaine, which is9.7% more than2019and more than five times the number recorded a decade before.The rate ofcocaine-related deaths among women has increased by more than800% in the last10years, from16deaths in2010to158in2020.
【3】The latest English and Welsh drugsmisusestatisticsshow Scotland’s rate of drugs deaths – those related tomisuseandaddiction– continues to be far higher than in other UK nations.Last week National Records of Scotland, thestatisticsagency, said in2020a record1,339people died fromdrugmisuse. The new ONS data shows that Scotland’s percapitarate ofdrugfatalities is4.8times higher than that in England and Wales.
【4】 Eytan Alexander , arecoveringdrugaddictand chiefexecutiveof UKaddictionTreatment Centres, said the rise in England and Wales ofcocaine-related deaths was “especially unsurprising … given that [thedrug] is soreadilyavailable and as easy to order as a Deliveroo ”. “We’re living in aparallelpandemic: adrug,alcohol, andmentalhealthpandemicthat has only worsened due to thevirus. Enough is enough … we need to come together as a society and take real action.”
【5】Rates ofdrug-relatedpoisoningwere60.9% higher in2020than in2010. The rate has increased every year since2012; the increase from2019was notstatisticallysignificant.Dr Emily Finch , thevice-chair of the addictionsfacultyat the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said years of cuts had leftaddictionservices ill-equipped. She said more funding was needed “and people living with adrugaddictionmust have access to thementalhealth support theydesperatelyneed ”.
【6】Clare Taylor, the national director of operations at Turning Point, which runsdrugandalcoholrecovery services, said the figures showed a public health emergency that needed an immediate response.“Covid-19hasimpactedon the nation’smentalhealth, but the effect ofisolation,financialinsecurityand fear has hit many of those who were alreadyvulnerable, including people with a history ofdrugoralcoholproblems, and some people have notreceivedthe support that they needed,” she said .
【7】 People born between1970and1979haveconsistentlyhad the highest rates ofdrugmisusedeaths for the past25years. In2020, the highest rate ofdrugmisusedeaths for the eighth year running was in the north- east, while the lowest rate was in London.

