
发布于 2021-11-17 10:41 ,所属分类:初中作文学习资料



熟悉昆明市中考的读者应该了解,近些年来昆明市一直在使用一种特殊题型:课文填空(3a 填空)(不了解这个题型的请戳这里《2021年中考考生应该熟悉的18篇课文填空》)。出题人希望通过这种考查方式达到两个目的:

  1. 督促考生在备考中巩固基础语法知识。

  2. 督促考生对教科书中的课文篇章进行读背。





1. 增加作文素材积累,提升写作得分表现。

2. 巩固基础语法知识,减少课文填空丢分。



考场写作要求:My last winter vacation

由于疫情,今年我们经历了一个别样的寒假,你是否合理安排并度过了一个有意义的假期?请你用英文以“My last winter vacation”为题写一篇短文,叙述你的寒假生活。


用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使语篇意思完整,必要时请用否定式。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) (下同,题目要求略)




My last winter vacation

What should a good vacation look like? This is a question that is not easy to answer. This is 1.________(particular) true during the pandemic when people lose 2._______(they) freedom temporarily.

My last winter vacation 3.______(be) a little boring because I 4._______(could) go travelling and visit friends as usual. 5._______(however), I was amazed 6._______(discover) that staying at home presented 7._______(a) opportunity to slow down and enjoy life with our loved ones. My parents and I got 8.______(many) time to communicate. We had more time to read. All the family members finished 9._______(read) several books on our book shelf. This was rare in normal days.

Now 10.______(thing) have eventually returned to normal. I realize that the vacation was indeed a valuable one for me.


1. particularly 形容词副词转换

2. their 人称代词和物主代词转换

3. was 谓语动词时态和主谓一致

4. could not/couldn’t 谓语动词的否定式

5. However 大小写规范(连词)

6. to discover 非谓语动词to do

7. an 冠词的使用

8. much 同义词近义词

9. reading 非谓语动词doing

10. things 名词单复数




My last winter vacation

My last winter vacation 1.______(be)unique. The COVID-19 pandemic came suddenly, and all the citizens were required 2.______(stay) at home. 3._______(however),I actually did a lot of meaningful things.

In the first week, I focused on doing math and English homework, and 4._______(quick) finished them. Then, during the Spring Festival, my relatives met on 5._______(a) online conference app. All of 6._______(they)showed up, including those who live in the US. As a result, we felt 7._______(close) than before. Also, I 8.______ (go) for a walk around my house after dinner. My cell phone recorded that I walked for over 10,000 9.______ (step) everyday, which helped me to fall asleep more easily.

This unique experience shows that staying at home 10._______(do) have to be boring at all.


1. was 谓语动词时态和主谓一致

2. to stay 非谓语动词to do

3. However 大小写规范

4. quickly 形容词副词转换

5. an 冠词的使用

6. them 人称代词转换

7. closer 形容词比较级

8. went 谓语动词时态

9. steps 名词单复数

10. doesn’t 谓语动词否定式




My last winter vacation

Last winter vacation was1.________(first) of the most unforgettable 2.________(vacation) in my life. Due to travel restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 outbreak, we 3.________(encourage) to stay at home unless we needed 4.________(go) out for grocery shopping or something urgent.

5.________(me) stayed home mostly during my vacation. Actually, it was relaxing and interesting. I read 6.________(much) interesting books and novels. When my parents were free, we 7.________(play) cards and board games together. My cat was very 8.________(happily) because I spent lots of time with her.

It was 9.________(usual) but we made the most of it. My last winter vacation was special yet 10.________(meaning).


1. one 基数词和序数词

2. vacations 名词单复数

3. were encouraged 谓语动词时态、语态、主谓一致

4. to go 非谓语动词todo

5. I 代词转换

6. many 同义词近义词

7. played 谓语动词时态

8. happy 形容词副词转换

9. unusual 反义词(派生词)

10. meaningful 词性转换




My last winter vacation

Due to the epidemic, I 1. (experience) an unforgettable winter vacation this year with my family. Despite the 2._______(inconvenient)that the epidemic 3._______(have) brought to me, I had arranged my vacation in a meaningful way.

To make our vacation organized and 4._______(effectively), our school planned various online5.______(class) for us to study at home. It gave me a new way 6._______(learn) and communicate with others. Besides, I got knowledge about coronavirus through 7.________(read)and watching news. 8._______(moreover), I learned to help my parents to do the chores in my free time, which made 9._______(we) get closer.

Such days were different from the ordinary ones. However, I find them quite 10._______ (forgettable).


1. experienced 谓语动词 时态

2. inconvenience 词性转换 形容词-名词

3. has 谓语动词主谓一致

4. effective 词性转换 副词-形容词

5. classes 名词单复数

6. to learn 非谓语动词 to do

7. reading 非谓语动词 doing

8. Moreover 大小写规范

9. us 代词转换

10. unforgettable 反义词(派生词)




My Last Winter Vacation

Because of the outbreak of coronavirus, I experienced a 1.______(total) different winter holiday. It 2._____(be) a colorful one , during which I gained 3.________(many) happiness as well.

The vacation was so long that I had to plan 4.______(its) in a reasonable way. 5.______(besides) the routine online classes, I learned cooking. Though I 6._______(could) cook well at the beginning, with the help of my parents I made great progress. I can make several delicate 7._______(dish) by myself now. I also shared some of them with my friends and relatives. The course of 8.______(cook) not only built up my confidence, but also strengthened the relationship between my parents and me.

It was indeed a 9.______(meaning) winter holiday! It might be 10.______(an) unique memory in my life.


1. totally 形容词副词转换

2. was 谓语动词时态和主谓一致

3. much 同义词和近义词

4. it 代词正确使用

5. Besides 大小写规范

6. could not/couldn’t 谓语动词的否定式

7. dishes 名词的单复数

8. cooking 非谓语动词ing

9. meaningful 词性变换

10. a 冠词







