
发布于 2021-09-05 10:51 ,所属分类:初中作文学习资料




Competitiveness is a positive quality for people to have in society. How does this competitiveness affect individuals? Do you think it is a positive or negative trend?


先来个头脑风暴,have a try~




In this contemporary era which features high pressure and fierce competitions, owning core competitivenessin onespecific domain is a powerful tool on modern people’s way to success, as a result of which, it is not uncommon to see that an increasing number of individuals spare no effort and energy to achieve this goal.
There is no doubt that the vital role that the superior competitive capability plays in the success of individuals is widely accepted. First and foremost, such a character serves as an essential means of motivation to push people to work harder and acquire more skills, hence contributing to a more prosperous career path since when people are aware of the significance of keeping making progress and striving to be the first, they tend to be moreproductive. It is competitiveness that enables individuals to equip with self-motivation and self-discipline that are deemed as indispensable factors for overcoming barriers as well as resisting temptation when devoting to work or studies. Additionally, people with stronger competitive ability are more likely to have courage and persistence to challenge tasks which cannot be completed by ordinary people,in other words, they are more capable to break down the routine as well as to fight for what they believe in.

Unfortunately, people who lose this feature are hardly to pursue their goals or make themselves come out on the top.Vicious competition, however, is often thought to be connected with the greed or an addiction to power. In that case, those people easily slip out of control and head for crime. What’s worse, such a conduct would have an adverse effect on the interpersonal relationship, making people more selfish and self-centered who would turn a blind eye to people around them. For instance, when children are frequently infused the importance of competing with peers, there is a greater possibility that they would refuse to share information, give a helping hand or even adopt a hostile attitude towards others who are regarded as a potential competitor, which is definitely in contradiction with teamwork highly promoted in modern society.

In a nutshell, competitive ability is one of the most crucial characteristics for human beings, which gives us goals and pushes us to lead a life filled with satisfaction and glory. However, it is worth mentioning that the excessive pursuit of this quality can trigger a series of side effects on the moral values as well as human relations.



【背景信息+作者观点】In this contemporary era which features high pressure and fierce competitions, owning core competitivenessin onespecific domain is a powerful tool on modern people’s way to success, as a result of which, it is not uncommon to see that an increasing number of individuals spare no effort and energy to achieve this goal.



【语料积累】spare no effort and energy to do sth.尽全力做某事


【积极影响】①There is no doubt that the vital role that the superior competitive capability plays in the success of individuals is widely accepted. ②First and foremost, such a character serves as an essential means of motivation to push people to work harder and acquire more skills, hence contributing to a more prosperous career path since when people are aware of the significance of keeping making progress and striving to be the first, they tend to be more productive. It is competitiveness that enables individuals to equip with self-motivation and self-discipline that are deemed as indispensable factors for overcoming barriers as well as resisting temptation when devoting towork or studies. ③Additionally, people with stronger competitive ability are more likely to have courage and persistence to challenge tasks which cannot be completed by ordinary people,in other words, they are more capable to break down the routine as well as to fight for what they believe in.

【论点】】①There is no doubt that the vital role that the superior competitive capability plays in the success of individuals is widely accepted.


【影响一】②First and foremost, such a character serves as an essential means of motivation to push people to work harder and acquire more skills, hence contributing to a more prosperous career path since when people are aware of the significance of keeping making progress and striving to be the first, they tend to be more productive. It is competitiveness that enables individuals to equip with self-motivation and self-discipline that are deemed as indispensable factors for overcoming barriers as well as resisting temptation when devoting to work or studies.


【语料积累】serve as an essential means of doing sth.作为一个做某事的重要手段

【语料积累】equip with配备/装备

【语料积累】be deemed as indispensable factors for doing sth.被认为是做某事不可或缺的因素

【影响二】③Additionally, people with stronger competitiveability are more likely to have courage and persistence to challenge tasks which cannot be completed by ordinary people,in other words, they are more capable to break down the routine as well as to fight for what they believe in.


【语料积累】break down the routine打破常规


【消极影响】①Unfortunately, people who lose this feature are hardly to pursue their goals or make themselves come out on the top. Vicious competition, however, is often thought to be connected with the greed or an addiction to power. In that case, those people easily slip out of control and head for crime. ②What’s worse, such a conduct would have an adverse effect on the interpersonal relationship, making people more selfish and self-centered who would turn a blind eye to people around them. For instance, when children are frequently infused the importance of competing with peers, there is a greater possibility that they would refuse to share information, give a helping hand or even adopt a hostile attitude towards others who are regarded as a potential competitor, which is definitely in contradiction with teamwork highly promoted in modern society.

【影响一】①Unfortunately, people who lose this feature are hardly to pursue their goals or make themselves come out on the top. Vicious competition, however, is often thought to be connected with the greed or an addiction to power. In that case, those people easily slip out of control and head for crime.


【语料积累】vicious competition恶性竞争

【语料积累】slip out of control失控

【语料积累】head for crime走向犯罪

【影响二】②What’s worse, such a conduct would have an adverse effect on the interpersonal relationship, making people more selfish and self-centered who would turn a blind eye to people around them. For instance, when children are frequently infused the importance of competing withpeers, there is a greater possibility that they would refuse to share information, give a helping hand or even adopt a hostile attitude towards others who are regarded as a potential competitor, which is definitely in contradiction with teamwork highly promoted in modern society.


【语料积累】adverse effect不利影响

【语料积累】turn a blind eye to sb.对某人视而不见

【语料积累】adopt a hostile attitude towards sb.对某人采取敌意态度

【语料积累】in contradiction with与…相矛盾


【发展旅游业】In a nutshell, competitive ability is one of the most crucial characteristics for human beings, which gives us goals and pushes us to lead a life filled with satisfaction and glory. However, it is worth mentioning that the excessive pursuit of this quality can trigger a series of side effects on the moral values as well as human relations.


【语料积累】excessive pursuit过度的追求

【语料积累】trigger a series of side effects引发一系列副作用

综上所述,范文的结构是:开头段(背景信息+作者观点)+主体段一(积极影响=努力+勇气)+主体段二(消极影响=犯罪+自私)+ 结尾段(总结=有利有弊),这也是观点类写作的作文结构








