
发布于 2021-08-09 19:25 ,所属分类:初中作文学习资料





小作文:线图 (继续命中)


The chart illustrates the average price of monthly plans from four cell phone contractors in aEuropean nation in the first three quarters of 2002.

Overall, there was an increase in the figures for all companies, except for Sim TX whose price remainedunchanged over the period shown. In addition, the monthly cost of Alpha’s contract experienced themost remarkable growth.

Alpha originally offered the lowest price in the beginning of 2002 at only 5 euros per month. The priceremained relatively stable during the next 5 months before a surge to 25 euros in September, whichmade Alpha the most expensive contractor examined. Meanwhile, Domo’s users had to pay thehighest price for the majority of 2002 as the price rose gradually from January to July, followed bya slight decrease to about 23 euros by September. Similarly, there was gradual growth in the priceof Lex’s contract, from approximately 12 euros in January to 17 euros in September.

On the other hand, after peaking at 14 euros in June, the average cost of Sim TX decreased andreturned to its original price of 8 euros.

大作文:Some people think that adults should give childrenfreedom to make mistake, while some people think that they are not allowed to make mistake. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


1. 这个题目是双边讨论类的题目,双方的观点有点冲突,但也可以分类讨论。

2. 本题限定了对象是小孩,所以要把孩子很傻很天真的特点写出来!


1. 开头

2. 的确让孩子自己犯错误是有好处的。由于孩子很傻很天真immature emotionally and socially,所以他们对于很多社会和生活上的问题都缺乏正确的判断。所以在一定程度内, 家长允许孩子犯错误,孩子也的确犯了错误,孩子的影响会比较深刻。比如在一些日常生活中,家长让孩子自己去处理他们的宠物和生活作息,在家长的监督下,孩子犯错后,可以得到快速的纠正,他们的感受也比较深刻。

3. 老李有着相反的看法,他觉得让孩子自己去犯错误有不少风险。毕竟这个时候,孩子对于一些社会情况以及生活中的点滴都不大了解,如果他们要去做一些危险性比较高的事,如独自野外游泳,挑战各种极限运动等,后果可能会是家长难以承受的。

4. 我觉得这里讨论的核心还是要看让孩子冒哪种风险,如果是一些客观事实方面的风险,比如把手伸到火力会受伤,这些家长应该避免。而如果是一些主观方面的内容,比如拖延症以及不好的时间管理会导致没发完成作业,这些是可以让孩子去尝试的,毕竟后果无非就是一些批评。所以我觉得得具体事物具体分析。






1. Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(社会)

2. Human activities have negative effects on plants and animal species. Some people think that it is too late to do anything about this problem. Other people believe that effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(环保)

3. In the past, people used to live in the same place in their life. However, it is common that now people change their place where they live several times during their life. What are the reasons for this change? Is this a positive or negative development? 社会

4. Children find it difficult to concentrate on or pay attention to their study in school. What are the reasons? How can we solve this problem? 教育类

5. The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the level of violent crime in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 媒体

6. An increasing number of people change their career and place of residence several times in their lives. Is it a positive or negative development? 工作

7. In modern life, it is no longer necessary to use animals as food and in other products like clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 动物

8.Many customs and the traditional ways of behavior are no longer relevant to the modern life and no worth keeping. Do you agree or disagree? 社会文化

9. As countries develop, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh the disadvantages for the environment?(社会)

10Some people say that arts subject such as painting or drawing should not be made compulsory for high school students. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 艺术

11. The spread of multinational companies and the increase of globalization produces positive effects for everyone. To what extent to you agree or disagree? 全球化

12Some People think that old buildings should be knocked down and give way to modern buildings. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 建筑

13.Some people think that social networking sites have a huge negative impact on both individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?科技

14. Some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the government,while other people think it is a good idea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(政府)

15. Some people think living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 城市

16.In many countries today, people in big cities prefer to live alone or in small family units rather than larger, extended family groups. Is this a positive or negative trend? (社会)




